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Old 05-22-2011, 04:24 PM
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Exclamation Obama’s call for Israel to self-destruct

Barack Hussein Obama's outrageous speech

Obama’s call for Israel to self-destruct

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- Victor Sharpe Sunday, May 22, 2011

President Obama demands that Israel withdraw to armistice lines that existed after the Arab-Israel War of 1948 ended. These lines did not constitute a border but merely the military positions that existed after the Arab attempt to annihilate Israel failed.

In six days in June, 1967, Israel was forced to fight another war for its survival against a new aggression by Egypt, Syria and Jordan. All three Arab countries lost territory as a direct result of their new genocidal war against the Jewish state failed again.

As a consequence, Israel threw back the Syrian army from its positions on the Golan Heights; the strategic high ground from which Syria had bombarded and shelled Israeli farmers in the Hula Valley below and Israeli fishermen on the Sea of Galilee.

Egypt lost the Sinai Peninsula and Israeli forces dug in on the eastern bank of the Suez Canal and developed the Abu Rodeis oil field. All the territory and the oil fields were given away to Egypt in return for a piece of paper; a peace treaty which now is at the point of being torn up by a likely new Egyptian government under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Jordan, which had nineteen years earlier invaded and occupied the territory they subsequently called the West Bank and divided the city of Jerusalem in half, were also thrown back after launching an all-out attack upon Israel.

As a result, the ancestral and biblical Jewish heartland of Judea and Samaria was liberated from Jordanian Arab occupation. At the same time, Jews were able to pray again at their ancient holy places and synagogues in Jerusalem, which had been desecrated by the Muslim Arabs. Jerusalem, under Israel’s governance was now for the first time open freely to members of all religions to worship; something the Jordanians had forbidden.

It was immediately after the June 1967 Six Day War that a secret memorandum was issued by the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS).
Their conclusions were that any peace settlement between Israel and the Arab belligerents would only succeed if Israel retained certain territories vital for its continued existence and survival. These facts have now been deliberately abandoned by the Obama regime after Barack Hussein Obama’s outrageous speech demanding that Israel be forced back to the pre-1967 indefensible lines that always constituted an invitation for Arab military invasion.

The areas the Joint Chiefs declared as the minimum defensible borders for the Jewish state included the Golan Heights, the western half of Samaria (the northwestern part of the West Bank), all of Judea (the southern part of the West Bank), the Gaza Strip and several portions of the eastern Sinai Peninsula.

This, of course, occurred before the world became obsessed with the creation of an Arab terror state to be carved out of the narrow territory between the Mediterranean and the River Jordan—a territory some 40 miles wide.

Since that report in 1967, the Begin government gave away all of the Sinai to Egypt. Under Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his deputy, Ehud Olmert, Israel gave away the entire Gaza Strip in 2005, with catastrophic consequences for the Jewish state. Hamas, the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, now occupies Gaza and has launched to date some 12,000 Iranian supplied missiles at Israeli villages and towns.

Ehud Barak, Israel’s present Defense Minister, had years earlier forced the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to withdraw from the southern Lebanon security strip, thus allowing the Islamist Hezbollah to fill the vacuum with dire consequences for northern Israel.

A conflict broke out - the Second Lebanon War - disastrously mismanaged by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. It was launched too late and ended too soon. Now Hezbollah sits in the Lebanese government and its militia is armed with over 40,000 Iranian supplied lethal missiles aimed at every part of the Jewish state.

After Israel endured over 10,000 incoming missiles from Hamas-occupied Gaza, a war was finally launched by Israel. It too began too late and ended too soon. Now the Islamist Hamas has just joined the so-called Palestinian Authority and both terror groups pursue their ultimate ambition to weaken Israel by making its borders ever more indefensible, and by finally destroying what is left of the embattled Jewish state.

Israel is now under the greatest pressure ever from a problematic American administration and  pro-Muslim and pro-Marxist murky president to give away the ancestral Jewish heartland of Judea and Samaria. President Barack Obama is perceived by many to be a clear and present danger to the very survival of the reconstituted Jewish state.

But in the aftermath of the Six Day War, the US Joint Chiefs were not interested in Jewish patrimony or Biblical history. They were solely concerned with the strategic necessities for Israel’s survival in a very bad neighborhood: A neighborhood now vastly more bloodthirsty and violent than ever before. That is why the Joint Chiefs set out what the bare minimum retention of territory for Israel should be.

Col. Irving Kett (USA, ret.) prepared an Army War College study on Israel’s security needs in 1974. His study was called, “A Proposed Solution to the Arab-Israel Conflict”. In it, he strongly suggested that, from a military point of view, Israel’s borders should be constituted to make it a compact state with natural boundaries on all sides - the Jordan River to the east, Golan Heights to the northeast, the Litani River in the north, the Mediterranean Sea to the west and the historic boundary with the Sinai Peninsula to the south.

