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Old 10-05-2011, 02:35 PM
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reconeil reconeil is offline
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Since Obama and his Top Cop & Enforcer of Americans (mostly law enforcer against non-minority types & U.S. Citizens) constantly Feign Total Ignorance of that: "Fast & Furious" travesty and/or what obviously quite deadly to both Mexican Law Enforcement & U.S. Border Agents,...whom else can be Rightfully (for-a-change) blamed for all such unwarranted deaths occurring from such an Officialdom or Obamadom Stupidity on the U.S./Mexico border???

Granted, Dem Hypocrites or Obamacrats pervertedly have blamed & still blame ex-Prez Bush for most everything under the sun. Such probably would even blame Bush for those 3 Ice Ages that followed world's 3 previous global warmings,...if seriously thought American People would also stupidly believe such. Slow-but-sure,...Americans are starting to wise-up.

Still, those usually Quite Masterful Democrat Failure Excusers most certainly can't blame Bush for this latest GOVERNMENT STUPIDITY and/or officially forcing U.S. Citizen/Taxpayer to Pay For THOUSANDS of Weapons FOR MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS (possibly even weapons for terrorists also).

Hell, never know? Maybe Reid, Pelosi, Biden or even: "His Barackness" himself will step up & take the blame for this latest & many other such OBVIOUS Big Brother FAILINGS, this time?

Hey: "I Can Dream,...Can't I"?

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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