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Old 04-06-2004, 06:21 PM
Hawk Hawk is offline
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Posts: 131

to quote Dragonlady,

I tend to agree more with David and Trav. Than ethelyne glycol. We used hundreds of gallons of propylene glycol to deice airplanes its the same thing the civies use on their planes. There were many nights I was soaked in the stuff, or in fuel, or in oil. I spent 10 years working very intimately with HUGE airplanes filled with all sorts of chems. The worst by far was the naptha we used as a solvent to clean the grime from the T-tail. You would think that after years of near daily exposure that I would certainly be exhibiting signs that you list as well as those exposed in the Gulf for far less time. However I am as healthy as can be for someone turning 41 this year.
to qoute david

I will tell you what happened in the Gulf. They pumped us full of experimental drugs and then put us in the field with training gear rather then real mopp gear. They then let the scuds and whatever else fall. They now tally the results. End of mystery.
back to dragonlady

However I am as healthy as can be for someone turning 41 this year.
The biggest difference is that I didn't get all those crazy shots all at one time like they did. Nor was I exposed to any chem warfare.
I think you are just simply looking in the wrong direction and you are attempting to twist the research to match your agenda. That is not how true science or research is done.
Sorry if you don't agree and I wish you luck in locating an audience.
to qoute my ealier post on this thread
You have become single minded in your focus, to the exclussion of all other possible causes of GWS. Yes you did acknowledge the possibility of other causes. But there is a very strong possibility that GWS mimics your symptoms of corexit, is because chemical weapons cause toxic reactions, just as over exposure to a chemical causes toxic reactions.
Your devotion to your cause is commendable, and I truly believe your desire to help is genuine. What you are forgetting is the large number of Biological agents that where available to be used by Iraq
Maggie, consider the above, I will not respond again to this topic, as further discussion between us would be better served via email, you have my email address. Both of us have stated our position. To answer your question, what is my agenda?
as you felt it was needed to continue this here rather than via email, so will I :re: it seems everyone that has posted in reply to this thread does'nt agree with your position on GWS being related to 2-butoxyethanol so;
do you have anything further to support your position on 2-butoxyethanol? or just what you have already stated? :cd:
do you have anyway to account for how such a large exposure occurred/ to all the countries involved? :cd:
can you explain the IRAQI CURSE? :cd: do you even know what that refers to? :cd:

I look forward to your answers, perhaps they could explain how you determined this one may be the culprit for the majority in your following reply;

Yes, of course there are multiple causes of harm to Gulf War Troops. I just say that this one may be the culprit for the majority - & in some people 'all' of the symptoms of 'gulf war syndrome'
of course you could just side step the questions, or distort their meaning :re: as implied in a final qoute from dragonlady,
you are attempting to twist the research to match your agenda.
Hawk :cl:
I am only one, but I am one. I can not do everything,
but I can do something. And because I cannot do
everything, I will not refuse to do the something that
I can do. What I can do, I should do. And what I should
do, By the grace of God, I will do. -Edward Everett Hale