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Old 09-15-2003, 10:51 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default Re: exLRRP

Originally posted by Sgt_Tropo Are you saying that those who attend, worship and are in leadership positions within their church of choice should have no say in political things ?

Not at all--what is there in tht post that makes you think that? Doesn't say that at all. youre making asumptions that are not valid.

Why is it that you attack someone who is active in a Christian church organization for speaking out on a political issue, but don't do the same for those using the Islamic podium or Buddist or other platform ?
"and the first things that should be looked at are people like Pat Roberson and Jerry Falwell who use their churches to cover up their multimillion dollar incomes YET STILL USE THEUR CHURCHES TO PUSH THEIR POLITiCAL AGENDAS!!! "
Thats an atack?? I was a paratrooper and thats what we called talking nice. You DON'T think the immense wealth and power of threse men are worth looking into?? You certainly have a lot more faith in extremely wealthy men than I do--Gosh, I bet you would if we were talking about Jesse Jackson.
And I hope you don't think these two men in particular aren't using their religious pulpit for political purposes--that would be to confound reality, they have whole tv channels that do nothing but slam liberals all.
I don't really have all that much problem with them doing it--it IS freedom of speech, including their political dontions as the Republicans have made so clear--I just don't think they should have their tax exempt status
That IWS what the original post was talking about, wasn't it?

Christian people have a right to free speech too.

Give me a break, Sarge--do you really think Christians don't have free speech in this country, gobs of it, tons of it?? Its all over the airwaves

In the days before WW1, it was the "Christian Right" who advocated supporting our allies in Europe, while the "policticall correct" were espousing the isolationist viewpoint.

You must know that the opposition from the war came primaily from conservatives who were th main isolationists
There was plenty of good reason not to enter the wa, this i a complex subject not to be dealt with in a few entences

While I agree that there are those few who use the pulpit to further their own riches, these are indeed in the vast miniority.

I'll wait the judgement call on more scientific data

However, the vast majority of those in the pulpits and in church leadership positions, use their right of free speech to point out things that need to come to the light tom protect our nation and national offices. An example is the sexual inproprieties of Clinton, while the press and others chided the "religious right" for their "procecution" of Bill and Hillary.t

Again, not at all--the media jumped on this one right away--it was really the firstbig triumph of conservative media, ala Fox, owned by Rupert Murdoch, sleaze magnate to th world.
It was a whole big media circus right from the beginning. It was the conservative media and conservatives themselves who kept the lipsmacking over semen stained dresses going.

Free speech must work for all or free speech will cease to be free.

I'll be the first to agree with that, it's a very liberal notion

My $0.02 worth.
When you can't think what to do, throw a grenade
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