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Old 01-13-2004, 02:27 PM
Nigel Brooks²°°³©

Posts: n/a
Default Re: Vietnam Veteran question

"Dave Thompson" wrote in message
> "Randy Cox" wrote in message
> news:bu1au0$
> >
> > The low quality of your post and the gutter level of your language tells

> me
> > that you are unworthy of dialogue. I'll not bother a point by
> > point....points are lost upon you. In my post, you'll find that I use a
> > quote "Nits make lice........" It was uttered by a white man as he and

> > associates including Cherokee skewered conservative Cherokee babies

> > bayonets after this mixed group of Indians and enraged whitemen over ran

> > winter sanctuary of Thunderbolt warriors and many children under their
> > protection at Yahoo Falls. My own family abandoned the open hostility

> > the whiteman and public conservative ways of the Thunderbolt Society

> > this extermination event. The survivors moved into Alabama and lived as
> > white men to keep their ways hidden from people like you that their
> > offspring which have walked these lands for ten thousand years from

> > run through with swords by laughing men with big mouths and small

> >
> > I am from a Native American family with family members killed by the

> > tribe and conquesting Americans. I have written of these things; they

> a
> > part of the struggle of man.....and self-determination.
> >
> > You appear incapable of grasping the overall complexity of my position,

> > we shall speak no more of these things. People like you are usefull at

> the
> > front, but are of little use after the struggle has moved from the guns

> > the meeting of minds. Your gun is bigger than your brain. We approach
> > things from different levels. You just wouldn't understand.
> >
> > Good Day,
> > Randy R. Cox
> >

> The overall complexity of your position? It is to laugh. What ever
> miseries your ancestors may or may not have endured created the life you

> currently living.
> Self determination? You obviously have plenty in that you are wasting an
> inordinate amount of time here generating noise and no substance. Did you
> really think you could waltz into groups that clearly attract veterans and
> postulate they are all evil, baby killing robots and NOT get rejection and
> resistance?
> Moved into Alabama? Were you Cherokee from elsewhere trying to displace

> Echota or Chicamauga? Perhaps you were of the Cherokee whose passion was
> destruction of the Creek. Which was it? Spare me the "My people were

> on so you have to treat me differently." crap. My great grandmother was a
> full blooded Creek Indian. Were your ancestors the SOB's who displaced

> village and people in 1814?
> The point in all this? Everyone alive has an ancestor who has been
> displaced, killed, raped, enslaved by some other group. Life is for

> now, not in some romanticized past where 90% of children died before their
> 5th birthday and the average man lived to age 35.
> Get over yourself and your self pity.
> --
> Dave Thompson
> (The Other)

I'm still pissed of at the fucking Romans for what they did to my people -

Nigel Brooks

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