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Old 12-30-2003, 06:22 AM
39mto39g 39mto39g is offline

Join Date: Dec 1969
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Default Steve

Had to fight two magnisium fires in my carrier.
you can put it out with water BBBBBBBUUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!!
You had better have a very, very larg amount of water available before you start, Because Magnisium fire react vilontly with water, the chain reaction produces hydrgen , but again, if its not to big and you have a lot of water you can put it out.
Every metal burns, and each metal has its own extinguishing agent, a good all around metal fire extinguisher is Purple K, Dry powder will work also on small fires. Big fires, like the one in Ohio you keep it contained and let it burn its self out.

Hear is a easy experiment you can do at home to see metal burning, (be outside away from stuff) get a steel wool pad, put it on the ground and light it with a match, Its not going to flare up like magnisium but it will show you that metal will burn, Now take in to account that mag. burns about 50 times hotter and reacts with water.

Galvaniz plants are the worst, If you ever cut a piece of gavinized pipe with a tourch and smell the fewms you wont do that again, now picture a 400 foot cloud of that smoke.

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