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Old 10-21-2008, 11:15 AM
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Is Obama Going To Hawaii to Protect His Birth Certificate?

Depending on who you ask Senator Barack Obama is going to Hawaii to visit his ailing grandma or to work the Hawaiian courts to prevent the release of his birth certificate. Purveyors of the second theory point to the fact that when Obama was in Hawaii two months ago he spent so little time with the woman he threw under the bus during his race speech. They also mention that granny just isn't that sick.

Andy Martin
recently filed suit in Hawaii demanding that the State turn over Obama's Birth Certificate, His claim is that Obama is really in Hawaii to fight the suit. More Below

Source Israel Insider"Barack H. Obama II has suspended his involvement in his campaign for at least two days to go to Hawaii, purportedly to visit his ailing grandmother.

But the sudden trip to the 50th state coincides with an aggressive campaign by Obama nemesis Andy Martin to legally compel Hawaiian authorities to release birth records that Obama has refused to make public.

And, in a separate Federal Circuit Court case filed by Philip Berg in Pennsylvania to force Obama and the Democratic National Committee to prove that the candidate is in fact a "natural born citizen," Obama and the DNC have failed to respond within a federally-mandated 30 day period, opening the door to a procedural argument that failure to respond represents an admission of the plaintiff's claims that the Democratic nominee is a Kenyan and/or Indonesian citizen, but not a "natural born" citizen of the United States.

The sudden Obama decision to visit Hawaii has triggered broad skepticism, coming as it does in the critical last two week of the close election campaign. Obama's 85-year-old maternal grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, was first brought into the campaign when he sought to show that she, as a "typical white woman", held what the candidate claimed were racist fears of aggressive black men. He brought her up in the context of saying that he could not disown her -- despite her alleged racism -- any more than he could disown his pastor of twenty years, Jeremiah Wright. Obama visited her only very briefly during his summer vacation in Hawaii, and he didn't visit her when she was in a Honolulu hospital last week. There is no indication that her condition is life-threatening.

But Andy Martin, an anti-Obama columnist, says the real reason for Obama's emergency trip is to stop his own pursuit of birth records, including an emergency writ to the Hawaii Supreme Court to request expedited handling after a previous filing to demand that the State's Department of Health release the records. "Obama did not pay any attention to his grandmother until I showed up in Honolulu," he wrote in an email. "Suddenly she is the center of his attention. She is so central to his campaign that he has suspended it! But when Obama was here last summer he only visited his grandmother for an hour. One hour! Now he suspends his campaign for her?"

The Berg-initiated legal action is also pressing the Obama campaign. On September 15, as part of his federal lawsuit contending that the Illinois senator is ineligible, pursuant to the U.S. Constitution, to serve as president of the United States, Philadelphia attorney Philip Berg served Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee with a request for admission, which, on October 6, Barack Obama and the DNC acknowledged getting but then attempted to persuade the court to stay discovery and to dismiss the suit. However, Federal Rules require that a response to a request for admissions be served within the 30-day time limit, and Barack Obama and the DNC have not done so.

Therefore, this morning, Berg is filing two motions in district court in Philadelphia: a motion requesting an immediate order deeming his request for admissions served upon Barack Obama and the DNC on September 15 admitted by default, and a motion requesting an expedited ruling and/or hearing on Berg’s motion deeming the request for admissions served upon Obama and the DNC admitted. Berg contends that the failure to respond and serve the response within the time limit is "damning."

“They did not file answers or objections or anything else to the request for admissions we served upon them on September 15,” Berg said. “They knew the admissions were due. They knew they must object or answer specifically in 30 days. Here, they did nothing.”

The admissions that Berg asserts Barack Obama and the DNC have, at least procedurally, admitted to, include the following:

-Admit you were born in Kenya.
-Admit you are a Kenya “natural born” citizen.
-Admit your foreign birth was registered in the State of Hawaii.
-Admit your father, Barrack Hussein Obama, Sr., admitted Paternity of you.
-Admit your mother gave birth to you in Mombasa, Kenya.
-Admit your mother’s maiden name is Stanley Ann Dunham a/k/a Ann Dunham.
-Admit the COLB [Certification of Live Birth] posted on the website “” is a forgery.
-Admit you were adopted by a Foreign Citizen.
-Admit you were adopted by Lolo Soetoro, M.A. a citizen of Indonesia.
-Admit you were not born in Hawaii.
-Admit you are a citizen of Indonesia.
-Admit you never took the “Oath of Allegiance” to regain your U.S. Citizenship status.
-Admit you are not a “natural born” United States citizen.
-Admit your senior campaign staff is aware you are not a “natural born” United States Citizen.
-Admit the United States Constitution does not allow for a Person to hold the office of President of the United States unless that person is a “natural born” United States citizen.
-Admit you are ineligible pursuant to the United States Constitution to serve as President and/or Vice President of the United States.

It is not at all clear that the actions by Berg in Federal court and Martin in Hawaii will be ruled on before the election, but both men have vowed to pursue their cases even after the election if necessary. Berg has said that he would drop his case if Obama simply provides documentary proof of his birth, but to date the candidate has not done so, instead releasing only images of a purported "certification of live birth" to the partisan Daily Kos blog and the sympathetic FactCheck web site.

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