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Old 02-08-2007, 08:28 AM
39mto39g 39mto39g is offline

Join Date: Dec 1969
Posts: 6,380

It is kind of your job, as a follower of Jesus . Just as it is the Job of Muslims to denounce the Extremest, you should also speak up and say that these people don't speak for me, Just as you did to me.


Harry Reid is not running for president and if he was I would hope his views on how to run the country would be voted on and not his religion.

I guess you can take whatever you wish from my post and twist the meaning of a paragraph to suite whatever it is your thinking. However the point was that Voting for or against someone because of there religion is just stupid. and the Predestines and Catholics of Ireland have proven this for a lot of years , Or as I like to call them"avowed mass-killers/assassins/destroyers" . Your words to describe Fanatical Islam fits just fine for those in Ireland (Christan's) .

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