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Old 02-11-2004, 12:13 PM
Andy Andy is offline
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Are you the same as me? Sometime a memory of combat, something that took one minute is recorded in the brain as though it took 8 hours. Each mini-second is like a page in a book and each time you turn the page you see yet another grim picture. Then there are incidents that you?ve just blacked out. One of your old friends might tell you what happened and what you did and you have no memory whatsoever. Strange how the brain works.

Someone once told me depression is just anger turned inward. In war people die. You couldn?t stop the war, you were there and in a position of responsibility. You and a number of us own that damn ?mother hen? complex where your always thinking, ?What could I have done to prevent that from happening.? The answer is, nothing! You were in combat - people die.

When I?m down I go out and shoot something, targets or vermin are best, no police involvment. Today I?ll be splitting some wood. I just focus all the anger on a piece of maple tree and smash the hell out of it. See, today we had a funeral for Sgt. Derrill Stoddard, a very old friend - cancer.

I know this won?t help but like you, sometimes it?s good to share.

Stay healthy Opa, and smile,
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