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Old 05-22-2008, 12:15 PM
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Default Battle of France Timeline

Battle of France & World Events Timeline
(May 10, 1940 - June 22, 1940)

In six weeks Germany defeated the worlds best army - the French - conquered Norway, Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg, and drove the British Army from the continent. Although France had more tanks and of higher quality, German tactics and doctrine proved to be far superior than the Allies plan for a static defense. By using a new form of combined-arms combat labeled blitzkrieg, the Germans swept away all resistance in their path. This is a day-by-day account of how that happened.


May 10, 1940
0300Adolf Hitler arrives at his bunker near Aachen, Germany, to direct operation Fall Gelb (Case Yellow), the attack on western Europe.
0400German forces begin operation "Sichelschnitt" (Sickle Stroke), a surprise assault against Holland, Luxembourg, Belgium, and France.
0430Fleets of Luftwaffe bombers and fighters take off to attack western Europe.
0445German parachute and airborne forces secure key bridges Rotterdam, Dordrecht, and Moerdijk, and at Maastricht.
050077 German men in 10 DFS230 gliders descend on Belgium's Fort Eban Emael. Eight gliders land on the fort.
050176 German divisions cross a 175-mile front into Holland, Belgium, and Luxembourg.
0520Fort Eban Emael is neutralized.
Daytime32 British Battle bombers attack German columns in Luxembourg. 13 are shot down; all others are damaged.
DaytimeLuxembourg surrenders.
1800At Buckingham Palace, London, England, King George VI asks Winston Churchill to form a new government.
EveningBritain's prime minister Chamberlain resigns. Winston Churchill becomes new Prime Minister.
MidnightBritish Prime Minister Churchill completes the forming of his government.

May 11, 1940
0800Fort Eban Emael is taken with the arrival of German ground troops.
Daytime8 British Battles bombers attack German columns entering Luxembourg. 7 are shot down
DaytimeHermann Göring demands that the Swedes allow passage of trains to Norway. He is refused.
DaytimeChurchill gives Bomber Command permission to bomb Berlin.

May 12, 1940
DawnNine British Blenheim bombers attack German column on the Maastricht - Tongres road. Seven are shot down.
DawnFive British Battle bombers attack bridges over the Albert Canal. They break one bridge, but four planes are shot down.
MorningA British Royal Navy battleship accidentally strikes anti-submarine trawler Ypres, sinking it. All 18 crew members survive.
Morning24 British Blenheim bombers attack bridges and roads in Maastricht. 10 bombers are shot down.

May 13, 1940
MorningA single Belgian bomber with 2 escorts attempts to destroy the Moerdijk bridge and delay German forces. The attack fails.
AfternoonQueen Wilhelmina escapes from the Netherlands and arrives in England
EveningGerman General Erwin Rommel's 7th Panzer Division crosses the Meuse River at Dinant.
EveningBritish Prime Minister Churchill delivers his famous "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" speach.
EveningGerman General Heinz Guderian's XIX Armored Corps crosses the Meuse River at Sedan.
NightBritish Prime Minister Churchill contacts American President Roosevelt asking him for assistance.

May 14, 1940
MorningGerman aircraft bomb Rotterdam, Holland. 30,000 civilians are killed.
Morning63 British Battle bombers and 8 Blenheim bombers raid German bridgeheads over the Meuse River. 40 planes are shot down.
DaytimeGreat Britain War Office calls for Local Defense Volunteers, later renamed The Home Guard.
DaytimeGeneral Charles de Gaul's 4th Army counter-attacks German bridgeheads on the Meuse but is driven back.

May 15, 1940
MorningFrench Premier Paul Reynaud tells British Prime Minister Winston Churchill: "We have been defeated; we have lost the battle".
MorningThe Dutch King flees to England and surrenders Holland to Germany.
MorningBritish Prime Minister Churchill tells US President Roosevelt "I think myself the battle on land has only just begun."
MorningChurchill sends Roosevelt first telegram asking to buy American surplus aircraft and ships.
DaytimeRommel's panzers clash with French armor at Phillippeville in first major tank battle of the war.
DaytimeThe British War Cabinet gives Bomber Command permission to bomb the Ruhr area of Germany, east of the Rhine.
DaytimeA concentration camp for Poles is begins construction in Auschwitz.
EveningFrench Premier Reynaud calls Churchill asking for all the troops and planes he can send.
EveningFrench General Gamelin orders a retreat of forces from Belgium.
Evening96 Wellington, Whitley, and Hampden bombers attack industrial targets east of the Rhine river. Only one plane is lost.

May 16, 1940
MorningChurchill flies to Belgium where General Gamelin informs him that the battle is lost.
DaytimeUnited States President Roosevelt asks Congress for $285 million for defense spending.
DaytimeGerman forces destroy Corap's 9h Army and advance 50 miles to Rethel.
DaytimeBritish Prime Minister Churchill provides an extra 10 fighter squadrons to help France, with six operating out of Kent.
NightChurchill flies back to England, dejected by the situation on the mainland.

