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Old 08-06-2002, 10:34 AM
Andy Andy is offline
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Paco, that sure is the truth, there are too many damn Yankee?s. It seems that the American League would be much better off if the Yankee?s were limited to a roster of say, 15 player?s. All of us in New England would join you southern boys on that one!

The American flag on slave ships, that sure did happen. Most of those boats set sail from Boston or New York. You want to buy something up to and including a slave today? Go to New York or Boston, they?ll sell it to you. White, black, yellow, makes no difference. Hell, you can get a Rolex on 42 St. for $25.00.

Regarding Southern Heritage, that IS a Southern thing. Up here we still re-enact the battles of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill. It?s because the people want to. Not everyone, but some folks are serious about it. No we don?t have people with a political agenda trying to stop the celebrations but we do have developers who want to put condos on these sites who have been stopped. Maybe if the schools would teach some history so kids knew how many southern troops actually owned slaves the Stars and Bars would be seen as more historic than anti-black. I?d hate to think that one day the flags of the 25th or the Cav were thought of as symbols of oppression due to a large influx of Southeast Asians.

By the way, Mom saw the Christmas tree ornament made by the UDC. It caused her to part with a sacred family relic. She gave me her grandfather?s GAR pin which we have now attached to that red and white bulb. There is something symbolism there.

Was it really the Democrats who changed the Georgia flag? I didn?t know that. Gimpy, what?s that all about?

Stay healthy,
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