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Old 04-18-2003, 09:01 PM
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Default Unbelieveable

Ok all you cops, EMT's and firefighters let's hear the wildest run you have been on, with the best outcome.


Godspeed and keep low!
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Old 04-19-2003, 05:39 AM
39mto39g 39mto39g is offline

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Default War stories----- ok

Once upon a-time, back in the USA, back in the good old days,,,, no wait, thats a song.

We were sitting at the table having breakfast and telling lies when the whole building shook. I said to myself, "this can't be good" We went to the front door of the Fire Station and seen a Ball of fire about 300 feet in the air, someone comented that he thought we were going to get a call, Dauhhhhh.

It was a LPG tank farm 6 20,000 gal LPG tanks 50 or 60 8,000 gal tanks and 1,000s of smaller tanks anywhere fron 2,000 gal to 5 gal. One of the 8,000 gal tanks had exploded and through scrapnal all over the place starting many smaller fires and a fire at the terminal which directs flow from the 20,000 gal tanks.
We are about 400 feet way and can't get closer because of the heat, Now some of the smaller tanks start to blow. The chief says "I need some one to advance a line to as close to the fire as possible" (This was to cool area so more lines could be brought in ) Naturally, being a dumb ass, I said I'll go.
As I was crawling toward these burning, exploding LPG tanks, with a uncharged line, I might add, ( line with water in it would have been to heavy to drag) My leather helmet was pertecting me from the radiant heat, Green grass was bursting into flames around me. I was woundering, what the hell am I doing hear, and where are the VC.
I finally get to withing 100 feet, or so, of the fire , I stop and they charge the line. I start spraying water and now everything around me turns to steam, (steam is very hot) . I can't move forward and can't move back. It seamed like a very long time but was probibly not, I felt a tap on my foot. I turned around and the Calvery had arrived with 2 more lines and a 1,000 gal per min monitor. I quickly exited the area and removed the clothing I had on, I was redish but not burned. About 10 hours latter we had the fire under control. A thankfull comunity fead us hammbergers and cokes. Next thing I knew we were back at the station sitting in a chair, watching TV.

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Old 04-19-2003, 08:18 AM
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Post I have never thought it over.

I went to a brush fire and came within two or three feet of a downed power line when it surged. I had tingles all over my body right through those rubber boots an orgasm never gave me so many tingles all at one time. The downed power line had caused the brush fire but the dispatcher didn't mention anything about a downed power line. I could have been killed!

Went to a bad car accident. The Department Chief decided to go with me. When we got to the accident it was the Chief's son and mother-in-law. (The Chief's son was a paramedic) The Chief went into Shock, we had to lay him down under a shade tree. I was busy working to save two lives without any help. Both mother-in-law and son survived. Mark the paramedic had a spleen removed and broken ribs. He was back on the job in about four months. Grandma had broken ankles and numerous cuts and bruies. Grandma lived for another 10 + years. The Chief recovered and apologized for going into shock.

I gave CPR to a dog. PR for the program (Medic I). This woman called Medic I (911) and said her baby was dying. It was a puppy! It had a heart defect. Well, the other medic and myself gave the little puppy some oxygen and listen to his heart with our stethescopes. When we got back to the firehouse we were teased for weeks for giving CPR to a Collie! The puppy died. It was from a puppy mill and the whole litter died from the same defect. Inter breeding the investigator told us later.

Two brother got drunk and into a knife fight on Thanksgiving. We beat the Police to the scene. We had to go in and break it up the fight with hydrant wrenches so we could patch them up. They were both hauled off to jail. Blood everwhere! Everyone survived! The guys went to jail and got the help they needed. The parents were glad the boys got help. Eventually the boys became friends again.

We had some high school girls eat some mushrooms on the football field. They thought they were the hallucinating mushrooms. Deadly ones. The girls all lived but some scary moments. The funny story was the rooky Medic who kneeled in front of one of the girls which we had given epicac to. When she vomited it went right over the waste basket and all over the kid. We kept telling him, "you'd better move." He kept telling me "I'll catch it", and he did. Even the school principal laughed! Very serious situation almost lost two of the four girls but all made it.

I don't which is the best. So many!

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Old 04-22-2003, 10:10 PM
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Exclamation A fast ride

