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Old 08-09-2004, 10:55 AM
39mto39g 39mto39g is offline

Join Date: Dec 1969
Posts: 6,380
Default Boats, Kieth

Kieth-- sorry but , your way to old and out of shape, You need a chiefs job.
My driver has to be able to drag 5inch hose at least 200 feet. help pull hand lines, disscuss with me tactical operations that are to take place NOW, rescue a firefighter that the roof fell in on, direct incomming engine companies cause I'll be inside, Be incharge of the station when I take off, Be able to do everything like I would and not get paid for it.

Boats-- I do understand that the new guys may be frightened of some of the places I go and I don't take it lightly.
One structure fire I had a Newbe and I could tell he was scared. I went into the burning area with him, I told him to wait before he put water on the fire, I told him to look around and find his exit cause he wouldn't be able to see after he flowed water. We were in the living room of some huge house, I told him to wait one second. I went to the couch and sat down and put my feet on the coffee table, then I told him ok go ahead, He started to laugh and that made him less afraid. (it wasn't as easy as it sounds) there was fire all around us. Anyway he made it . the fire went out and no one got hurt.

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