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Old 07-01-2003, 07:13 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 10,955
Thumbs down Attacking The Dead!

Some politicians are drawn from the ranks of dropout undertakers, slapstick comics, or unemployed shit-shovelers (opinion)! Their ethics are nil, their consciences non-existent, and their penchant for other?s pain is beyond belief! Yet when it is their corpulent asses that are caught in a vice, they scream like hell, from which some of them came!! ?Hey, it?s all just politics, right?!?

When, however, political attacks are leveled against the dead, and that merely to besmirch the opposing political party in an upcoming election, then who among us cries (indignantly) enough?

This is not a ?Party Thing?, but rather a battle between absolute power v common humanity! A battle in which the highly placed author sits obscurely behind a pond-full of toadies and piranha, acting like he (or she) is unaware of the filth oozing in around his knee-caps!

Such is the case with the Kennedy Clan. If a Kennedy farts, within moments, the whole nation knows what he had for dinner! And come on fellas, I would be willing to bet that ?NOT ONE? in absolute power has not played around at one time or another. ?They just didn?t get caught!!? But then hypocrisy is a mainstay of advancement of body, and the loss of soul!

Case in point (and it aint political, but rather just viciousness):

The life style of John Kennedy Jr., his planned divorce, and what side he parted his hair on, are now being aired, and you can bet your life it ain?t by the Democrats. The man is dead (plane crash), and he will never pose a political danger to any Republican, save for those who fear ghosts! And the only reason that I can see for these post-mortem attacks is to further blacken one political party prior to the 2004 national elections!

Ain?t it a shame what depths some creatures will sink to for power and fame! Hey, I hear that Falla (FDR?s dog) was a little gay? By god man, that should be grounds for voting Republican, some 59 Years later shouldn?t it!?

And while we are on the subject of human frailty, let?s hit on Grant (a drunk), Eisenhower, who had a thing going with a secretary, and even Lincoln, who?s wife Mary was as crazy as a loon, or so it was written!?

Man, ain?t none of you ?Political Punks? got nothing positive working for you, or is the new agenda of election, one in which you merely have to prove that your opponent is a ?Bigger Bastard? than you are? If so, ?I betcha that those will be really close races!!?

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