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Old 06-18-2003, 06:42 AM
Senior Member

Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 10,930

America, like Australia of a few decades back, had vast tracks of idle land, with great potential and limited population. The resources in the "Land of Fosters (Beah, or Beer if you prefer)" were magnificent!

Australia, like the USA, hungered to develop these natural wonders and "God Given Gifts", and as such, sought to entice bodies to the Land Down Under!

Here in the United States, and even the states themselves (as individual entities), we strode to share the wealth and become the world's premiere example of what the "Good Life was all about!"

Have you ever seen some of those young ladies who are enticed into prostitution, both here and abroad? Pristine, clean and gorgeous many of them! However, after continuous contact with those who seek beauty, but are themselves decayed (Physically, Mentally or Morally), the "Beauty Itself, Often Becomes The Beast!"

Attempting to elevate some foreign nations in living standards, ethical behavior, equal rights, tolerance, and even thought, is a noble, though most often fruitless goal! A goal in which your own people are bled, butchered, abused and often used in the painful process! "The mentality of the cave is, after, all a hard mind-set to shed!"

If "National Security" is the reason for our forays into the jungles of man, then at least the intent is worthwhile! If trying to change several millennial of habits and customs is the aim, then you may as well attempt to climb K-2 using only your teeth! Why do we always assume that people want to change, just because their way of life seems deplorable to us. In reality, however, many of these "19th. Century Bastions of Human Depravity", although envious of what we have here in America, seek our kindnesses as an open-ended gift, minus the labor, minus the obligation, minus the laws, minus the gratitude, and most of all, minus us!

When one attempts to elevate an entity being swept away in the gutter, he sometimes finds himself sucked into that same gutter!

Does this mean that we should not make the attempt? "Of course we should, but we should also know when to pull the plug! But apparently, we have never learned this lesson!

Lastly, we must learn to (quickly) identify those who thrive and capitalize (Mentally and financially) upon those in dire straights, as well as those who make a living touting the seedier side of life, both from the inside and from the affluent sidelines! "These, beasts are, in my opinion, the true enemies of mankind, no matter where on Earth they reside!!

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