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Old 03-30-2004, 09:24 PM
Hawk Hawk is offline
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Mother Margaret / Maggie,

What do I think your agenda is?

Originally it was to raise awareness of the effects of corexit on
the exxon valdex clean up workers. Now when ever anyone anywhere posts a topic it some how becomes related to corexit.
You have become single minded in your focus, to the exclussion of all other possible causes of GWS. Yes you did acknowledge the possibility of other causes. But there is a very strong possibility that GWS mimics your symptoms of corexit, is because chemical weapons cause toxic reactions, just as over exposure to a chemical causes toxic reactions.

Your devotion to your cause is commendable, and I truely believe your desire to help is genuine.

What you are forgetting is the large number of Biological agents that where avalible to be used by Iraq, and as the following post will show there is a strong case for the fact they may have been used:

The CB bunker demolition's (19 of 21 Iraqi biological bunkers were bombed and destroyed, only 77.4% (24 of 31) of the chemical bunkers were bombed and only 17 (54.8%) were destroyed and two Nuclear Reactors was bombed during the 38 day Air Campaign and 994 additional sites destroyed including 3 Nuclear Reactor sites during Operation Denial Demolition) which produced toxic clouds which were proven, years later, to have drifted directly OVER our troops ... not AWAY from them as the administration then 'assured' us. One lie perpetuates another...small wonder the government isn't trusted. It's failed to earn that trust for well over a decade.

3 Potential Causes of Gulf War Syndrome

Destruction by allies of Iraqi chemical, nerve and biological warfare weapons resulting in widespread distribution of these toxins in the environment. This problem has now been, at least in part, documented by the U.S. Department of Defense. They are focusing on this potential cause as if it were the only candidate cause.

The electromagnetic environment which permeated the battlefield during the war. Veterans were exposed to a broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation created by electricity generated to support the high-tech instruments, thousands of radios and radar devices in use. This intense electromagnetic field causes both thermal and non-thermal effects, and potentially interacts with the other hazardous exposures and stresses of the battlefield. Electromagnetic radiation can alter the production of hormones (neurotransmitters), interact with cell membranes, increase calcium ion flow, stimulate protein kinase in lymphocytes, suppress the immune system, affect melatonin production required to control the "body clock," and cause changes in the blood-brain barrier.

Depleted uranium was used for the first time in this war. It was incorporated into tank armor, missile and aircraft counterweights and navigational devices, and in tank, anti-aircraft and anti-personnel artillery. The scientific information on this deadly chemical has been reported in "Radium Osteitis With Osteogenic Sarcoma: The Chronology and Natural History of Fatal Cases" by Dr. William D. Sharpe, Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol. 47, No. 9 (September 1971). There was no excuse for this human experimentation because the effects of this exposure were known.

Former Soviet CBW expert Ivan Yevstafyev warned that strikes on chemical and biological weapons facilities in Iraq's territory could rebound on us and cause damage to the population of our country.

Army documents validate the exposure claims. In an internal memo, Army Maj. Gen. Ronald R. Blanck, commander of Walter Reed Army Medical Center, strongly supported contentions that CBW agents were present in the Gulf:

Angus Parker [UK] outlined the existing Soviet battlefield doctrine associated with Scud missiles armed with Chemical and Biological weapons. This is known, Parker said as "a mixed load." The Scud warhead would typically consist of a combination of explosives, chemical and biological agents of mixed intensities. The explosive would be small, but sufficient to ensure that the CB mixture would form a wide vapour plume over the target. The bulk of the warhead would contain a deathly cocktail of Chemical and Biological weapons.

We know the UK Bio Recon Units could only detect four agents: - Plague, Anthrax, Botulism toxin A & B... The unit found numerous positive samples of biological organisms that couldn't be analysed and identified on the battlefield. "Many, many more were present," than the four they could identify. Positive samples were collected and shipped in freezer units to Boscombe Down for analysis by the Porton Down CB specialists.

