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Old 06-07-2003, 09:39 PM
1IDVET 1IDVET is offline
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Default Re: Well 1IDvet,

Originally posted by Gimpy I don't think (I went back and read what I said) I called you any "names". But, if I did---I apologize---It's not my intent to start a "name calling" fiasco. But, I believe YOU'RE the one that started "refering" to things like "communists" and such, huh??

Gotta challenge you on this one Gimpy:

Gimpy 04-21-2003 07:49 PM
that your repugnant (opps, I mean republican) brethren have heaped upon us.
Naw---I'm over that. It's just that the "NEW" repugnant party (damn I did it again!) is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO damn far to the RIGHT it's starting to look a little like that little Austrian fellers political party of the 1930's and 40's. Now don't get me.....

wrong---I'm NOT sayin that ALL republicans are like that---just the so-called leadership of this current "bunch" of "cowboys" and Wall street "phenoms" and their coporate, theiving cohorts!

1IDVET 06-05-2003 11:58 AM
He also quoted that liberal communist rag the LA Times
Nice try with the spin brother.

Here's a run down:
These are quotes where the word Liberal, Communist, Socialist, Republican, Conservative, etc., were used in a post.

Gimpy 04-21-2003 07:49 PM
that your repugnant (opps, I mean republican) brethren have heaped upon us.
Naw---I'm over that. It's just that the "NEW" repugnant party (damn I did it again!) is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO damn far to the RIGHT it's starting to look a little like that little Austrian fellers political party of the 1930's and 40's. Now don't get me wrong---I'm NOT sayin that ALL republicans are like that---just the so-called leadership of this current "bunch" of "cowboys" and Wall street "phenoms" and their coporate, theiving cohorts!

Gimpy 04-22-2003 07:51 AM
I'm NOT saying that Gee-Dubya is another "Hitler" and ALL republicans are "facists"----But, I AM saying that those among us that are NOT "aware" of what "history" WAS ----may well be aiding it's "resurgence" by blindly supporting all that is being suggested by the leadership in Washington
Maybe you're sniffing to much of that "mesquite" smoke on your Bar-B-Que down yonder in "Cowboy" land to gret a REAL grasp of "reality", huh??

1IDVET 04-22-2003 02:58 PM
In my opinion, the democratic party has shot itself in the foot, whilst it was in their mouth, during this adventure in the Middle East.
The liberals have taken this fine state into a $35 billion deficit, think the voters won't notice?

Gimpy 04-22-2003 04:09 PM
REALLY trying to "blame" someone (or political party) for the mess you guys are in----you HAVE to start with then Republican Gov. Pete Wilson and the republicans in the State legislature that pushed so hard to have this bill signed into law back then.
"Conservative" estimates place the costs to taxpayers for this Kenneth Lay & Enron led debacle that screwed California somewhere near $40 billion!

Gimpy 04-23-2003 05:33 AM
Now, let's see if I've got this NEW republican math figured out now Supermathmatician
Your attempt at "logic" once again has shown the true "nature" of the "right-minded" folks in control of "your" party now. Subvert, deceive, deny culpability in any wrongs, and continue to "hammer" the other side (liberal OR moderates---it makes no difference, they'll ALL be a "threat" to this NEW math you so proudly speak of) But, "your boy" Gee-Dubya--a republican--goes into office
Sounds like a good, sound, well thought out republican response to me awright
Yea, their "blameless" allright----they must be using that NEW republican math your proposing, huh Super??

Gimpy 04-23-2003 07:56 PM
He's gettin as bad as some of his ULTRA-right-wing zealots on the radio with all that "insane" nonsense he's spoutin about. He'd have you believe that ALL so-called "liberals" are supposedly "tainted" in their beliefs and actions. There are just as many "tainted" right-wing lunatics in the republican party as there are "tainted" folks in the democratic party. He just dosen't want to admit it.

A typical "right-wing" response----deny, deceive and disavow ANY and/or ALL explicit, non-exculpatory evidence that may offer any "truth" to the charges at hand!
Gimpy 04-26-2003 09:48 AM
Talk about your "side-steping"----typical repugnant (damn, there I go again) I meant (or did I??) republican answer.

Gimpy 04-26-2003 03:13 PM
"all-knowingly" reason for your supposed answer for being "embarrassed" to ask a black person the reason they OVERWHELMINGLY vote against "your" repugnants????
Typical "right-wing" behavior.

