Thread: Farmboy
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Old 10-02-2009, 10:09 AM
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This could have been avoided had he not acted like every wannabe that has ever crossed the site i.e. he showed up out of nowhere with the typical wannabe story, SF/wounded/etc. etc. etc. and then proceeded to insult members.

The IP allegation is not an allegation it is fact. Farmboy and Randy have used the same IP. Due to the fact that it is an AOL proxy IP in some instances more then one person may be assigned to route through that proxy and end up on the same site. More often then not though it is a dead giveaway to a troll pleading his case.

Look it is simple, this is our house, you/your people/whomever came stomping in kicking over the furniture. Did you not expect to get tossed out on your ear?

We are very accepting once we have a chance to get to know someone. Most people here have been together over ten years. We have gathered at various locations across the county and have met in person numerous times over those years. No one is going to walk in here with a list of past accomplishments and earn anything more then a glance until he is known to be whom he says he is.