Significantly, in addition to confirming that his unit positively identified the presence of Anthrax at Dhahran, he also revealed that another team of the 1st Field Laboratory Unit identified the presence of Plague at Wadi Al Batin. Parker has tried in vain to get other members of his unit to come forward and speak openly, but they are too scared to do so.

Michael Burrows [UK} states, It looks likely that the Scud missiles also contained Enriched Uranium Hexafluoride UF6, why do I think that you ask, because I and another UK Gulf Vet have just been tested for the presence of DU at a Lab here in the UK but I was found to have ''Extreme levels of Enriched Uranium 235U & 236U in my urine and more
I was a medic sgt with 23 Para field Ambulance, Forward Surgical team 5 Airborne Brigade, but During the Gulf War I was attached to the 56/57 specialist burns team with 205 Gen Hosp in Riyadh, and I was also one of the parachute trained Volunteers, which made up a Parachute Clearing Troop which was formed to provide a medical response unit if an Airborne assualt was initiated.

Many Scud missiles where aimed at riyadh, and many exploded causing a lot of damage and deaths.? One such Scud missile was exploded 200 feet above us at our base near the Airport one night in january by patriot missiles, we where naturaly put into NBC Black, and eventualy we were given the all clear, the debris of the scud was kept inside our compound for several days (I have pictures of me standing by it) until it mysteriously vanished one night, this scud could easily have contained Uranium Hexafluoride or Yellow cake as it is commonly known, and would have given off a yellow cloud when exploded, as was seen and recorded many times during the Gulf war after a scud exploded, ie; al-Jubayl/Hafir-el-batin/Dharan/Riyadh, many recorded scud attacks at these sites, which also forms a pattern of illnesses including cancers.

I have now been refered to another Consultant by my GP for Enriched Uranium poisoning, which is much more radioactive and carciogenic than DU, the other Vet who was tested positive for EU was Shaun Folds, a chef with the Royal Scots who was at Al Jubayl, he has a son who has a lot of health and behavioural problems, Shaun has been referd to the same specialist as myself, and his son is having chromosone testing.

We are having more veterans tested for the presence of DU and more
COL. Schmacher (ARMY) who was head of the Biological Reaction Detection team....he stated on camera while in Uniform...that he was informed by his CG that his team was not to deploy to the Theater of Operations.... He surmized.that the area was full of contaminants of all sorts ...especially after the coalition bombings and scuds...and therefore...(National Security), they were not allowed to depart Dover AFB.

Other infectious agents were also present in the Persian Gulf area that could cause chronic diseases, including schistosomiasis, Q fever and brucellosis (DeFraites, et al., 1992; Ferrante MA et al. 1993). Few cases of these diseases have been diagnosed among the U.S. troops who served in the Persian Gulf.

Exposure to other infectious agents such as mycoplasmas, bacteria, viruses, and fungi occurred.

In addition, several shipments of Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) and genetic materials, as well as human and bacterial DNA, were shipped directly to the Iraq Atomic Energy Commission by the American Type Culture Collection.

What CDC gave to Iraq and what some Persian Gulf have tested positive for:

Bacillus Anthracis, Clostridium Botulinum, Histoplasma Capsulatum, Brucella Melitensis, Clostridium Perfringens, Yersinia pestis (the agent of plague), West Nile Fever virus, Y. pseudotuberculosis (strain T), Bhania Virus (Ig 690), Dengue Virus type 2 (New Guinea C), Dengue Virus type 3 (H-87), Hazara Virus (Pak IC 280),
Kemerovo Virus (RIO), Langat Virus (TP 21), Sandfly Fever/Naples Virus (original),
Sandfly Fever/Sicilian Virus (original), Sindbis Virus (EgAr 339), Tahyna Virus (Bardos 92), Thogoto Virus (II A), Candida sp, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus avium, Enterococcus raffinosus, Enteroccus gallinarium,

Enterococcus durans, Enteroccus hirae, Streptococcus bovis (etiologic).

