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Old 08-01-2008, 01:27 PM
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Default Today's HighlightsOn Capitol Hill GOP Remain on the Floor

Today's Highlights

On Capitol Hill

GOP Remain on the Floor


The U.S. House adjourned for a 5-week summer break earlier today, but House Republican lawmakers stayed behind to talk about rising energy costs and gas prices. Republicans said they stayed behind to talk because House Democrats refused to allow them votes on their energy proposals. The House returns for legislative business on Monday, Sept. 8.
Politico Article | AP Article

Rep. Culberson's (R-TX) Twitter Messages from Floor

Rep. Culberson's (R-TX) Qik Video

I don't usually watch c-span and the democrats turned off their video feed but this just sounds like fun

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Old 08-01-2008, 01:34 PM
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Originally Posted by darrels joy View Post
Today's Highlights

On Capitol Hill

GOP Remain on the Floor


The U.S. House adjourned for a 5-week summer break earlier today, but House Republican lawmakers stayed behind to talk about rising energy costs and gas prices. Republicans said they stayed behind to talk because House Democrats refused to allow them votes on their energy proposals. The House returns for legislative business on Monday, Sept. 8.
Politico Article | AP Article

Rep. Culberson's (R-TX) Twitter Messages from Floor

Rep. Culberson's (R-TX) Qik Video

I don't usually watch c-span and the democrats turned off their video feed but this just sounds like fun

They turned it off because it was a "COMEDY OF ERRORS"! Stupid political STUNT!




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Old 08-02-2008, 04:23 AM
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the only issue that should be addressed now.

I cannot imagine leaving on a 5 week vacation with all of the work that needs to be done. I guess they are pretty tired after being in session 3 whole days a week.

I am generally conservative in my leanings but I blame both parties for some of the things have happened.

Maybe Nancy is trying to lower their 9% approval rating.

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Old 08-02-2008, 07:14 AM
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Default Again,

Pelosi plays to her San Fran constituants. Since the President lifted the ban on off shore drilling, the SPECULATORS did what they do, SPECULATED that an eventual increase in the oil supply can glut the market and bring down prices....and since, although minimal, the price has gone down and so the price at the pumps. In every poll I've read, which includes liberal, conservative, and more independent polls, show that the vast majority of Americans want MORE DRILLING. Now, as Pete says, I blame both sides, the Repubs for not doing something when they were the majority and had a Repub Pres, and the Dems for sticking to their silly view that drilling will hurt the environment. They are the majority and have done, like the Repubs, NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about this problem. One of the reasons Pelosi took off on her private jet to go back to her friends was that she knew, with the Blue Dog Dems, the Repubs could pass the necessary legislation. She does not give a shit about anybody but her Frisco pals. As I have stated before, the problem is 3 fold...short term, middle term, and long term. As long as these idiots do nothing, we are doomed to be at the will of the speculators and other countries that are drilling their collective asses off. I hear all this Repubs and their Big Oil pals....well, if that was true, we would have been drilling our asses off since 1994. What I find interesting is that if the Dems were being deemed to be doing the right thing, McCain would be so far down in the polls he could never get out. Instead they are virtually tied. Why? If the Democrats are not careful, they are going to snatch defeat out of the jaws of an easy victory, AGAIN.


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Old 08-02-2008, 08:20 AM
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Default "It's No Wonder".

IT'S NO WONDER why Goddess NANCY PELOSI & DEM MAJORITY Dominated United States
Congress have an Approval Rating of only 9%, and/or lowest such ever recorded in history
and likely lower than Brit Rulers actually had, pre-1776.

The American People just CANNOT continually stomach their SUPPOSED(?) Representatives
acting (actually dictating) more so like both The San Francisco Mayor & Council, DO.

For such Fanatical Political Supremacists, if it doesn't effect the well-being of The DNC,
foreign nationals or illegals, minorities, strange types, and even America's avowed
Muslim Enemies,...nothing else is truly worthy of "Their" expending their quite lordly and
valuable time, as disgustingly daily proved (even with latest 5 week vacations).

Her Worship Nancy Pelosi being 3rd in line for Wartime U.S. Presidency, also quite scarey.
Well, at least: "Scarey" for people believing selves Free Americans & not just Subjects,...

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.

