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Old 06-09-2008, 05:22 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default $137 bbl oil? WHATS UP WITH THAT CONSERVATIVES??!!

In regards to the "There is no Magic Wand" message put out by the Bush administration it needs to be pointed out that in 2000 George Bush was talking completely out of the other side of his mouth:
"...Gov. George W. Bush of Texas said today that if he was president, he would bring down gasoline prices through sheer force of personality, by creating enough political good will with oil-producing nations that they would increase their supply of crude.
"I would work with our friends in OPEC to convince them to open up the spigot, to increase the supply," Mr. Bush, the presumptive Republican candidate for president, told reporters here today. "Use the capital that my administration will earn, with the Kuwaitis or the Saudis, and convince them to open up the spigot."

So......Hows that working out, repuglicans??? Where's that magic personality now??Did the force of George Bush's personality keep the price of gas low??? Did he "use the capital that my administration will earn, with the Kuwaitis or the Saudis, and convince them to open up the spigot."..."

How well did that work out?? the cost of a barrel of oil just went UP another $10 on Friday! To $137bbl!!

This is just another of the vapid empty promises that george Bush was elected on and his lala-land polcies have ledthe country to complete disaster in almost every aspect. Bush has tried to get OPEC to lower prices or increrase production twice in the last year----hows that worked out?

When George Bush took office oil was $17/bbl----now its $137bbl, EIGHT TIMES the price it was when he took over. This is UNPRECEDENTED!! There's never been an eight year period when the price of oil went up EIGHT TIIMES!! I guess all the previous presidents in history were just lucky??

There's more of this idiocy:
"..."Ours is a nation that helped Kuwait and the Saudis, and you'd think we'd have the capital necessary to convince them to increase the crude supplies," he said...."

Well you'd think so, wouldn't you, but Bush has produce no evidence of it in the last 7+ years. Bush believes in keeping his hands off business unless he's bailing them out. Here's how much capital we had: NONE of the Middle East nations joined the Coalition of the Paid, not even our ally Turkey

"...Asked why the Clinton administration had not been able to use the power of personal persuasion, Mr. Bush said: "The fundamental question is, 'Will I be a successful president when it comes to foreign policy?' "
He went on to suggest, as he did in answer to other questions, that voters should simply trust him.
"I will be," he said in answer to his own question about whether he would be a successful president. "But until I'm the president, it's going to be hard for me to verify that I think I'll be more effective."

So Bush promised to be a more efffective President than Clinton---and the cost of oil went up 8 TIMES and he DOUBLED the national debt.

So the verdict of history has come down and it has shown george Bush to be a liar who made empty promises he didn't have prayer of keeping.

Vote Democratic in November---America can't afford another repuglican president!!

USS Repuglican policy
When you can't think what to do, throw a grenade
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