Thread: A Joke for Ron
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Old 12-12-2008, 02:04 PM
39mto39g 39mto39g is offline

Join Date: Dec 1969
Posts: 6,380

I wouldn't be here now if Dave wouldn't have lifted his ban.
I just came back one day and logged on and it worked, I didn't ask and David didn't reprieve. Just , I logged on and it worked.
No one here belongs here any more or less than me. In fact I was the first one to sign in to this site, and matter of fact I was also the second one to sign in.
Because Covan Goes off sight and confides in me and I respond, That don't mean that what I said to him should be put up on this sight or that I have to somehow be held to it's contents.
What I said to him was true. I wont be going back. But then Dave lifted his ban and the only one that it was said to "That I would not be back" was Covan. So , just who is this a life or death situation addressed to other than Covan?
I will tell any of you the same thing I just told him, You don't like me here, Tough, Don't reply to my threads or post.

You are correct when you said "knowing quite well he can't do without us " as stupid as that sounds , I can't.

Ya'll have a nice day.

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