Last edited by reconeil; 08-02-2008 at 08:22 AM. Reason: change
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Old 08-02-2008, 08:24 AM
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Drilling and Blissful Ignorance
by Charles Krauthammer

WASHINGTON -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opposes lifting the moratorium on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and on the Outer Continental Shelf. She won't even allow it to come to a vote. With $4 gas having massively shifted public opinion in favor of domestic production, she wants to protect her Democratic members from having to cast an anti-drilling election-year vote. Moreover, given the public mood, she might even lose. This cannot be permitted. Why? Because as she explained to Politico: "I'm trying to save the planet; I'm trying to save the planet."

A lovely sentiment. But has Pelosi actually thought through the moratorium's actual effects on the planet?
Consider: 25 years ago, nearly 60 percent of U.S. petroleum was produced domestically. Today it's 25 percent. From its peak in 1970, U.S.
production has declined a staggering 47 percent. The world consumes 86 million barrels a day; the United States, roughly 20 million. We need the stuff to run our cars and planes and economy. Where does it come from?

Places like Nigeria where chronic corruption, environmental neglect and resulting unrest and instability lead to pipeline explosions, oil spills and illegal siphoning by the poverty-stricken population -- which leads to more spills and explosions. Just this week, two Royal Dutch Shell pipelines had to be shut down because bombings by local militants were causing leaks into the ground.

Compare the Niger Delta to the Gulf of Mexico where deep-sea U.S. oil rigs withstood Hurricanes Katrina and Rita without a single undersea well suffering a significant spill.

The United States has the highest technology to ensure the safest drilling. Today, directional drilling -- essentially drilling down, then sideways -- allows access to oil that in 1970 would have required a surface footprint more than three times as large. Additionally, the U.S. has one of the most extensive and least corrupt regulatory systems on the planet.

Does Pelosi imagine that with so much of America declared off-limits, the planet is less injured as drilling shifts to Kazakhstan and Venezuela and Equatorial Guinea? That Russia will be more environmentally scrupulous than we in drilling in its Arctic?

The net environmental effect of Pelosi's no-drilling willfulness is negative. Outsourcing U.S. oil production does nothing to lessen worldwide environmental despoliation. It simply exports it to more corrupt, less efficient, more unstable parts of the world -- thereby increasing net planetary damage.

Democrats want no oil from the American OCS or ANWR.
But of course they do want more oil. From OPEC. From where Americans don't vote. From places Democratic legislators can't see. On May 13, Sen. Chuck Schumer -- deeply committed to saving just those pieces of the planet that might have huge reserves of American oil -- demanded that the Saudis increase production by a million barrels a day. It doesn't occur to him that by eschewing the slightest disturbance of the mating habits of the Arctic caribou, he is calling for the further exploitation of the pristine deserts of Arabia. In the name of the planet, mind you.

The other panacea, yesterday's rage, is biofuels: We can't drill our way out of the crisis, it seems, but we can greenly grow our way out. By now, however, it is blindingly obvious even to Democrats that biofuels are a devastating force for environmental degradation. It has led to the rape of "lungs of the world" rainforests in Indonesia and Brazil as huge tracts have been destroyed to make room for palm oil and sugar plantations.

Here in the U.S., one out of every three ears of corn is stuffed into a gas tank (by way of ethanol), causing not just food shortages abroad and high prices at home, but intensive increases in farming with all of the attendant environmental problems (soil erosion, insecticide pollution, water consumption, etc.).

This to prevent drilling on an area in the Arctic one-sixth the size of Dulles Airport that leaves untouched a refuge one-third the size of Britain.

There are a dizzying number of economic and national security arguments for drilling at home: a $700 billion oil balance-of-payment deficit, a gas tax (equivalent) levied on the paychecks of American workers and poured into the treasuries of enemy and terror-supporting regimes, growing dependence on unstable states of the Persian Gulf and Caspian basin. Pelosi and the Democrats stand athwart shouting: We don't care. We come to save the planet!

They seem blissfully unaware that the argument for their drill-there-not-here policy collapses on its own environmental terms.

About The Author

Charles Krauthammer is a 1987 Pulitzer Prize winner, 1984 National Magazine Award winner, and a columnist for The Washington Post since 1985.

Last edited by darrels joy; 08-03-2008 at 06:04 PM.
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Old 08-02-2008, 12:07 PM
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Default I could

not have said it better.

Oil profits have jumped to "obscene" levels during the Democratic Congress. Hmmm, does this mean by not drilling and keeping it scarce, the price keeps going up, the Democrats are in the pockets of "big oil"???? It would seem so. Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss. (The Who said it all!)


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Old 08-03-2008, 02:16 PM
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Default Pack,...

Never mind that old: "Something rotten in Denmark" saying.

