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Old 05-19-2002, 01:02 PM
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Talking Oh James!

The Balance Budgets of Clinton were!

Produced by a Conservative Senate and Congress that said if it isn't Balanced we'll vetoe it.

The Same could be said of all budgets. Remember all budgets have to be approved by the Houses of Congress. They are as instrumental in the make up of the budget process as the Presidents themselves.

Your statics mean very little until analized by the make-up of congress at the time. Most Republican presidents served as minority presidents (the Senate and the House were Democrat) which means they often forced an unbalanced budget. So Clinton's balanced budgets were really Republican Budgets forced upon a minority President.

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Old 05-22-2002, 06:47 AM
Deadmanwalking Deadmanwalking is offline
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Thumbs up Re: My, how creative

Originally posted by exlrrp
There certainly are some creative reads on history here.
there's lots to deal with up above here but lets start with the "Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal" myth
it was actually a smart deal for the US and I hate to say it but the negotiations started in the Ford administration. getting rid of it should be a plus for the side that whines about paying too much taxes but nooooo, Whats really creative is how the dittoheaded right wing conspiracy uses it to make carter look bad. Did Rush say that?
What some less informed people never start to think is that the Panama Canal had become a White Elephant for the US with little strategical value.Huge maintenance, no income. yet you guys would rather keep vulnerable bases there than do what was the smartest thing--keep a 2 ocean Navy--even the govt did better than that.
The late 70s--early 80s found the US downsizing our military commitmenet--this was bipartisan, a goal thruout several administrations and I can't fault the idea--who needed it? Nowadays we use our naval forces to move around an be our vbases--better for us and safer for them out in the ocean JUUUST like we did in Afghanistan.
lets start with this fact--virtually none of our strategic material or military pass through the Panama Canal--not oil, for sure, nor containers nor bulk on anything but bananas. the greatest number of ships to pass through there were cruise ships last year. the income didn't cover them maintenance
if we REALLY needed to take it back, as in wartime, don't you think we would in a New York minute? of course we would but the panamanians would rather rent it to us anyway--there's about a third of them there who want us back. Let the Chinese run it--they like working for low wages.
If youre smart, write your congressman not to renege on carter's excellent deal!! or isn' it Jimmy carter's fault now

carter's doing a good thing in Cuba now, its good PR for boh sides. Its time we normalised relations with Cuba, we sure cozyed up to some regimes a lot more atrocious. All of his efforts are good, Ive worked for habitat For Humanity. its good to see exPresidents doing something good for humanity on their own time, instead of selling $2million dollar speeches like Ronald reagan before he lost it too much. Yes I know what Bill Clinton does--same as GHB, selling pardons and all

You are right on the money James. Let someone else pay for the canal for awhile. It ain't goin' nowhere. We know how to find it and we can and will take it back if need be for National security Reasons. I Also agree with you about Cuba. I think the "Beard" probably agrees with you too. It is not hard too see that you are well read and keep abreast of world events........Deadmanwalking
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Old 05-22-2002, 06:56 AM
Deadmanwalking Deadmanwalking is offline
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Cool Re: Would someone Please tell Me?

Originally posted by exlrrp
Why did, Bush, Cheney, Schwartskpf, Powell not take baghdad when they were knocking on the door, the Iraqi forces defeated, the city wide open?
I know all about the "we didn't have a mandate" excuse but this was one of the most shortsighted decisions on Modern history--now we're going to have to do it all over again and oh, thats right, with the same people who made the shortsighted decision. The good news is theyre doing it with Clinton's Army so that turned out all right.
they totally negated their excellent victory. I thought the main lesson of Vietnam was not to go to war unless you were going to win it. Thats what I learned, anyway.