I once had the barrel of a 30.30 lever action placed firmly in the middle of my back, got shot at, people pointing all sorts of things at me after I?d rushed to ?the scene?. But my most frightening experience happen 18 years ago this August and had nothing to do with weapons.
Was working as the mid-night to 8 sergeant and was doing the FBI stats at 6:10 AM on a quiet Sunday. Heard over the Fire radio they were going to Division St. with two trucks and the ambulance regarding a house fire. I lived on Division St. I jogged out of the station and got into a cruiser and began the 3 mile drive. The Fire Captain, a guy I?d gone to high school with, then came over the radio to confirm he was going to a fire on Division St., last house on the right. The last house on the right, that was my house. The last house on the right! My lights and serene came on and the cruiser went from 40 to 75 MPH.
With fear in his voice, the captain then came on the radio saying, ?We?ve got flames coming thru the roof!? It being a Sunday my son?s would be home and not awake yet. Each of my son?s had his own upstairs bedroom. Flames thru the roof. The cruiser was now doing about 100. It was not a straight road. I called to confirm that it was MY house but the fire personal did not respond. (They later said they were sort of busy at the time and not everyone had a radio.)
I took the 90 degree turn onto Division St. at around 60 and buried the accelerator to get the almost ? of a mile to my home. I locked up the breaks and skidded onto our front yard. My kids and wife were standing in the yard in their PJ?s. Beyond our house was a trailer that actually was closer to another cul-de-sac. No one was home at the trailer. The guy had gone out for breakfast and the wife who had lit some candles, went for a walk in the woods. The curtains had caught on fire from the candles and the place had gone up like a match.
My wife, bless her heart, started scolding me for digging up the front lawn with the tires of my cruiser and both the boys were telling me how they woke up. I grabbed all three and picked them up. Just hugged them for a minutes until my wife mentioned that my t-shirt, that she was using as a pajama top, was ridding up over her butt and wanted to be put down.
Liquor can be a bad thing, abusing liquor can be a very bad thing. However that morning before 6:30 AM I called the station and said I was off duty for the rest of the shift. Went into the house, took off my shirt and gun belt, grabbed a six pack and started chugging. Of course the other cops and the fire crew were invited back to my house when they got off duty at 8. It?s illegal to buy beer or liquor on a Sunday in Massachusetts and remove it from the bar or restaurant where it was sold. However, that morning about 4 cases of beer and several bottles found their way to our house. It was odd, at about 7:30 AM I began to shake. The shakes lasted for about 10 minutes and a few people made comment. Just like Vietnam, I used to always shake after the firefight was over. The fear I felt that morning was worst than walking or riding into any damn ambush. There was no shame in shaking, none at all.

Stay healthy,
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Old 04-23-2003, 11:55 PM
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Well, here is a true story that happend in the 70's: We were a bunch of Boy Scouts on a camping trip in the Ozarks (of Missouri) and in the early mourning hours the woods we were camping in caught on fire. So, with the Forestry Dept. cutting a fire break with a bull dozer we assisted with rakes and shovels and kept the fire from spreading and later that day after the fire burned itself out we continued our weekend camping trip.We also found out that Lightning starts forest fires in the summer too. Thats my experiance fighting fires it was small but to a bunch of teenagers it seemed plenty Big to us.
[><] Dixie born and proud of it.
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Old 04-24-2003, 04:01 AM
39mto39g 39mto39g is offline

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Default JD

Did ya get a merit bage?
I was a scout, everything we did we got a merit badge for,
To assist the forest department must of been a big deal to the troop.

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Old 04-24-2003, 07:10 AM
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Default few years ago...

...I ended up helping this guy move,... Jerry Keim(or reverse the i, and the e), lived in "Hell's kitchen" for 25 years in the same apartment on the 5th floor after Vietnam...

...He had one transplant of a liver, and wasn't doing well, I know his sister whose husband, also a vietnam Vet(deseased), and her live in boyfriend, they asked me to drive the moving van back up here from the city...

...the night before, we took the train down, and at the time, they wouldn't let us take a case of beer on, so I grabbed a pint of crown royal for the ride, etc, Richie wanted to hit the town, and we ended out until 4, or so in the morning, then it was all day helping him pack, and load up this 24 foot ryder truck with Jerry's life...
...sometime around 5ish when were all dead tired from moving everything down from the 5th floor. were sitting down waiting to get on the way, and we hear this "BOOM", and a clank, and it's "what the f*#k is that, and we hear hizzing, and we see flames coming out from under this Honda parked right next to the Ryder truck, no keys in the truck to move it at first, I grab the fire extingusher, and waste it under the back side of this rice rocket, and nuthin', flames are getting higher, and their starting to lap under the moving van, keys arrive, and I start it up but the guy in the Buick can't get his car started, oh well, so sorry, put my hands up, and shrugged, and put it in gear,(nice little 454), and ease up to his bumper, and gave him a 3 parking space ride while he was still in park, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp all the way up, he wasn't happy, but oh well, get out of the truck, and somebody's a wise a$$, and screams "MY BABY'S IN THERE", just as the firetrucks are cornering off the street from both sides, I tried to tell a fireman what was said, and he brushed me off like I was the a$$hole that "reported" the "lie", there wasn't any kid in the car after all, but when someone screams it out, what the hell do you think at the time, like Andy said, when it was over, I sat on the curb shaking, and just started to cry, and I know Jerry understood, He knew I have PTSD, and even offered to help with my claim before he died...

...we ended up blocked in for hours, didn't get out of the city until 11:30 that night, a CON ED electrical cable had blown out, and sent a manhole cover up into the gas tank of the Honda causing the fire...long drive home, and tired, Had Rich slap me in the face a couple of times just to stay awake, just drained after 48 hours of excitement...

...just another day in paradise
"Let me tell you a story"
..."Have I got a story for you!"

Tom "ANDY" Andrzejczyk

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Old 04-24-2003, 07:29 PM
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Ron, I think we got some type of merit badge but its gathering mildew in a footlocker in my parents garage now with all the other stuff a kid accumulates over 17-18 years I think I managed to Make 1st Class Scout while I was in but, I was mainly involved for the Camporees and hiking trips (we hiked trails in the Mo Ozarks and the Pisaw Bird trail in Alton,Ill.) those were fun days .
[><] Dixie born and proud of it.
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Old 04-25-2003, 03:44 PM
39mto39g 39mto39g is offline

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Default JD

I made it to Eagle scout before they kicked me out, Said I wasn't scout material, so I joined the Army.

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Old 04-25-2003, 06:08 PM
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We had some Eagle Scouts in basic training in the airforce they all got stripes for it same as the CAP and JrROTC guys got hope the Army did the same.
[><] Dixie born and proud of it.
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