Post Desert Updates:

Typhoid, brucellosis, hepatitis, gastroenteritis, meningitis, hepatitis, cholera - and now childhood leukemia, cancers, "bizarre" birth defects - and now a new "mystery virus" are endemic throughout Iraq. The French parliament now says many babies born in Iraq are "not identifiably human."

The Sunday Herald (Glasgow, Scotland): "America Tore out 8000 Pages of Iraq Dossier" by James Cusick and Felicity Arbuthnot

U.S. Gave West Nile, Other Viruses, to Iraq
John O. Edwards
Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2002

Elson E. Boles: Iraq and Chemical Weapons, the US Connection -
CounterPunch. October 10, 2002. Helping Iraq Kill with Chemical Weapons: The Relevance of Yesterday's US Hypocrisy Today. by ELSON E. BOLES. ...

Click here: Iraq’s Biological Weapons

Welcome to Downwinders
... Mixing bugs and bombs By Marylia Kelley & Jay ... Dr. Doug Rokke, Former US Army's DU team ... Field Laboratory Unit, Biological-Warfare Detection Unit, Porton Down. ...

Deadly Winds From Gulf War Battlefields Still Blowing
By Sherman H. Skolnick

Dr. David Kelley was involved with the development of a super DNA bio weapon.
Microbiologists With Link to Race-Based Weapon Turning Up Dead
Exclusive to American Free PressBy Gordon Thomas

Dr. David Kelly—the biological warfare weapons specialist at the heart of the continuing political crisis for the British government—had links to three other top microbiologists whose deaths have left unanswered questions.

One of the men he was in touch with was a former Russian defector, Kamovtjan Alibekov. When he arrived in America, he changed his name to Ken Alibek. He is now president of Hadron Advanced Biosystems—a company specializing in medicines against biological terrorist attacks. Kelly was himself considering resigning from his senior post at the Ministry of Defense to work in America. Before his death, he had been discreetly headhunted by two companies. One was Hadron Advanced Biosystems, which has close ties to the Pentagon.

Hadron describes itself as “a company specializing in the development of technical solutions for the U.S. intelligence community.” Hadron also has links to William Patrick, who has five classified patents on the process of developing weaponized anthrax. He is a biowarfare consultant to both the Pentagon and the CIA.

The other company is Regma Biotechnologies—one that Kelly helped its founder, Vladimir Pasechnik, to set up in Britain, arranging for it to have a laboratory at Porton Down, the country’s chem-bio warfare defense establishment.

Regma currently has a contract with the U.S. Navy for “the diagnostic and therapeutic treatment of anthrax.”

Kelly had told family friends he wanted to go to America so that he could obtain the specialized treatment his wife, Janice, requires. “He also felt that working in the U.S. private sector would relieve him of the intense pressures which came with his government work,” said a colleague in the Ministry of Defense.

The two American scientists he had worked with were Benito Que, 52, and Don Wiley, 57. Both microbiologists had been engaged in DNA sequencing that could provide “a genetic marker based on genetic profiling.” The research could play an

In November 2001, Que left his laboratory after receiving a telephone call. Shortly afterward he was found comatose in the parking lot of the Miami Medical School. He died without regaining consciousness.

A few days after Que died, Wiley disappeared off a bridge spanning the Mississippi River. He had just left a banquet for fellow researchers in Memphis.

Dr. Kelley's Counter Perspectives on Health - Home
... Porton Down is the UK's counterpart of Ft. Detrick in bio-weapons development and now vaccines. ... Another player is Dr. Robert Myers. ...

Maggie, consider the above, I will not respond again to this topic, as further discussion between us would be better served via email, you have my email address. Both of us have stated our position. To answer your question, what is my agenda? :cl:
to bring awareness to the causes (all of them) of Gulf War syndrome, and perhaps to find some answers to my own ills.

Hawk :cl:
I am only one, but I am one. I can not do everything,
but I can do something. And because I cannot do
everything, I will not refuse to do the something that
I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should
do, By the grace of God, I will do. -Edward Everett Hale