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Old 04-11-2003, 07:10 PM
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PHO127 PHO127 is offline

Join Date: Jun 2002
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Default Thank You Sis

During its time in SE Asia the Special Forces Special Augmentation Group (Cover assignment for Military Assistance Command - Studies and Observation Group) had approximately 2,000 officers and NCOs assigned to it (total) Of that, approximately 930 were assigned to Group 31 (Ground Studies). Group 31 MAC-SOG is the only military unit to have suffered a 100% casualty rate. Group 31 was organized into approximately 70 Reconnaissance Teams (RTs), Spike teams, Hatchet Teams, and SLAM companies. They controlled approximately 8,000 indigenous and mercenary forces. The RTs operated as light or heavy teams with 1 or 2 US and 3 or 4 indigenous or 3 US and 6 or 7 indigenous forces. Their primary mission was strategic reconnaissance, Hunter Killer Teams, POW Snatch missions, Bomb Damage Assessment and other Special missions as directed. I was a proud member of MAC-SOG Command Control South, Group 31 RT Lighting (The Lighting Team). Based out of FOB Quan Loi. I operated primarily in the Angles Wing and Parrots Beak areas of Cambodia but have done a couple of missions in Southern Laos. My RT was made up of Khmer Rouge Mercs and they were as fine of Guerrilla fighters as you could ever have served with. My 11 was SFC Zacary Watson. My operations NCO was SFC Jim Farrell. (Retired as SGM of Ranger School at Ft. Benning) Now lives in Macon Georgia.
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