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Old 02-05-2003, 11:45 PM
wrbones wrbones is offline
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Default Morning Coffee!

'Mornin' folks! How the hell are ya this mornin'! Coffee's on! Grab a cup and cop a squat somewhere! Yer day ain't started yet! You got time to plan it out before ya hit the road! Make sure yer eyes are open and ya got yer boots on the right feet and yer shirt buttoned up straight! LOL. Don't laugh! I've done it a time or three! Usually after a short, hard night, but I've done it! LOL.

Some of you folks familiar with my ramblin's might find some of this repetitive, but you know that never stopped me before either! LOL. What was I thinkin' anyway....Well, shit, I was gonna be repetitve, but I can't remember what I was gonna repeat! I'm blamin' that on that spring loaded tow bar on a corrosion control cart in '83. My poor memory has nothin' to do with all the hooch I drank when I was younger! LOL.

I was thinkin' earlier about something, though. So I'll visit about that fer a bit. Do you remember bein' on active duty and havin' someone come around messin' in yer 'house'? Some jerk off from outta the unit would come in and start somethin' and it seemed like that they had to be reminded "YER IN MY HOUSE NOW!" It didn't matter what rank they had on their collar either! LOL. If they were stupid enough to cross yer formation or some such? I was wonderin' how much of that you still carry with you.

Myself, I've carried that with me to this day. Someone comes into my house and tries to start somethin', they always get that reminder. Had a biker try that once. He backed right down and rethought his strategy. 'Course it didn't hurt none that I was dang near twice his size, either! LOL. We ended up bein' pretty good friends 'til he hit the road that last time. I haven't seen or heard from him since. That happens with old road dogs now and then. I haven't had a bike fer a lot of years now, so don't go there. I ain't got much to tell, and some things I don't dare tell! LOL.

But, anyway. I've come to the conclusion, that where ever I go, it's my house, within a certain perimeter around me. Someone trys to upset me out in town, they're messin' with my house. Someone mouths off to the ol' lady, they're messin' with my house. Anything those people do that I might end up takin' home with me and stayin' upset over fer any length of time, they're messin' with my house.

My house is sanctum sanctorum. My house is peaceful fer the most part. A place where I go to relax. A place where I don't have to worry about threat assessments or SMEAC or nothin' like that. When people come over to my house, they know it's a place they can kick back and relax. Most end up snoozin' on the couch or my old easy chair, not outta boredom, but because they relax so much. Hell, I got a couple of folks who come over who prefer to sit in the kitchen and visit. They get tired of nappin' when they're here! LOL. Well, of course the neighbors and I have worked some things out, within limits ya know. I don't shit on their doorstep and they don't shit on mine.

So, that old saying has another meaning to me, "Where ever ya go, there ya are." The peace of yer house goes with you to a certain extent as well as the threat assessments. Normally I have folks smilin' at me as I go about my business out in town. They visibly relax. When I'm tense out in town, they visibly tense up when they see me. "Where ever ya go, there ya are."

Now, it's not only 'my house'. It's the "Peace of My House" that I watch out for. Anything that messes with the peace of my house is somethin' that I try to stay away from, or to deal with and be done with it, before I head for home.

Just ramblin'. I didn't get it said quite right, but....when I get it figured out, I'll let ya know! Meanwhile...

Warm up yer coffee, folks! It's a good day! Hell, we got another chance to get it right! Might even do it better this go 'round!
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