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Old 01-22-2004, 08:38 AM

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Default Re: How John Kerry Helped Hanoi Jane During JFK's Vietnam War! Kerry Call Viet Vets' "Baby killers" JFK - H

>f Goldwater had been elected instead of "If you elect me President,
>no American boy will set foot on Asian soil", we would have gone
>down-town Hanoi the first week he took office and there wouldn't be a


Exactly. GWB didn't play diplomatic footsy in the court of world opinion. He
massed his troops at the border and drove straight to Baghdad and unseated
Saddam. In Vietnam we should have done the same thing to Ho Chi Minh in Hanoi.
The communists of the world would have seen our determination and resolve and
the Cold War might have ended in the mid-60's. Instead, we abandoned an Ally
and communism was encouraged to take countless more lives and spread more

Best Regards

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