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Old 04-26-2004, 05:21 AM
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Default The Master of the Quibble.

I just got done watching ABC News this morning, with Charlie Gibson interviewing John F. Kerry concerning the medal incident at the White House in the 70's. It was a "Text Book" example of quibbling on Kerry's part. He kept trying to change the subject by saying "Bush can't show that he attended drills in the Air National Guard" and "The Republicans are spending $10 Million Dollars on this, this week." He waffled back and forth, never really admitting what he did by saying they weren't my Medals, they were my Ribbons, like that really makes a difference. He claimed he got the Bronze Star that he threw over the fence from a WWII vet in Mass. and the PH from another vet in the protest march and only threw his "Ribbons" over the wall. I fail to see a difference in a Ribbon or the actual Medal. If you throw them away you are stating to the world that you don't want them.
This interview should be shown to all new Military Academy Cadets and all Officer Candidates to show them a classic case of "Quibbling" so there will be no question in their minds what the term means. Had Kerry been an OCS Candidate, and answered direct questions put to him by waffling and trying to change the discussion into something else, he would have been bounced out on his ear for an Honor Code Violation.
This interview really opened my eyes about this guy. Instead of just a dislike for his political stance and voting record that I held before, I can now add disgust and outright loathing for such a liar. I don't want this guy running this nation. He wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face. After his performance this morning on ABC only someone who is certifiably "Brain Dead" would vote for him.
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