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Old 02-17-2004, 10:39 AM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: Kerry Signed Up With Jane Fonda's "Fu*k the Army" Tour To Undermine U.S. Troops

On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 0758 -0600, COL RSJ wrote:

>>I guess you hadn't noticed the FACT that there's not only a
>>concentration camp, but they're also making "expansions" to also inclue
>>Gee, why do they need crematoriums for, hmmmmmmmmmm?

>Mental health help is available in your area now. Get it.

I see you've met MHirtes. Don't worry: He just THINKS he's
After Kerry returned from Vietnam he became an antiwar
activist. But was he really? In 1972 he threw his
medals away to protest the war. Years later it turned
out that he had thrown someone ELSE'S medals away and
kept his.

Ask yourself this: Would Patricia Ireland burn someone
else's bra? Then doesn't this make Kerry a fraud?
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