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Old 10-10-2005, 01:02 PM
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Default "Mickey-Mouse" WARLORDS

"Mickey-Mouse" WARLORDS
by N.R. Filidei (October 10, 2005)

Even though long-time American norm, it's truly absurd forcing The U.S. Military to foolishly keep enduring one-sided, politically-correct and/or pleasing most everyone on earth (enemies inclusive) restrictions,...even during mortal combat and/or all out warfares.

From about 1946 to date, such lethal political dictates have caused and still cause more American deaths and casualties than should need be, or should ever have been. Truly a sad past and present reality, for sure. But, certainly quite understandable.

Such is what happens when clueless civilian warlords use their authority for actually becoming THE TRUE GENERALS & COMMANDERS of: "America's Finest" and/or The U.S. Military. That's what happens when politicians take command, micro-manage warfare in every detail, and even pick and choose targets or deny target acquisitions to The Military,...even during vicious and all out combat or wars.

Thus, it's no wonder why America and/or presently: "The Most Powerful Nation on Earth" has never achieved Total Victory or totally resolved any large scale conflict favorably for The USA, since World War II?

Perhaps the following might somewhat explain the absurdity of why The Greatest Nation on Earth and/or America's total victory count of major conflicts for such a long time,...have added up to ZERO?

Truman and clueless civilian warlords Commanding during The Fiftees': "Korean Police Action" is a good starting point. After many thousands of American deaths and casualties, small and even defeated in battle North Korea poses an infinitely greater threat to USA & World,...THAN EVER DID BEFORE.

Certainly can't blame the brave and courageous U.S. Military nor even General MacArthur for that quite troubling and current factual reality. Hey,..."They" did their best and defeated the enemy. Political Commanders certainly didn't do their best, and caved-in to all enemy demands.

Kennedy got things rolling, and then Johnson and clueless civilian warlords of The Sixtees Commanding: "The Vietnam Conflict" (Politicians never like calling ACTUAL wars: "Wars".), also failed miserably at playing generals. There another many thousands of American deaths and casualties were suffered without achieving Total Victory for America. America's Politicians actually relinquished Total Victory to the defeated at every turn North Vietnamese. Go figure?

Again, not being victorious against an enemy cannot be attributed to The U.S. Military,...since: "Never defeated by The North Vietnamese in battle". Granted, survivors of: "Second of Seventh" or 2nd Sqdn/7th Cavalry (maybe other units also?) might greatly dispute what many have stated before?

Regardless, with Nixon and clueless civilian warlords of The Seventees Commanding, things got no better for The U.S. Military in Vietnam. The only difference being that courageous warriors never permitted winning in the first place, were finally ordered home.

Such left many allies of about 10-12-15 years (depends on whose counting) and neighboring nations wide-open and/or at mercy of the quite vicious North Vietnamese Invaders. Only America's Peace Loving (supposedly?) War Protesters seemed thrilled about such a strange outcome and/or that millions of defenseless Asians were slaughtered, due America's pulling out.
WOW!!!, about heartless and bloodthirsty Fondas or: "Peaceniks".

For Carter and clueless civilian warlords Commanding,...forget it.
Well, unless Iranian, Shah and Crowd, or a hostage??? He just wasn't around long enough to do much harm. Plus, and fortunately for America at the time, no large scale conflicts flared-up where American Lives & Limbs could be wasted for naught.

As to Reagan, he gets a pass on that: "Clueless civilian warlords Commanding" bit. Reagan respected the bravery and courage of The United States Military and built it up (The Intelligence Community also), was desperately needed doing. Such being in no small way due to the prevous President: "Jimmy Who".

With Bush Senior, similarly have no complaints. He quite wisely let generals take charge during warfare for-a-change. Bush Sr. let good generals do what such do best, and/or in essence DESTROY ENEMY & WIN & ACCOMPLISH MISSIONS VICTORIOUSLY, for-a-change

Now with Clinton and TRULY clueless civilian warlords Commanding, that was TRULY some piece of work and/or sorry 8 years for The U.S. Military and America in general. Fortunately, no large scale conflicts or confrontations occurred during His Frivolous Reign and/or for The: "I despise The Military" President.
17 UN Sanctions in Iraq and attempted downings of American Fighter Planes,...didn't even phase His Worship.