When it's documented/reported about an ELECTED U.S. Representative (some joke) that:
"She won't even ALLOW IT TO COME TO A VOTE",...NOTHING could possibly be more
ROTTEN than what now currently being passed-off as mere politics, in Good Old USA.

In that factual & realistic context, still calling ourselves: "A Democracy" and touting same
all over The World has also become quite a hypocritical joke.

Hell,...any Dictated Nations on earth would have to be about 13 short of a dozen if instead
preferring to have San Francisco style One Party Dictates & basically National Undermining Rule.
It's differently common for Foreign Dictators to at least stick-up for their nations & militaries.

Besides, who-the-hell does Nancy Pelosi think she is, anyway?
Wish she would run out of her car & smash into another car,...just like in The Hertz commercial.

Also, thought Our Constitution got rid of rule by zealots, goddesses, queens (straight ones)
& such, plus was SOLELY penned to cover & safeguard The U.S. Citizenry ALONE,...and not NOW
as Her Worship Pelosi & Leftist pro-Foreigner/UN Crowd internationally MUCH prefer having it?

My Salute & "GarryOwen" to all TRUE Patriots.
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Old 08-03-2008, 02:25 PM
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It’s on: House GOP’s oil protest to resume... It’s on: House GOP’s oil protest to resume...

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Old 08-03-2008, 03:36 PM
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Stephanopoulos to Pelosi: Why No Up or Down Vote on Drilling?

By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)

August 3, 2008 - 13:41 ET

It seems that even ABC's George Stephanopoulos is getting fed up with Congressional Democrats blocking efforts by Republicans to expand offshore oil drilling in order to bring down gas prices.
On Sunday's "This Week," Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Cali.) was asked repeatedly why she refuses to allow this issue to come to a vote.
The look of disgust on Stephanopoulos's face as Pelosi mumbled non sequitur after non sequitur was almost more telling of his sense of frustration than the number of times he asked virtually the same question: "Why won't you permit a straight up or down vote?"
Readers should prepare themselves for an alternate reality, for Madame Speaker was quizzed on Sunday like never before (video available here, rush transcript from closed captioning, photo courtesy ABC News):

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, HOST: You've been getting a lot of heat for not allowing a straight up or down vote expanding drilling off the coasts of the United States. Why won't you permit a straight up or down vote?
NANCY PELOSI, SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: What we have presented are options that will really make a difference at the pump. Free our oil, Mr. President. We're sitting on 700 million barrels of oil. That would have an immediate effect in ten days. What our colleagues are talking about is something that won't have an effect for ten years and it will be 2 cents at the time. If they want to present something that's part of an energy package, we're talking about something. But to single shoot on something that won't work and mislead the American people as to thinking it's going to reduce the price at the pump, I'm just not going to be a part of it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Except it’s not just Republicans that are calling for this. Members of your own caucus say we must have a vote. Congressman Jason Altmire, let me show our viewers right now, says, “There is going to be a vote. September 30 will not come and go without a vote on the opening the Outer Continental Shelf. The message has been delivered. The issue can't be ignored any longer.” He says he speaks for a lot of Democrats. He's talked to the leadership and a vote must happen.

PELOSI: Maybe it will, as part of a larger energy package. Let's step back, call a halt and put this in perspective. What we have now is a failed energy policy by the Bush/Cheney, two oilmen in the White House. $4 a gallon gasoline at the pump. And what they're saying is let's have more of the same. Let's have more of big oil making, record profits, historic profits. You see the quarterly reports that just came out, who want to be subsidized who don't really want to compete. Let them use the subsidies to drill oil in protected areas. Instead we're saying, free the oil. Use it, don't lose it. There's 68 million acres in lower 48 and 20 million more acres in Alaska where they're permitted where they could drill anytime. This is a diversionary tactic from failed energy policies.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But if you feel you have the better arguments, why not give a straight up or down vote for drilling?

PELOSI: Because the misrepresentation is being made that this is going to reduce the price at the pump. This is again a decoy, it’s not a solution.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, if you’re right, why not let it be debated out and have the vote?

