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Old 02-14-2009, 07:10 PM
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ANGLICOone ANGLICOone is offline

Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Tulsa, OK
Posts: 35
Default No argument Ron

I think I could have taken out most of the Korean Marines, although I had 30 pounds on most of them, but I was only a 7th green belt at the time.

But the NVA early on were well-trained infantry, and the Koreans took them on hand-to-hand inside the perimeter against overwhelming numerical odds. I wasn't there at Trabindong, but I know both ANGLICO Marines and Korean Marines who were. I never got closer to a live NVA than 20 yards.

Not saying the Korean Marines were better at hand-to-hand than your men, but they were great warriors. They were not as well trained as us back then. We were trained how to avoid the obvious booby traps and mines, and their enlisted men when green often fell victim. But they had heart and they could kick a lot of NVA ass back before they had to put children into the frey. I always consider that the USMC was formed in 1775. The KMC was formed in 1949 I believe. We've had a lot longer to develop our training methods and traditions.

The reason I mention them often is that Korea offered up over 300,000 warriors in our support, 10 times anyone else. And their Marines in I-Corps to boot. Now we're talking about pulling our Marines off the DMZ and my friends in Korea believe they may face being overrun. We may prove fickle friends, I hope not.
Nightcover 1-4 Bravo

Last edited by ANGLICOone; 02-15-2009 at 09:16 AM.
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