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Old 08-24-2004, 05:14 PM
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Arrow, love the size of your font, Darlin' .

I didn't read the book you mentioned, and probably never will. If another vet was slandered in it he, by all means, has the right to respond and defend himself. I just hope it's done with facts instead of deterioratinfg to a "he said; he said" type arguement.

I realize Kerry was the one that put his veteran status out there. I'm not quite sure it's the centerpiece, though. It just seems like it is right now with all the coverage it's getting as it's questioned and defended. I kinda look at it as part of his resume he submitted when he applied for the job of President. My point was that I think the Republicans picked the wrong thing to zero in on to attack, given their own military backgrounds [or lack of]. I'm sure this guy has more currently relavent things to bring into question. He's a politician, for Chris'sake.

All this focus on the VN bs is taking away from focusing on the serious things that needs to be addressed. The one's that you mentioned and many others. The days are counting down to 2NOV real quick, and they're screwing around with this irrelevant stuff.

I guess it's just going to boil down to if you're happy with the way the last four years has been managed or not. What's the other guy offering up?
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