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Old 11-30-2003, 11:54 AM
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I'm proud of your courage as a pastor to take your stand on this issue. It's not easy and it's not popular. I know you are a kind man and would do anything for anyone in needwithout exception or prejudice. You are alsomandated to tell the truth of scripture and you have not backed down from that appointment.I'm standingright next to you with nothing but admiration for your courage to say the unpopular thing in this politically correct culture.

For anyone that thinks otherwise I want to tell you this man has a foster daughter that he loved as his own murdered some years ago when she stopped to help a couple of men broke down on the side of the road. He struggled with his anger toward them but through the grace of God was able to go and minister to them in prison, release his anger and forgive them.

This my friends is what a true Christian is. The examples of Christianity that Gunner mentionshave nothing at all to do with New Testament Christianity and everything to do with a Political Movement driven by a false religion under the guise of Christianity. I'm truly sorry that more folks do not take the time to know the difference.

And yes Jesus does have many things to say in regard to the practice of homosexual behavior. He also has many things to say abouthetrosexual practices.Those words are not for our undoing but to keep us emotionally and physically healthy.

There is absolutely no justification for harm done against any one that practices unsafe sex be it hetrosexual or homosexual. We will come in harms way soon enough if we choose to practice lifestyles thatare full of risk for sexually transmitted disease and death.

I too have spent my time in the bay area and I can tell you that what isknown as the"Gay" lifestyle is not so "Gay" after all esp for those that have lost so many friends toAIDS.Those I knew personally werekind and sweet people.They were better to me and my children than some members of myown family.They died hard deathsbefore their time.Talented,kind and compassionate souls that would give you the shirt off their backnow gone from this planet because of a deadly life style they wereaddicted to.

If this dicussion is to continue let's try to state our views in a civil manner and without hostility.


Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."