Why? My ead about this is what we all know. War is a money maker. It was in "Nam" and it will be again in Iraq. You dasent eat a "good" pig all at once. Do that and you are likely to starve to death.......America is structured on a war based economy. Our wealth lies in our war powers. "The mix of politics and the military industrial complex is dangerous" Dwight D. Eisinhower 1961 (I Think)..........Deadmanwalking
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Old 05-22-2002, 09:05 AM
Andy Andy is offline
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Cool There you go again, James

With your erudite background I was sure it was not necessary to spell out my take on Desert Storm. Let me try again. Many Democrats were talking about all the body bags that would be filled as a result of an armed assault on Iraq?s ?fourth largest army in the world? and were wetting their pants because of the prophecy that it would be the ?mother of all battles?, our choppers would not work in the sand, the Bradley Fighting Vehicle was a piece of crap, etc. Being optimistic I was praying we would only loose a battalion worth of line troops. If we had lost a brigade or division due to regular combat or chemical weapons many people, especially on the left would have been calling for Bush?s head. Around here we had war protesters who turned out ever day in town commons, protesters making a human blockade in front of the main gate at Westover Air Force Base, people burning the American flag at least on weekends. Bush Sr. won the stated goals of the war, cool. You know what happens once the mission is changed after troops are committed, it usually turns into a cluster. I site Black Hawk Down, not to mention Vietnam as examples of the many times when the mission was changed after the troops were pulling the trigger.

James, you seem to have gotten me all wrong on our politics towards Cuba. That nation has self-imposed communism, let them wallow in it. The worst thing we could do is become active in trying to overthrow Castro using anything but words and images. Now we can point to Cuba, to the rest of the Western Hemisphere and say, sure things aren?t perfect but do you see any boat loads of people going THERE? It would be fine if Cuba remained communist for the next generation. We could turn it into sort of a zoo. People could go there on tours to see why capitalism is a good idea. Of course we have helped Cuba to be poor, that?s our job: to show the rest of the world democracy and capitalism works and other systems don?t work as well.

Malaise? Did you really use the word Malaise? Is there a better word to describe the failed policies of Jimmy Carter? Cuba is in a malaise alright. They have a leader who is Carter times 10 when it comes to running an economy. Castro is like the kid you never liked in high school. And when he was having a bad day and threatened to jump off a bridge you said, "go for it, who knows, you might fly".

Stay healthy,
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Old 05-22-2002, 01:05 PM
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Default Geez,James

You talk sa if there were a naval blockade in place to starve Castro.He`s free to trade with any country in the world. When the USSR went kaput,along with it went any hope that Castro might have had of economic solvency.Socialist European countries won`t deal with him any more because he`s got a huge debt to them that he can`t,or won`t repay. As the noose tightens around the neck of one of the most repressive regimes in the world,we`ll see just how much the Cuban people love Castro and his cajones.Dubya said that until those people have free and fair elections,the embargo stays put,and I agree.Right now it would seem to me that Castro has but a few choices for survival, with the best case scenario being freeing his people,and the worst-aligning himself with the Chicoms.If Carter`s visit nudges ole Fidel toward a democratic government..GREAT! If not,then all he has done is to further the appearance of a weakened and divided America to our long,and growing daily,list of enemies.
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Old 05-22-2002, 01:47 PM
xgrunt xgrunt is offline
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Default Grandkid's question

The following is from the 'Dirty Digs" colomn of my small town paper. the article was written by Pete Cottle. "Six year old Drew, my oldest grandson had something he wanted to talk about. He had a world globe and, having seen the movie" Pearl Harbor" asked me to show him who was fighting who in WWII. You gotta understand that he is a bright and inquisitive kid who believes most of what his grandfather tells him. So we went over the globe pointing out the good guys and the bad guys in WWII. Had to be confusing to him to be told the Germans and Japenese are now are friends. then we took the history a little further, pointing out that Americans had fought in Korea, VietNam, the Middle East and now Afganistan. Then he looked at me with those sincere eyes and asked, with who knows what running thru his mind, asked a question that broke my heart: "You mean the war never ends?" What do you say to that , what do you say to a six year old? God, what a sad commentary on the human race."
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