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Old 09-14-2016, 11:05 AM
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reconeil reconeil is offline
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I'll try to sort-of-answer your questions: "Why?" and "Why didn't we know they were on the horizon?".

The answer to both is truly quite simple, in that America's enemies rarely (If ever?) INSANELY telegraph or forewarn about Attacks or Attacking Anything (a stupid USA norm), and therefore why mass-murders commonly expected on Soft Civilian Targets (War Criminal Acts) are merely just referred to as; "Sneak attacks".

Hell. If Bush hadn't telegraphed or forewarned invading Iraq for about a year, does anyone think that Hussein's 100 truck convoys (no doubt chuck-full-of: "NON-Existant WMDs") would Now Currently be used against thousands of Civilian Syrians?

Hell again. If: "His Barackness" hadn't forewarned about EVERYTHING he would or would not do (even insanely while giving timetables), do you think ISIS (Russia, China, Iran & North Korea also) would be just as brazen and world threatening as they quite obviously are? Afghanistan is just biding its time.

Telegraphing or forewarning ANY Enemy about ANYTHING is just plain Criminally Stupid.

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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