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Old 02-12-2003, 11:22 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee!

'Mornin' folks! Coffee's on! Paper'll be here inna bit! Grab cup and a sit and get yer head wrapped around the idea of wakin' up! LOL.

Mornin' coffee is a place to sit and relax. Kick back and get yer head wrapped around the yer day and maybe enjoy some good company. Listen to other folks visit or join in fer a bit yerself, if only to say "Howdy." Maybe just sit and have a decent cup of joe. It's a time and a place that becomes comforting. It becomes a habit. A good habit. A place to maybe think about things fer a bit that ya wouldn't normally consider or have time to consider. It's a place and a time to look beyond yer situation fer a bit and consider, thoughtfully, where yer at, where yer goin', and maybe how to get there from here. A time to share yer troubles maybe without gettin' screwed with or screwin' with someone else. A time to joke and tease, perhaps, but without meanness or malice. Maybe even a time to consider politics, religion and football! LOL.

Morning Coffee is a friendly place. A refuge from the rest of the world for at least a few minutes outta the day. It's a place out of our past...and a place to look towards the future. A timeless place between dusk and dawn. A place to consider ways of meeting that future without fear of rejection for thinking out loud ...what others dare not say in other venues.

Morning coffee is home. A refuge and what I call, " A place to get out of the weather." It is a sanctuary, however fleeting and temporary, from the storms of life. It is a place to get yer mind and soul refreshed for the day ahead. It is a place wherein you know that you aren't alone, and for a few minutes at least, you are a part of something more than you are by yerself. A place of mundanity. A place of re-freshing. A place of relative peace. It is a social and yet a private place.

Morning coffee is community and community is acceptance. Yer home here.

Leave all that stress and discomfort and pain at the door fer a bit and kick back and relax.

Warm up yer coffee, folks. It's a good day! What? Hell yer alive ain't ya! That's a pretty good start! It's a new opportunity! A new chance to get it right! A new opportunity to get it better maybe. Take advantage of it!
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