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Old 01-03-2009, 02:25 PM
39mto39g 39mto39g is offline

Join Date: Dec 1969
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I read this post 2 times and couldn't find "why our military is hated around the world"
I found that we could "re populate" Africa for the price of one F22. and I guess because we don't sell our F22s and do this we are somehow hated?
Africa needs to stop killing it's self, our F22 and B2 technology is to protect our country and give our military an edge against whoever we are apposing. Maybe it would be a good thing to NOT have that edge, but I would guess that good thing would be for those we are fighting.

Turners an idiot.
"I think bombing just makes people angry, and they want to bomb you back"
He thinks that we just go to a country and start bombing them, I guess.

In that case I think we should take over Australia, not Afghanistan or Iraq or Africa.
Why we send our military to a country is not to bomb them but to set the people free, and in that effort we bomb those that would not wish this. We do have a superior bombing delivery system and some don't think that is "fare" I would say, To bad.

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