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Old 12-27-2007, 08:15 AM
Senior Member

Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 10,953
Unhappy A World Gone Mad!

Did you attend church services this Christmas past? Did you partake of the words of hope and joy? Did you leave those blessed halls with new encouragement that things would get better, or that a new age was dawning, an “Age of Aquarius” so to speak -well, wouldn’t that be nice? “The daily news, however, aptly portrays a far different scenario!”

Call it defeatism if you wish, but political assassination, eternal warfare, business greed and rising crime rates and moral despair, hardly makes for an encouraging state of affairs!! The old expression of “Mean What You Say” has been bastardized into: “Mean What You Say, but only as long as it benefits you!”

Some time back, I had an experience where a extremely long running case for military benefits was deferred back to the federal government for resolution. In the process, a semi-high-placed public official was called on to testify. This individual then lied like a rug (provably) under oath, and when I called our government’s attention to this, with the offer of a file-full of substantiating documentation, I was asked to submit this evidence - and this I gladly did immediately!

It wasn’t long before a highly placed and highly respected man of the cloth came back to me with his obvious outrage that any member of our government (or bureaucracy) could lie so, and after swearing an oath of truth on the Bible!

This obvious ire was followed by a communication from one of the judges at this federal court, a seated U.S. Senator, a former U.S. Senator, and even a member of the “Holiest of Governmental Holies!” All came back at me to express their disbelief and disgust that a trusted official would do such a thing, or so they said? As a matter of fact, when a member of the apex of power also requested this proof, I immediately and respectfully complied!

What I received from that point on was deafening silence on the part of my government! Could it possibly be that this perjury was orchestrated - “Naw, that could never happen here in our beloved country!”

Yes indeed, with all of the mayhem, bloodshed, cronyism, and a mounting disregard for truth, even from those whom we trust with the welfare of our nation, her people, and our honor, is it any wonder that some envision Armageddon as being just around the corner?

“Whatever happened to our Men For All Seasons?”

VERITAS (Truth), and A Happy New Year To All!
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