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Old 08-18-2004, 10:10 PM
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Default More "evidence"

Of "Right-Wing" fanaticism!


Racists Behind The Swift Boat Book?

Submitted by Oliver Willis on Mon, 08/16/2004 - 1:51am .

So, we know that the co-author of the Swift Boat book (and not "just" an editor) has a documented online history of spewing disgusting, hateful rhetoric. Corsi's claims that most of his stuff was all in jest just don't add up, unless people are prone to be bigots -- for laughs.

A book of this much notoriety would seem to have no problem attracting a top-shelf publisher, it would seem to be a slam dunk for a publisher like Knopf, W.W. Norton or even the Murdoch-owned HarperCollins to add to their stable.

But Unfit for Command happens to be a production of Regnery Publishing - who describes itself as "the leading conservative publisher in America".

Regnery has a history of smearing Democrats, from Ann Coulter's debunked screeds against President Clinton to Gary Aldrich's fictitious account of White House debauchery to Speaker Dennis Hastert's new book, Regnery has never seen an anti-left hit piece it didn't like publishing, no matter how dubious the sources are.

So is it a coincidence that Corsi's hate speech, O'Neil's smears of Kerry's service, and Regnery's agenda of anti-liberalism all happened upon each other?

Attack speech loves company, but there may be more to this than meets the eye. Consider this information about the family behind Regenery, uncovered by the Southern Poverty Law Center's "Hatewatch" site (the SPLC is famous for Morris Dee's legal fights against the KKK, and ongoing monitoring of hate groups)

"Reclusive publishing heir to start all-white dating service
William Regnery II, an heir to the Regnery publishing fortune who's a prime mover and shaker in white nationalism publishing, is moving into a new line of business: match-making for "heterosexual whites of Christian cultural heritage."

In an appeal to potential investors titled "Population is Destiny," the famously reclusive Regnery wrote this March that the Caucasian dating service would be no ordinary money-making opportunity, but a chance to ensure "the survival of our race," which "depends upon our people marrying, reproducing and parenting."

Regnery, who says he's long been concerned with a "tendency to bachelorhood" among white men, told the potential investors that his latest effort to save the white race would not stop with match-making.

The dating service, he says, will be only the "first arrow in a business quiver" providing "services and products to whites."
Promoting white nationalism is nothing new for Regnery ? or his family. His grandfather, William I, signed incorporation papers for the America First Committee, an organization that opposed fighting Nazi Germany in World War II. His father, Henry, created Regnery Publishing, one of the major purveyors of books by right-wing attack dogs like Anne Coulter and G. Gordon Liddy.
William II has made his mark as a major fundraiser in radical right circles as the founder of the Charles Martel Society in 2001. The society publishes The Occidental Quarterly, an academic-looking journal filled with articles by white-supremacist luminaries such as Sam Francis, editor for the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens and Wayne Lutton of the hate group The Social Contract Press.

The society is putting together conferences, summer schools and a speaker's bureau ? all designed to push Regnery's view that the white race is veering toward extinction.

So now it looks like Jerome Corsi should feel quite at home with the gang at Regnery. But you wonder, should the Speaker of the House for the United States Congress really be doing business with what appears to be an organization of/friendly with white supremacists?


Makes one kinda sick to the stomach, huh? :cd:



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