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Old 07-29-2004, 02:11 PM
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Default The EQUAL BLAME Game

by N.R. Filidei
(commentary for discussion on - July 29, 2004)

One couldn't help but noticing how many of both past or present Ruling Elite on The 9/11 Commission sort-of excused (by not emphasizing truths) the ACTUAL reasons why: "9/11" was so easily perpetrated by America's fanatically hating enemies and/or murderously Islamic dictated or just plain unconscionable terrorists.

After all, wasn't/isn't the reason for so MANY Intelligence Oversight Committees meeting over MANY years, mainly to insure that such abysmal failures in intelligence causing great loss of American Lives,...just never occur? I used to think so.

Thusly, for The Commission to self/clique-servingly/excusingly play: "The EQUAL BLAME Game" after America's worst and most lethal intelligence failure in history, was/is truly quite politically deceiving. In that context, I personally find The 9/11 Commission's conclusions about as believable and just, as the final outcome of The O.J. Trial.

Then too, stating that both Bush and Clinton Administrations were of: "EQUAL BLAME" for America's worst intelligence failing ever, besides being absurd...even defies logic. President Bush and Administration on-the-job only about 8 months prior to: "9/11", certainly didn't have near enough time to correct and rectify what the 8 year Clinton, Kennedy and Kerry Party unfortunately did to America, when in office.

Rebuilding a greatly downsized Military and quite purposefully decimated and/or politically-corrected or foreign-appeasing Intelligence Agencies in short order,...just wasn't/isn't a quick or easy task. That The Democrats deceptively called such military downsizings and intelligence gathering decimations: "Downsizing government by 250,000 jobs",...still doesn't make it any easier for Republicans fixing such lethally consequential sabotages.

Some key Military Personnel forced retiring will never return. Also, many key Agents left-out-on-a-limb in foreign lands to just wither away and die (both literally and figuratively),...most definitely CANNOT RETURN.

Truly a National Shame, which The Commission apparently shoved-under-the-rug,...naturally so as not to offend any fellow politicians.

Still, and in fairness to both Bush and Clinton Administrations, no administrations oversee or dictate how Intelligence Agencies are run,...since such most certainly must be a political (probably even Constitutional) NO-NO. Think that The Vietnam Era Johnson Administration might have been one of the exceptions to The Rule? Regardless, believe that what's alluded to has something to do with that old: "Checks and Balances" business.

Usually only U.S. Senators or U.S. Congressmen politically appointed to Intelligence Oversight Committees (which are never ending) are tasked with seeing that America's Intelligence Agencies are 100% capable and functioning at 100% reliability, if at all physically possible. "9/11" shows quite graphically what happens when politicians don't take their Oversight Jobs (oaths also) seriously.

Regardless, and mismanagement of both The U.S. Military and U.S. Intelligence Agencies by The Clinton, Kennedy and Kerry Party aside,...all voters must realize that main culprits for: "9/11" are all the fanatically murderous Islamic Terrorists, intent on killing as many men, women and children as such sickos can.

However, and when it comes to America's quite deadly Intelligence failings prior to: "9/11", no one can blame any sicko terrorists for that. All finger pointing MUST GO DIRECTLY TOWARDS all U.S. Senators and U.S. Congressmen on any and all Intelligence Oversight Committees doing their jobs (APPARENTLY NOT VERY WELL),...during The Clinton, politics above all else, not interested in military or foreign matters, saxaphone and tittlelating years.

Whatever Commissioners. If wanting to play: "The EQUAL BLAME Game", future do such more honestly and where actually warranted.

The End

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