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Old 09-13-2005, 08:43 PM
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Gimpy Gimpy is offline
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I appreciate your timely and obviously well thought out response.

I do however fail to agree that calling someone a 'whiner' and 'complainer' is not a form of 'name calling'. I suppose it's all in the eye of the beholder. Sorry you don't see it that way.

The section of the individuals 'quote' I was refering to was on another post over on the political forum. Sorry if I confused you with that.

Be that as it may, this individual has a long history of 'name calling' and character defamation towards just about anyone who may have any opinion that may differ with his own. Be it pollitical, societal, religious, or otherwise as the case may be. I DON'T see much evidence of any action, punitive or otherwise be taken to change that behavior? It is STILL as frequent as it has ever been.

My primary concern for the original post on this forum was (and will continue to be) to INFORM and EDUCATE any and all who take the time to read the information I post to better understand the issues affecting 'Veterans Benefits'......... be it NEGATIVE or POSITIVE.

And if that seems to be a 'slam' at EITHER political party, politician, bureaucratic agency, military entity or organization, public or private institution or any individual who may be 'involved' in preventing or reducing these 'benefits' to ALL eligible military veterans and/or their be it!

To those 'few' members who you say are emailing or PM'ing you stating they are very sick of all the politics and BS name calling, I can only say this.

I will NOT apologize for putting "politics" into the arguement or back away from ANYONE, be it ordinary citizen, politician, political party (republican OR democratic), bureaucratic agency, military institution or branch, private or public official or enterprise if it means ignoring or allowing Veterans and their dependents be treated unfairly or subjected to relinguishing or reducing their EARNED benefits or rights!

As for the 'name calling"........................if you look CLOSELY.......there are SEVERAL individuals around here who are CONSTANTLY using terms like "leftist", "communists", "socialists", "traitors", "Jane Fonda types", etc, etc. on nearly EVERY occasion that someone posts an arguement or opinion that may be different than their own! I don't see those individuals curtailing or stopping THAT YOU???

Yes, I have been guilty of some similar instances in the past, and I am certainly MORE than willing to not participate in this behavior in the future...............but JESUS works BOTH WAYS!

Anyway, thanks again for your timely response



"I ain't no fortunate son"--CCR

"We have shared the incommunicable experience of war..........We have felt - we still feel - the passion of life to its top.........In our youth our hearts were touched with fire"

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
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