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Old 10-29-2008, 08:22 PM
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Gimpy Gimpy is offline
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you're not wrong old friend.

I was, but not by that much.

It was not 28 years, sorrry bout dat.

It was however at least 20 of the past twenty eight.

You're right about the Congress and their function to "legislate".

But, it is the President who sets "policy" and his cabinett members and political "appointees" who "manage" and RUN all the government agencies. Not the Congress. Congress CAN control the "purse strings".....IF they have ENOUGH VOTES to "overide" a Presidential "veto"..........of which the current Congress DOES NOT have.

The folks INCHARGE of the Guvment these past twenty-eight years were:

RonniRayGun.........8 years

Bush 41................4 years

Bush 43................8 years (6 with a majority republican Congress)

Total...................20 years

Plus......Bush 43 NEVER, NADA, NOT ONE SINGLE TIME...EVER "VETOED" a single piece of legislation the first six years of his administrations tenure while the Repubs were the "majority" in Congress.

Not so since the Dems took over, he's "vetoed" a number of bills that the Dems didn't have a full 60 vote "super majority" in the Senate that would allow them to "overide" his veto.

Clinton had .................8 years (6 with a majority republican Congress)

And, I will agree that SOME Companies have an "advantage" when it comes to "supply & demand" during "emergencies" or "War". You make my point exactly!

Why the heck do YOU suppose Cheney was the LEAD DOG on the short road to War with Iraq? He knew damn well the "no bids" would be going to "Halliburton" and "KBR" (a subsidiary of Halliburton).....That sumbitch knew EXACTLY what he was doing back when he was Bush 41's "SecDef" and reduced the armed forces and military spending like he did in 91 and 92. Remember his "peace dividend" after the Soviet Union fell apart?

Why the heck do you suppose he "selected" himself as Vice-Presdent for GEE-W in the first place? The man is evil, for sure........but an EVIL GENIUS!

Cheney WANTED to go to War with Iraq for ALL the reasons you've mentioned. And, he had the Dingbat in Chief, GEE-W, right in the palm of his hand!

There's a special place in HELL for that A--Hole!

Anyway, I hope that clears up the 28 year thingee.

And, I agree we CAN talk without all the "name calling" stuff.

It's awfully hard ta do though when fellows frum New Jersey (and sometimes Texas) are continually "trash talkin" and "name callin" all the damn time.

You know me............I GIVE as good as I GET! My momma and daddy always taught me to "turn the other cheek".........the FIRST time, give'um BACK what they give you! I've always lived by that "Southern tradition"..........probably always will. It's in my "blood"....can't help it!

Talk at later my deah southern brother,




"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
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