Thread: An Act Of War?
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Old 07-21-2003, 12:30 PM
Seascamp Seascamp is offline
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Without being handicapped with specific knowledge, I would assume that financial inducements and awards become available to those who would make open season on US Troops. I would further assume these inducements and awards were not available prior to actually having targets available to take potshots at. Maybe it?s something akin to ?money talks and BS walks?, but in reverse. So then, wading and sloshing around in a cesspool not of our making or choosing has a definite down side and costs beyond measurable bucks. Now, if we further slide into this mess and decide to do another stupid deal where we put troops at great risk without proper back up, then we learned nothing from Somalia. All due respect to Sec. Powell, but if State is running this deal in Monrovia, I have grave fear the next ugly intense episode will find our Troops under equipped or under armed because we perceive the need to have some stupid ?happy face? on. I wish I could have some cause for optimism when it comes to State and their stir-stick crap, but I don?t. Some call State ?foggy bottom? but I?m not sure it?s that good. Maybe they have a case of long-term institutional fog and mental fog, I don?t know, but they sure run with their front wheels in a ditch a lot. And this has all the earmarks of another wild ride of Mister Toad.

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