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Old 01-04-2010, 09:24 AM
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Default "Strange, Nutty or: 'Murphy's Law' Policies"

"Strange, Nutty or: 'Murphy's Law' Policies" (January 4, 2010)

Even the most staunch of career politicos must admit that latest Obamaism calling obvious Muslim Mass-Murderous Terrorist Despicable Acts as: "Man made disasters" , is quite enemy satisfying & helpful or LooneyTunes at best. I believe Quite Muslim Capitulating, also.

Whatever, let's be more Real World, Realistic or Apolitical when thinking about such.
Let's all differently quite seriously question why-on-earth American Leaders insanely insist closing Gitmo & sending about a hundred captured Yemeni: "Avowed to Allah Infidel Killers" back home,...for OBVIOUSLY MORE Training To Kill even MORE Americans?

Only Worldwide Muslim Terrorists can truly appreciate such typically lordly-asinine & enemy gratifying & satisfying and/or Strange, Nutty or: "Murphy's Law" Policies (the current American norm).

Then too, why also so stupidly order the closing down of The Quite Large U.S. Embassy Complex/Fortress in Yemen while intending to fight same enemies, anyway?

Why give up such a secure foothold in what considered being the most hostile & belligerent of nations to America, EVER? Wouldn't reinforcing same embassy with an Airborne Regimental Combat Team be much more practical & sensible for defeating Muslim Killers, INSTEAD?

And,...why not? Whom better than those proudly proclaiming: "We're Airborne"! "We are supposed to be surrounded" are best suited for cleaning out that nest of Muslim Killers?

At minimum, the multitude of daily Reconnaissance Patrols for gathering Enemy Intel such brave souls could then provide, would no doubt be invaluable.

In that context, I would sensibly pretty-much suggest same for the about 500 or so American Civilian Families now forced getting out of Yemen,...with a slight variation.

Sure, it's wise and sensible sending civilians home and out of: "Harms Way". But, and even more wisely, wouldn't A Rotation of People even make much more sense for defeating such terrorist scum?

Let's replace the 500 families or individuals sent home with about 500 A-Teams.
Hell,...why: "Stupidly" waste all that valuable housing space made available?

Hell,...ever hear of that wise or sage quip: "Waste Not - Want Not"?
Wouldn't same go for much better than average for most Yemenis Housing, ALSO?

Also, look at all the money that We The U.S. Taxpayer could save by not having to buy tents for: "America's Finest" instead. Hey,...a dollar here, a dollar there. You know.

Plus,...betcha even most A-Teams would much prefer warm facilities to hang their hats.
So, why deny any such Brave Warriors what already available? They deserve such.

AKA: N.R. Filidei /
My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.

Last edited by reconeil; 01-04-2010 at 10:31 AM. Reason: Add in: "Airborne"
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