PELOSI: We have a debate every single day on this subject. What you saw in the Congress this week was the war dance of the hand maidens of the oil companies. That's what you saw on the Republican side of the aisle. Democrats and Republicans are not right there on party lines on this issue. There are regional concerns, as well as some people concerned about what this means back home for them. But we have a planet to save. We have an economy to grow. And we can do that if we keep our balance in all of this and not just say but for drilling in unprotected and these protected areas offshore, we would have lower gas prices.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So what exactly are you trying to say? You say you might allow a vote as part of a comprehensive package, but you won’t allow a vote on --

PELOSI: We have put on the floor. Free our oil. Strong bipartisan support for that. Use it, don't lose it. Strong bipartisan support for that. End undue speculation, strong bipartisan support for that. We've talked about these things. Invest in renewable energy resources so that we can increase the supply of energy for our country. Strong bipartisan support for that.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Yet you brought those measures to the floor in a way under the suspension of the rules so that it couldn't be amended with a drilling proposal.

PELOSI: Well, we built consensus and have a strong bipartisan. This is what’s going to make a difference to reduce the dependence on foreign oil, to stop our dependence on fossil fuels in our own country. To increase the supply of energy immediately to reduce the price at the pump to protect the consumer. So this is a policy matter. This is very serious policy matter. It's not to use a tactic of one -- one tactic in order to undermine a comprehensive energy package to reduce our dependence on foreign oil which is a national security issue. To reduce our dependence on fossil fuels in our own country. Now, will we be talking about natural gas that's cheaper, better for the environment --

STEPHANOPOULOS: But why not allow votes on all that? When you came in as Speaker you promised in your commitment book "A New Direction for America," let me show our viewers, you said that “Bills should generally come to the floor under a procedure that allows open, full, fair debate consisting of full amendment process that grants the Minority the right to offer its alternatives.” If they want to offer a drilling proposal, why can't they have a vote?

PELOSI: They'll have to use their imagination as to how they can get a vote and then they may get a vote. What I am trying to, we have serious policy issues in our country. The President of the United States has presented this but for this our economy would be booming. But for this, gas would be cheaper at the pump. It's simply not true. Even the President himself in his statement yesterday and before then has said, there is no quick fix for this by drilling.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And Senator Obama has agreed with you. He says, listen. This is not the answer. Drilling is not the answer. But he said over the weekend that he might be willing to sign onto drilling as part of a comprehensive proposal.

PELOSI: What Senator Obama said is what we want a President to say. Let's look at all of the options. Let's compare them. And let's see what really does increase our supply. Protect our environment, save our economy, protect the consumer, instead of a single shot thing that does none of the above. Why we give subsidies to big oil to drill instead of letting them --

STEPHANOPOULOS: I want to move on to other issues. Just to be clear, you are saying you will not allow a single up or down vote on drilling. But you will allow a vote on a package that includes drilling?

PELOSI: No, what I'm saying to you is, as far as I'm concerned, unless there is something that -- you never say never to anything. You know, people have their parliamentary options available to them. But from my standpoint, my flagship issue as Speaker of the House and 110th Congress has been to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and reverse global warming. I'm not giving the gavel -- I'm not giving a gavel away to a tactic that will do neither of those things. That supports big oil at the cost and expense of the consumer.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So you’re not going to permit a vote, you may get beat, but you're not going to permit a vote on your own?

PELOSI: Again, we take this one step at a time. But while we're spending all of this time on a parliamentary tactic when nothing less is at stake than the planet, the air we breathe, our children breathe.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But that’s what I don’t understand. If you could get votes on everything else that you care about which you say there is strong bipartisan support, why not allow a vote on the drilling as well?

PELOSI: Because the President will not allow any of these other things to go forth. Why are we not saying to the President, why don't you release oil from the SPR in ten days to have the price at the pump go down? Why are you opposed to any undue speculation in the oil markets? Why do you not insist that people who have leases on our land with permits ready to go use those? The oil companies don't want competition. And what we would do by saying, go ahead, give them the subsidies. Allow them to drill in areas that are protected now, instead of where they're allowed to drill, is to diminish all of the opportunity that we have for an electricity standard for our country. Where we set out standards that makes the competition for renewable energy resources better. Which says to the private sector, invest here because there is a standard that they have to honor. If you just say it's drill, drill, drill, drill and we're going to subsidize it, what is the motivation for the private sector to come in and say we're going to support these renewable energies, wind, solar, biofuels. Plug-in cars. Natural gas and other alternatives.
Although Stephanopoulos never addressed the revolt that happened in the House on Friday when Pelosi adjourned the session for a five week vacation, he is to be commended for doing a fairly good grilling on Sunday.
As for Pelosi, Americans should be embarrassed by her disgraceful performance. If she represents the best House Democrats have to offer at this moment in history, we should all be fearful of the future.
—Noel Sheppard is the Associate Editor of NewsBusters.

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