As a direct result and consequence of Arab aggression, most of those borders had been attained by Israel at one time or another but then were given away under pressure from respective U.S. Administrations who urged Israel to “take risks for peace.“Note that it was always Israel that took the risks; never the surrounding Arab states.

Another memorandum had been produced earlier, on June 29, 1967, for Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara by General Earle Wheeler, chairman of the JCS, at the direction of President Lyndon Johnson.

That study was declassified in 1983 and, as mentioned earlier, it recommended that Israel keep all of Judea, the western half of Samaria, the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip and two significant parts of east and south Sinai. The similarity between the memoranda were striking.

Colonel Kett pointed out what the IDF has always known, but what too many Israeli politicians preferred to ignore; namely, that there is a vital strategic value in the mountain range which forms the spine running through Judea and Samaria.

The highlands run some 54 miles from Jenin in the north to Hebron in the south and dominate Israel’s coastline. The spine is 12 miles wide and Israel simply cannot afford to vacate it, but Obama has decided it must.

It was assumed for years by both the Israeli military and politicians that if a Palestinian Arab state came into existence it would have to permit an Israeli defense line on the Jordan River (the Allon Plan), and that such a state would have to be demilitarized.

The answer, of course, would be to have made permanent at the time the suggested boundaries proposed in both Kett’s memorandum and the earlier JCS report of some 40 years ago. But events have moved on since then.

The Palestinian Authority in the West Bank would never agree to this and Hamas in Gaza would scornfully dismiss it out of hand. So would Obama.

The Muslim Arabs have become even more vicious in their anti-Jewish and anti-Christian rhetoric and behavior, and a jihadist Iran has all but encircled the Jewish state through its Islamist proxies in Gaza and Lebanon. There is now no chance that a Palestinian Arab state would ever be de-militarized.

The Arab-Israel conflict is not, and never has been, merely a war over territory. It is, and always has been, a religious war. Islam will never accept a non-Muslim state, whatever size or shape it may be, within lands previously conquered by Muslims in the name of Allah. This is a paramount and fundamental fact, which strangely is never understood.

Look at what the Muslims have done to once primarily Christian Lebanon and what fate awaits the Christian Copts in an increasingly Muslim Brotherhood Egypt. That is why “land for peace"is nonsense. Tiny Israel can give precious land away but it will never receive peace from the Muslim Arab world.

Thus the “two-state solution”, so beloved of President Obama and President George Bush before him, requires the biblical Jewish heartland of Judea and Samaria (so-called West Bank) to be given away to the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians.

But these Arabs have no intention of making peace, which should be enough for any Israeli government and Prime Minister with intestinal fortitude to defy the world’s pressure for the Jewish state to slowly and surely disappear. After all, Prime Ministers David Ben-Gurion, Menachem Begin and Yitzchak Shamir, in part, all said “no” to such international pressure in the past and prevailed.

Interestingly, Colonel Kett had also suggested that the Palestinian Arabs be resettled in a state in the Sinai. The other famous suggestion is that Jordan is Palestine, which is based upon the historical fact of the first “two-state solution” enacted in infamy by Great Britain in 1922. I wrote an article over two years ago, which dealt with this British betrayal that had taken place some 87 years ago. At that time it was 87 years ago but, of course it is now some 90 years ago.

Even President George W. Bush, when visiting Israel as Governor of Texas, was moved to utter: “The whole of Israel is only about six times the size of the King Ranch near Corpus Christie.”

He also was shown where the hideously narrow nine mile wide Israeli armistice lines had existed before the Six Day War and quipped, “... why in Texas we have driveways longer than that.“Yet even he, after becoming president, called, in his second term, for a “two-state solution” west of the Jordan River.

Pushing Israel back to the “Auschwitz lines”, as Abba Eban, Israel’s early UN delegate and former Foreign Minister had called them, where the Jewish state is only nine miles wide at its most populous region, is what the “Two-State Solution” is all about.

This is what Barack Hussein Obama now demands of Israel. That other dread euphemism employed by the Nazis, “The Final Solution,” was code for the Holocaust, and now comes chillingly to mind.

Hopefully Benjamin Netanyahu, in stressing the territorial insanity and existential danger to Israel’s survival from Obama’s demands, will not falter but remain steadfast in his refusal to be brow beaten into becoming an Israeli Prime Minister forced to preside over Israel’s national suicide.

Hopefully he will also remind President Obama that such imperious demands from the White House and the State Department are not the way for the United States to act towards its most loyal ally.

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Old 05-22-2011, 11:00 PM
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Lets hope he doesn't want to give Texas back to Mexico or the Louisiana Purchase back to France.
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