Still,: "Slick Willy" proudly; "Cutting 250,000 Government Jobs" (as per His Friendly Press), when in actuality having cut A QUARTER MILLION JOBS from The U.S. Military and Intelligence Community,...most certainly was nothing to be proud of (for His Friendly Press either). Quite the opposite.

Also, letting Osama Bin Laden and entourage skate-free after The First World Trade Center Bombing wasn't very presidential or even bright,...and especially for A Rhodes Scholar. "The Lover-Boy-In-Chief" ordering U.S. Troops to serve under United Nations Command & Control in Somalia,...wasn't all that bright either.

With current Bush and clueless (many now undermining and quite politically-petty and vindictive also) civilian warlords of The U.S. Congress, I guess we'll just have to wait and see? After all, this latest is the worst and most dangerously vicious warfare America and Free World have ever faced or been confronted by.

Never before in history has anything like such been experienced on such a worldwide grand scale. Hope career politicians or: "WARLORDS" don't foul or screw-this-one-up, also? America simply cannot afford any more of such typical nonsense.

In that context, and all: "Mickey-Mouse" WARLORDS (of whatever BENT or nation) aside, I honestly believe it quite lethally-stupid of America and Allies to foolishly continue ordering their respective troops to unilaterally keep fighting: "Politically-correct warfares" against terrorists and worldwide terrorism.

Damn(!),...even typically maniacal, bloodthirsty, and homicidally insane Muslim Terrorists are NEVER so stupid or foolish, as to ever be so enemy helpful and encouraging.

In fact, such fanatically avowed Islamic Mass-Murderers of defenseless men, women and children (babies also) infidels, don't even have such an enemy helpfulness called: "Rules of Engagement", their vocabulary. The terrorists' only Rule of Engagement for killing enemies, is more so wisely and sensibly that age old adage of: "All is fair in love and war",...AND SOME (unfortunately for We: "Soft Targets")

Whatever,...Wake-up: "WARLORDS".
Become just as united in resolve and ferocity and intend winning as our terrorist enemies undoubtedly do,...and We All Win.
Don't,...and We All Loose. Quite simple. But, quite logical also.

The End

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Old 10-22-2005, 08:01 AM
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Any thinking that: "Mickey-Mouse" WARLORDS is too long or an exaggeration of total failures by politicians playing at generalship of The U.S. Military,...such are wrong on both counts.

Granted, such truths aren't what people like hearing, reading or discussing.
Not very uplifting at all, and also not very reassuring given our current plight, say the least.

Regardless, the first count of being too long is wrong, since covering over a-half-century to date of Executives and Congresses failing miserably at militarily micro-managing or ordering in detail conflicts or warfares. Thus, and since the entire piece fits on (2) 8-1/2 X 11 sheets of paper,'s quite condensed, short and concise, and actually not very long at all.

As to it being: "An exaggeration", I say nonsense. One need only watch TV News to see what strange priorities political warlords have,...and/or what such actually consider MORE IMPORTANT than killing and destroying the most murderously vicious enemy (re. Fanatical Islamic Assassins), that The World has ever faced INSTEAD.

The latest nonsense or quite asininely misplaced OUTRAGE by America's Political Warlords being over the two dead Taliban bodies being burned and used as psychological warfare against The Sickos, in the hills of Afghanistan.

WOW!!! and whoop-whoopy-do,...what mean and nasty Americans.
Burning the dead,...instead just beheading those alive? WOW!!!, about we insensitive Americans.

Still, and as to absurdly misplaced OUTRAGES often displayed by 50 year and better failures at conducting warfares from political offices, come no such OUTRAGES are ever displayed for the many defenseless men, women and children (babies also) infidels mass-murdered daily (plus beheadings now and then of captives also) ALSO?

