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Old 12-09-2004, 02:10 AM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee

Yeah, I know I?m late?I was busy.

?Mornin? folks! How the hell are ya this mornin?! Coffee?s on, and it ain?t tooo bad this mornin?, either. Get yerself a cup and get ya some. Paper?ll be long after a bit, I reckon. I gots first dibs onna funny pages!

Yeah, I know I?m late. I was busy. I got into my research mode for a few hours there, and I fergot about the time. Then when I realized what time it was, I got aggravated ?and kept a workin? on ?er er a few more minutes.

Well, how about ol? Jeremiah? Any of ya read that lately? ?Didn?t think so? This is mostly fer you church folks. It?s about bein? bold, so this is a positive thing for ya. Pay attention, alright?

Jeremiah?s throwin? a fit. He?s tellin? the Boss man that some things Just. Don?t. Seem. Fair!

Jeremiah, Chapter 12 verse 1.

?Righteous art thou, O LORD, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously? Thou hast planted them, yea, they have taken root: they grow, yea, they bring forth fruit: thou art near in their mouth, and far from their reins. (hearts) But thou, O LORD, knowest me: thou hast seen me, and tried mine heart toward thee: pull them out like sheep for the slaughter, and prepare them for the day of slaughter. How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs of every field wither, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein? the beasts are consumed, and the birds; because they said, He shall not see our last end.?

(Oh?keep in mind that them italics inna Book ain?t fer emphasizin? nuthin?. They was put there to make it more readable, and the folks translatin? it wanted ya to know what they put in there. Really? Ya oughta try readin? a literal translation one of these times! ?I?m a tellin? ya?)

Anyways, Ol? Jeremiah couldn?t get a handle on ?er. Couldn?t figger out why some folks was so bad, and they was still a doin? so good. He just couldn?t figger it out. ?He?s a prophet mind ya.

The Boss saw right through that to what was a really a goin? on. Ol? Jeremiah didn?t get what most of ya would call a straight answer! God don?t play yer games, ya see. He tells ya how it really is.

Here?s what the Boss man said:

Verse five:

?If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan??

Now, back then, the footman ran with the chariots, and they ran beside the horses of the nobility when the noble fellers went out ridin? somewhere. Wasn?t no ridin? horse fer the servant, ?cause horses was real expensive back then. Only noble fellers and kings owned ?em.

So?if ya couldn?t keep up with the servants of men, how ya gonna keep up when the real Nobleman shows up? If yer a livin? in a land of peace, and ya can?t handle the truth like yer a grown-up, how ya gonna do when the real troubles show up? ?or in essence, how ya gonna do when the real fightin? starts?

The next part inna chapter goes on to tell ya just why yer so weak and fearful? I?ll let you lookit up and read it fer yerself. Read the rest of the chapter, too. It ain?t that long. Once ya get done there, go on back to what I been a visitin? over the last few days and weeks. Ya might learn ya somethin?, now.

Too many of those things inna Book deal with preachers and pastors and bishops and such-like, and most of ?em go on about how yer the one?s that?re a screwin? up. Them pastor?s ignore stuff they don?t wanta see. Yeah, they?re worse about it than you are! They know enough about the Book that they can talk themselves plumb out of it, and start in a teachin? things that just ain?t so! You need to sit down and read that dang Book fer yerself. If what that preacher?s a sayin? inna ?pulpit? ain?t inna Book, I?d reckon you don?t haveta listen to him anymore. Time to move on?or move out of them church buildin?s. You ain?t a gonna find no perfect preachers, but ya oughta be able to find one a teachin? the perfect truth!

Ya wanta know why evil and bad folks is a takin? advantage of ya and takin? advantage of America? It?s right there in that chapter inna Book fer one place. Tells ya that the preachers and teachers has got it wrong, and it tells ya they been a teachin? ya the wrong things. Period. The fruits of a church, and a nation, without God in it is right there in that chapter, from the first verse to the last.

Ain?t no weakness in Christ. Ain?t no bein? afraid, either. There?s strength; true strength, to those who are in Christ Jesus. There?s boldness to speak the Word. There?s boldness to speak the truth.

?And it shall come to pass, if they will diligently learn the ways of my people, to swear by my name, The LORD liveth; as they taught my people to swear by Baal; then shall they be built in the midst of my people. But if they will not obey, I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation, saith the LORD.?

Ya wonder why ya can?t have a Bible in school?ya wonder why ya can?t say ?Merry Christmas? to folks?ya wonder why ya can?t say yer prayers?ya wonder why they ain?t no truth or ?fair?-play inna nation? Ya wonder why nobody?s a doin? ?er right?ya wonder why the wicked prosper? It just ain?t fair, is it? That?s little kid thinkin??

You ain?t been a doin? no exercisin?, and ya can?t exercise right if?n ya ain?t a bein? fed right. Lot of folks says that they?re a preachin? from the Book, and a lot of folks tell ya a lot of good things. Things ya might wanta hear. That?s kinda like feedin? yer kids ice cream and cake and munchies alla time? tellin? ?em anything they wanta hear, when they wanta hear it; then wonderin? why they?re so weak and fat and lazy. Then some of ya wonder why they don?t listen to ya any, or do what?s right. Sounds just like a lot of preachers and churches to me? ?Lot of families you look at?if yer a thinkin? feller, you can see God and the church a bein? acted out right in front of ya? What happened to the family in this nation? Why is this nation a goin? to hell inna hand basket? Better yet: What happened to the church? God didn?t change. The church did. I?m talkin? about yer church, too, ya know!

Return to Me, and I will restore, says the Lord God Almighty. Gifts without measure. Strength, beauty, and peace. A peace that you cannot presently understand, and I will give you boldness to speak the Word before Me.

Some things just don?t seem fair, do they, child? Wake up. It?s time.

Warm up yer coffee, folks. It?s a new day! We?ve got another chance to get ?er right. We?ve got another opportunity to get ?er right. Make sure ya take advantage of it.
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