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Old 01-22-2005, 12:13 PM
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Default "ALWAYS Cavin-in"

ALWAYS Cavin-in
by N.R. Filidei (January 22, 2005)

Even though quite accustomed to seeing Democrat Leftists and/or faux-liberals (actually socialists) usually having their way in America (during wartimes also), I could never understand why Republican Conservatives were/are: "ALWAYS Cavin-in" to such,...and especially since now the flat-out WINNERS of both The Executive and Legislative Branches of Government? Why is that?

Granted, for the overwhelmingly greater part of the last 60-70 or so years, it was The VAST (Local, State and Federal) Democratic Political Machine calling-ALL-the-shots for America.
Even Republican appointments to important Congressional Committees (where EVERYTHING is determined in Washington) were quite rare or negligible (if any?). But, that was then and now is now.

So then, why do the overall WINNERS and/or The Republicans still act as if longtime and historical LOOSERS, such as they once were? Are "They" still fearful of offending The Democrat Leftist Ideologues, plus their greatly supportive mainstream press/media?? Doesn't it matter that such normally: "Cavin-in" to an overall naivete' or absurdly foreigner-favoring or foreign appeasing political-correctness during wartime, will undoubtedly be very costly to America, and especially in American Lives?

One good case in point about an apparent: "Cavin-in" to Democrat Leftists and quite echoingly validating mainstream media, was/is the absurd nonsense that Sadam Hussein never had WMDs and/or Weapons of Mass Destruction. Thusly all the aforementioned WISE ONES (self-annointed) alluded to concluded (over and over and over preached to The People also) that Old Sadam and his many terrorist friends and cohorts should've been just allowed to go their merry way, or to just continue living in: "Peaceful co-existance with The West". Yeah,sure? Utter nonsense.

Doesn't seem mattering to both today's Press and Democrats that: "The Butcher of Baghdad" (not a very nice fellow) tortured and murdered MANY thousands of Iraqis conventionally over the years, and later MANY thousands of Kurds and Iranians with quite lethal gasses? Don't think "He" killed or murdered that many Kuwaitis?

Doesn't seem mattering to both today's Press and Democrats that 100 truck convoyS (not sure how many?) went to Syria for sure, and God only knows where else? Found some good NON-EXISTANT(?) stuff, far north as The Netherlands.

Doesn't seem mattering to both today's Press and Democrats that 17 UN Resolutions against Old Sadam over a 10 year (or more?) period were ignored by both Sadam Hussein and apparently the quite Sadam-friendly United Nations. Nor, that about 20 BILLION$ of UN: "Food for Oil Monies" helped finance the mass killings of people worldwide,...and especially THE MASS KILLING OF AMERICANS.

Still, and that Democrats and "Their" personal press refuse acknowledging the quite obvious about the supposedly: "NON-EXISTANT" WMDs (Yeah sure, and I'm The Tooth Fairy), the most troubling (most foolish also) reality of all.

As stated awhile back in: "My 2 Cents on WMDs", the point was made that given about 10 years of United Nations' ineptitude, a few quite large nations in Europe and most all nations of The Islamic Middle East supporting Iraq's Tyrannical Rule,...all the time wasted FOOLISHY FORWARNING (American Lives were at stake) Sadam Hussein of the inevitable invasion (plus the additional months wasted appeasing Democrats and/or: "Chamberlain"-like Americans),.......................
This Nobody could've easily hidden The Empire State Building in Antarctica (chock-full-of-WMDs),...GIVEN ALL THAT TIME & INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCE.

Hell, anybody else could've probably hidden every building and palace in Baghdad (chock-full-of-WMDs) in Antarctica,...GIVEN ALL THAT TIME & INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCE?

Oh, and by the way,...doesn't it matter that currently going along with politically-purposeful or: "Pie-in-the-sky" Democrat Leftists' foreigner approved demands during wartime,...could more than likely GET US ALL KILLED.

I most certainly believe that such (all else also) matters.

The End

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