Don't such daily desecrations of infidel bodies also warrant at least a modicum of similarly feigned OUTRAGE, our politically-correct and/or quite overly-sensitive towards foreigners' feelings ALONE, "Mickey-Mouse" WARLORDS? Guess not?

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Old 10-22-2005, 11:39 AM
Seascamp Seascamp is offline
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Well Neil, tiz the all consuming hydra at work and of course the evil doers won?t get the media attention they so richly deserve, they never have before so why should there be an expectation that anything would change. No one would dare speak of the hideous Yodok killing centers and forced labor camps (at best, a 20% survival rate) of North Korea, nor the fact that pre teen children and toddlers are sent to these camps, even at this moment.
But on the other hand I see that the representatives of Kin Jung Il were welcomed at the hate America demonstrations in D.C. and are in the Sheehan orbital system of murderous mongrels. Pol Pot was eventually villainized but only after it was brutally obvious that fully one third of the Cambodian population had been grotesquely tortured and died unspeakable deaths, nor has it ever been made crystal clear that this ?liquidation? process kicked into full speed the very day Saigon fell to the Soviet Union.

The straw man always put up to screen this mathematical certainty was some externalization about an ?Immoral War? the US waged in SEA. Or more popularly among some US Liberals these days is the allegation the death camps are a myth or that it was the US that was in fact operating the Cambodian death camps. Lucky for me the Cambodians have no such illusions or my butt would have been toast just a while back. And yes, the Holocaust Museum in Phnom Phen really exists and the perps are identified.

Then the matter of Cuba and the supposed ?heroes? Ernesto ?Che? Guevara and Fidel Castro, hmmm, we have been sold some real bullshit on those two murderous mongrels and of course they too are well ensconced and represented in the Sheehan obit. Lucky for the USA that Moscow had second thoughts and took away those dozen or so 200 mega ton global killers or our Midwest will still be an un inhabitable tic-tic land. My guess is that Moscow came to the realization that Che and Fidel had every intention of using them and backed off, then kept Fidel on a tight choke chain from that time forth. And did in fact ignore Fidel?s decade?s worth of begging and pleading to have them re installed. Amazing stuff coming out of Russia these days and Fidel don?t like the candid revelations one damn bit. Zo, do I believe the Russians or do I believe Hollywood, hmmm, let me think about that one a bit.

For a short while we heard some real ugly stuff about what was happening the Afghan people at the hands of the Al Qaeda directed Taliban. Barbaric things like women being skinned from the neck up as an integral part of the rape process. But now that Al Qaeda luminaries and representatives are nicely strapped into the politically convenient hate circle, we are hearing far less about the barbaric practices of the Taliban and their leader, Osama bin Laden.

Then to the issue of Saddam, well, even the NYT will have to go a bunch to laud that piece of shit, but that doesn?t mean they aren?t very active in related venues. Just guess who is beating the pots and pans to marginalize, discredit and make every effort to rip the emerging Iraqi government, their fledgling Constitution, their patched together legal system and their competence and authority to put Saddam on trial? Hang in there Saddam, help is on the way from the Big Apple and you may yet be a hero.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 10-24-2005, 11:09 AM
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Default Screwed-up

So then, and to further risk saying what people don't like hearing or care admitting, is that if THINGS (re. continually undermining or nationally-suicidal politics) don't change pretty-damn-soon from the historical norm or typical business as usual for over a-half-century,...We'uns and/or most likely: "Soft Targets" of opportunity for the many sicko terrorists, are somewhere between a rock (or Iraq) and a hard place?

Still, you've got to see the sad reality of it all.
"The Land of The Free and Home of The Brave" and/or America The Greatest and Most Powerful Nation on Earth,...stands a better than even chance of being politically-corrected to death.
Absolutely disgusting.
Well,...disgusting to sensible and/or apolitical or non-political or non-fanatically bent Americans, anyway.

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