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Old 03-08-2004, 02:11 PM
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Gimpy Gimpy is offline
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Default Hey

my "name calling"...loud mouth buddy!

I thought you were NOT going to read and/or respond to my "stuff" anymore????

WHATZAMATTA don't you have anyone ELSE you can run around calling names at your own playground!

Keep up the good work though..............your TRUE nature of childish, irresponsible, negative, name-calling will I'm sure let YOU offer some "insights" that we ALL will be proud to hear....YEAH RIGHT!

BTW......................I DO happen to have a couple of degrees.

And, you're damned right I worked for a "livin"......for more than 31 years until I became so "phucked-up" from all the GSW's and shrapnel I received in "service" to my country that I could no longer do that work. And, you're GD right I'm a "100%er". But NOT on the damn "dole" as you call it!

I EARNED MY GD 100% DISABILITY, and MY 100% SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY ALSO........WITH MY BLOOD and 14 FREAKIN OPERATIONS in military and VA hospitals that "YOUR BOY" GEE-FREAKIN-W is now allowing to fall into disrepair and neglect!

So you see my bigmouth friend......I suppose I DO offer some "Special insight" that may be of relevance here.

It folks like YOU that can offer only NAME CALLING and disrespectful comments rather than "solutions" to the current mess "your boy" has gotten us in that make me sick to my stomach!



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.