Gimpy 04-26-2003 08:48 PM
"similar thinking authoritarian-hypocrits".
Let's see, Gimpy 8 1IDVET 1

Gimpy 05-29-2003 08:53 AM
Republican "politics" at their best!

Gimpy 05-29-2003 03:18 PM
Soooooooooooooo, it appears that its the "same old, same old" with the republicans-

Gimpy 05-29-2003 06:43 PM
with G-dubya and the republican congressional leadership when arriving at their "closed door

1IDVET 05-30-2003 08:29 PM
So much for the typical liberal nonsense!

Gimpy 05-31-2003 06:53 AM
Maybe NOW you'll "understand" what the REAL truth is about those so-called "compassionate conservatives"!!!

and before you say it----yea, I pretty much "bash" the other "side" of the political spectrum frequently as well. BUT, and I defy you to prove DIFFERENTLY! Probably 98% (or more) of MY accusations and condemnations of the "REPUBS" are SOLELY directed at their piss-poor record of deception, denial and disgusting LACK of support of miliatry veterans (another point of factual information I defy you to subvert with your right-wing rhetoric).
YOU on the other hand are in "lock-step" with most of the radical of right-wing extremists that your "party" has to offer
How in the name of hell can you DENY that these so-called "patriotic, flag-waving, so-called Christians of the moral right" are donig nothing BUT screwing the eyes out of us while "waving that flag"?????
Gimpy 5 1IDVET 1

Gimpy 06-05-2003 06:17 AM
so-called "compassionate conservative"--ever again, never--nada--not-on-your-life--and here's just one reason---Remember when he (GEE-DUBYA) clamied that "a promise made should be a promise KEPT" to all those Veterans

1IDVET 06-05-2003 11:36 AM
More: ?Sen. Bob Graham, a Florida Democrat who is running for president, suggested in a CNN interview on Sunday that the Bush administration

1IDVET 06-05-2003 11:58 AM
He also quoted that liberal communist rag the LA Times

Gimpy 06-05-2003 01:57 PM
ultra right-wing, fanatical lunatic of a so-called radio celebrity Rush Limburger ain't the number one screwed up dude of the MOST "biased" type, huh??

1IDVET 06-05-2003 02:02 PM
You liberals are so screwed up in the head it's funny.

1IDVET 06-06-2003 05:48 AM
Yes I did say communists, which is what I think democratic liberal socialism is all about.

Gimpy 06-06-2003 07:41 AM
ultra-right-wing-fanatical-goody-goody-supossedly-know-it-all-what's-best-for-everybody, but can't keep his head out-a-his-ass long enough to see the truth if it bit him there
(the ultra-right-wing factions of the Republican party)

1IDVET 06-06-2003 09:03 AM
Just some of the socialistic tendencies are. Those are what I will argue against.

The dictionary battle
Gimpy 06-06-2003 11:08 AM

1IDVET 06-06-2003 11:42 AM

Gimpy 06-06-2003 01:03 PM
BTW I never did equate "conservatism" or "right-wing" with "fascism" (Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, etc.) now did I??? But, it has LONG been known and history has recorded that is in fact the case, huh??
I suppose that from now on any of us that feels when the "right" side (conservatives)of the political spectrum is advancing their positions it's OK to refer to those folks as "fascists", HUH

Gimpy 06-06-2003 05:38 PM
(not MY opinion---but HISTORICAL facts!) the "right-wing, ultra-conservative" elements in Germany, Italy and Japan in the early 20th century
However, the "mainstream" right-wing media is portraying ANYONE who "disagrees" with Gee-Dubya and his gang as ALL a bunch of "leftist, commie-sympathising-UN-American, traitors"

Gimpy 06-07-2003 01:37 PM
Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity---two SHINNING examples of "compassionate conservatism" if there ever was one!

1IDVET 06-06-2003 04:00 PM
As for conservative talk radio, it works, conservatism is based in logic and reason, where as liberalism is an emotions based forum.
Gimpy 6 1IDVET 7

Total is:
Gimpy 19

I didn't start this crap Gimpy, have a little decency will ya?
Freedom isn't free.
I'll be polite. I'll be professional. But I have a plan to kill everyone I meet.
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