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Old 01-28-2003, 10:39 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2001
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Default Gots to VENT ......

I was going to do a BiG diatribe RE : Our Esteemed and Multi-Journalistic-Talent... Mr. Hardcore..( drum-roll ), but will just do an add-on.

I just clicked on The DrudgeReport ( Did U know that ABC News sent a memo to their staff NOT to use his website for info..they are too damned lazy to LOOK for stuff ! ) and saw Ms. Sarandon's smiling face. I like her as an actress most times, but for GOD-SAKES lady, keep your mouth shut !!!!!! The latest is, she cannot understand what Blair and Bush have to talk about ( how about PROTECTING their citizens from crazed-Islamic-whackos who cannot wait to collect the 71 virgins... ever hear of Ricin, Sarin, Anthrax, radiation ad nauseum ??? )....... This is so F***ING STOOPID, even by their standards, it is beyond the pale...This on top of that unwashed-little-strange-girl-twerp Jeanenin Garofolo ( shit i don't know how to spell it and don't really care .. ) who when asked about Mr. Pol Pot's 3,000,000+ let's-just-kill-every-living-person-except-the-more-perfect-than-everybody-communists-murder-spree in 1975, said, OH NO !!! , you are wrong, American bombs did that... In many cases their careers are going South, or they have stumbled out of Re-hab STONE-SOBER for the first time in years and just want a little publicity...any publicity ..good..bad..or indifferent...just get your name on the front page.... of ANY DAMNED THING !! I have tried to avoid Barbra S., Jeanine G., Susan S., George Clooney, Mike Farrell, Sean Penn, the Baldwin clan, Madonna, and all the rest, but they seem to be everywhere.
Sort of like the Tribbles in Star Trek. Shit, I enjoy movies. I enjoy the HELL out of them..but this kind of nonsense sure does make one think of the b-word...boycott.. yes, that's the ticket. Whatever happened to > intelligent conversation about foreign policy <, based on at least a slight resemblance to facts, from those who are getting $ 20,000,000+ per movie to "ACT" ?? ......Maybe that is it. They are still in "acting" mode. Acting Stupid. Well you have my personal Oscar you incredibly-asinine-empty-headed-idiots !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
( Does anyone have, or know where to find a list that purports to show all of the "Conservatives or "Republicans" or "Non-liberals " associated with Hollywood and the entertainment industry ? Also, is there a list of all the entertainers who went to Afghanistan to entertain troops, or who go around the world regularly like Bob Hope did ? These folks are the TRUE unsung heroes, IMHO.

My blood pressure has went down 20+ points. I need another beer....

Carry on troops,

this is larry just larry......

I will be climbing off my trusty-war-horse-steed, putting up my sword, and taking off my Berserker ( it is my damned Viking blood on both sides of my family tree ) gear soon and will just resume being the mortardude..

all in small letters this time and not capatilized and no shouting...

prayer needed



My wife has gallbladder surgery on Friday and my dear mother is taking a turn for the worse. She has COPD / emphysema, gout, gallstones, itching, cirrohisis of the liver ( auto-immune PBC .. not alcohol caused ) and is on oxygen in her home 24/7/365. The oxygen is not helping her much anymore.

If you want help getting someone to stop their nicotine-addiction, let them talk to me. I have watched it totally-ruin the lives of the two people in this World I love the most.... my Mom and Dad. I have nothing but utter-disdain for anyone involved with the growing-of-producing-of-or-selling-of this product. Canada has started along the right path by jacking up prices 500% and putting actual pictures of diseased lungs, mouth, teeth, and organs in full-color on the package. This a good start.....


There are some of God's most-fiercest-prayer-warriors on this site. It comes right thru my PC sometimes. Powerful stuff !!! I love ALL of you, even the ones I get pissed off at. Yes, James even you..( just joking dude LOL ! ) If you a have few seconds, just remember us in your prayers and I will do likewise for you.


St. Matthew 16
25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

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