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Old 01-21-2004, 08:00 PM
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I am a registered Republican and have been pro Bush since the last election but after the horrible state of the union address the other night and the wholesale sell out of jobs in my industry I am prepared to vote for Kerry. I have some issues with Kerry's politics but too many in my industry have suffered from Bush's policies for me to vote for him again. Personally I have spent at least $100,000.00 in training and untold amounts in time for jobs that no longer exist. I am not alone. Many of us coming up through the late 80's and early 90's spent all of our time and money learning the ins and outs of the high tech trade only to be cast aside for cheap overseas labor. The number of families and careers destroyed is outrageous. Bush does not and will not address these issues. he would rather keep the payout flowing in tax cuts to the very people screwing us over in our own country. There are a few other reasons I cannot in good conscience vote for Bush again.

1. Immigration.
I live on the border, it is a nightmare. Drugs and criminals fill the streets day and night, 90% flowing freely from Mexico. All the people crying that the Mexicans are taking jobs we don't want are full of crap. They either don't live here or are working for special interests. The new wholesale amnesty Bush proposes is a slap in the face to the millions who have gave their lives in the military and the border patrol to make our country safe for it's citizens.

2. Tax cuts.
A $300.00 tax rebate for having a child does nothing for the economy. I have no doubt though that the tax cuts given to the same corporations that sell our jobs overseas with reckless abandon have fattened their bottom lines nicely.

3.Patriot Act.
This is nothing more then an invitation to disaster. I will not go into detail as it would take more then most would read but suffice it to say that when you can hold people for trial without having to disclose the charges you are asking for trouble. Think Nazi Germany.

4.Medical care.
Our nation is rapidly aging. We need universal health care. It has been done and done well in other countries. Just look at health care in Germany before you buy the bullshit party line that it would turn health care into a substandard service. HMO's and PPO's have already turned health care into a substandard service. We also need to be able to buy drugs from competing nations. What happened to working in the world economy? I guess it only applies if you are not rich and connected like the drug companies are in Washington.

5.Veterans issues.
Veterans as a group have been abandoned by this administration. I will not argue the fact as it is fact. We are still being lied to about the first Gulf War and thousands of veterans have died and are dying since our return. They are victims of a process this administration has promised to fix but has decided to let languish. Not only have these veterans been left to die in many instances but their famies have suffered as well with birth defects and the overwhelming crush of medical bills and outright desperation for answers.

These are just my top 5 reasons for jumping ship this year. God help the republican party. They have crossed the line with big business farther then I can tolerate any longer.

Anyone know if I can change my registration to Independent?
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