Thread: Drinking?
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Old 04-06-2004, 06:16 PM
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If you don't believe this look it up yourself..

Jesus's first public miracle was to turn water into wine for a wedding. If it was good enough for God, it is good enough for me !!

Of course, over doing anything is wrong. Whether it be chocolate, exercise, hard liquor, nasal spray, underarm deodorant, sex, prescription drugs, illegal drugs, etc. etc.

An ice cold beer on a hot day after mowing the yard is just pain GOOD !!!


P.S. : We are under a relentless barrage of chemicals including chemtrails, aspartame ( and all of the equally unhealthy derivatives..( Splenda etc.) ), flouride, and many more...alcohol is the very LEAST of our worries as regards our health...


Ready for a Miracle?
text: John 2:1-11

What is the significance of a first century Jewish wedding, a persistent mother and Christ?s first public miracle? What does this have to do with our lives? It?s very simple. Jesus is about transformation: water into wine; sinners into saints. Are you ready for such a miracle in your life?

We see a picture of spiritual seekers in different phases of growing faith and Christian discipleship. Jesus had just called the first disciples. They have been together for less than a week. They responded to Christ?s gracious invitation to "come and see." They are astonished! Jesus has performed his first public miracle. Transformation! Water has been turned into wine. They believed and put their faith in Christ.

Mary has been with this remarkable Jesus for thirty years. This is not her first miracle! She believed ever since the angel Gabriel came to her as a virgin. The angel blessed her with a special calling to bear a child who would be the Messiah. Mary had pondered long and often at this remarkable birth and child (Luke 2:19). From childhood he had taught her as she changed his dirty diapers and raised him. He had frequently astonished his parents and all who came in contact with him. Mary had been a growing, faithful Christian disciple for several decades while waiting for her son to begin a remarkable work for God.

Perhaps she became impatient! Look Son, she said. Our friends are in need. This is a community celebration. If "refreshments" are inadequate for all the guests, this young couple will be in social disgrace for all their lives. Jesus, this is an emergency! These are our friends. Help them.

Jesus responds with respect and politeness. "Dear woman," he says. He calls her this endearing term years later from the cross. "Dear woman, what business is this of ours?" His Mom responds by calling the servants. "Do whatever he tells you." The servants obey. A miracle! Water is turned into wine! The chief steward knows nothing of the situation. This is the best wine he has tasted in his life! "Mmmm, delicious." The chief steward compliments the young couple with the quality of the wine. The scriptures tell us the astonished disciples "believed in him" and saw Christ?s glory in this wondrous event.

Are you ready for some miracles? Do you yearn for faith, hope and love? Then perhaps Mary?s advice could be part of our new year resolutions. "Do whatever he tells you." Be a Christian disciple. Be a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Study his words, life and great love commandments through the gospel stories in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Expect the miracle of personal transformation in Christ. Discipleship is joy. Living for Christ is an adventure with God. Miracles beyond our wildest hopes and expectations await us. Nothing is impossible for God.

God bless you.

The author of this material is "Surprised by Joy" ( "Surprised by Joy" is an ordained UFMCC Christian minister who discovered that God is wonder-full to be with. It is our hope and prayer at that all visitors will experience the tenderloving- kindness of God and receive spiritual food for their journey.
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