May 17, 1940
Morning12 British Blenheim bombers attack advancing German columns near Gembloux. 11 planes are shot down.
DaytimeGerman panzers reach the Serre River in France, then stop.
EveningBritish bombers make their first attack on Hamburg, Germany, with 48 Hampdens attacking oil refineries.

May 18, 1940
MorningGerman forces at the Serre River in France start moving again, heading north away from Paris.
DaytimeGerman forces capture the city of Antwerp.
DaytimeGerman forces capture the city of St. Quentin.
DaytimeGerman forces under Guderian capture Perrone on the Somme.
DaytimeThe Swedish Council on Foreign Relations of the Swedish Cabinet rules against the transit of arms for Germany.

May 19, 1940
DaytimeFrench General Gamelin orders an attack into the southern flank of German General Guderian's Panzer corps.
NightBritish Wellington bombers attack Bremen and Hamburg, two major German cities.

May 20, 1940
DaytimeGerman forces reach the sea near Abbeville, France, splitting Allied forces and trapping much of it in a pocket.
DaytimeGerman forces under Guderian capture Abbeville.
EveningFrench General Gamelin is fired. General Maxime Weygand is brought in to replace him.

May 21, 1940
DaytimeAllies break the Enigma code that had been changed three weeks ago.
DaytimeLord Gort launches an attack on the Germans at Arras but is repulsed after heavy fighting.

May 22, 1940
DaytimeChurchill and Weygand meet in Paris and decide on a strategy to save the city.
DaytimeFrench attack near Arras is beaten back.

May 23, 1940
MorningBoulogne, France, falls to German troops.
DaytimeGerman forces set siege to Calais, France.
DaytimeFrench General Weygand, while flying to the front lines and regain control of his demoralized forces, is shot down. He survives.

May 24, 1940
MorningRCN destroyers Restigouche, St. Laurent, Skeena, and Fraser head to the United Kingdom to aid the Royal Navy.
MorningGerman Field Marshal von Rundstedt orders for his panzer divisions to halt their advance in France for resupply.
DaytimeThe Allied Expeditionary Force withdraws completely from Norway.
DaytimeAt Bjerkvik, Norway, north of Narvik, three battalions of French alpine troops and a Norwegian battalion land, for an assault on Narvik.

May 25, 1940
DaytimeThe city of Boulogne is captured by the Germans.
EveningBritish commander Gort cancels a planned advance to the south, and orders his troops north, so they can embark for England.

May 26, 1940
DaytimeThe city of Calais is captured by the Germans.

May 27, 1940
DawnGerman forces in France begin their advance again.
DaytimeBritish 1st Armored Division attacks near the city of Abbeville, but is forced to retreat after heavy losses from German artillery.
MorningBelgium formally surrenders to Germany.
MorningEvacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk, France, across the English Channel begins.

May 28, 1940
MorningFrench General Béthouart leads a force from Bjerkvik on Narvik, Norway.
DaytimePolish troops attack Narvik, Norway, from south of the village.
DaytimeFrench 4th Armored Division, lead by General de Gaulle, attacks Abbeville, but the attack fails.
DaytimeBelgian King Leopold officially surrenders his country to Germany.
EveningAllied troops complete taking Narvik, Norway.

May 29, 1940

May 30, 1940

May 31, 1940
DaytimeChurchill flies to Paris to meet with Marshal August Pétain who announces he is willing to make a seperate peace with Germany

June 1, 1940

June 2, 1940
EveningThe last of the British Expedition Force is evacuated from Dunkirk, France. A total of 338,000 Allied troops were saved.

June 3, 1940
DaytimeNorwegian and Swedish foreign ministers sign an agreement for Sweden to take control of the Narvik area.
DaytimeGerman bombers bomb Paris.
DaytimeGerman forces in France move south toward Paris.

June 4, 1940
MorningGerman battle cruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, and cruiser Hipper set out from Kiel to attack Allied forces.
EveningBritish Prime Minister Churchill makes his "We shall fight on the beaches..." speech to Parliament.

June 5, 1940
DaytimeGerman forces begin their attack on the French army at the Somme.
EveningFrench General Beaufrère surrenders the remaining French troops defending Dunkirk.
NightGerman forces begin night reconnaissance over Britain.

June 6, 1940
DaytimeBritish Prime Minister Churchill proposes the development of a parachute troop corps with 5000 men.

June 7, 1940
MorningThe Norwegian government flees to England.
DaytimeGerman troops capture the Norwegian city of Narvik from the Allies.
DaytimeThe Norwegian government ceases hostilities with Germany.

June 8, 1940
MorningFrench troops evacuate the Somme region.
DaytimeThe French town of Rouen falls to German forces.
EveningThe last British and French forces leave Norway.

June 9, 1940
DaytimeNorway falls to the Germans. King Haakon flees to London, England.

June 10, 1940
MorningNorway officially surrenders to the Germans.
DaytimeThe French government leaves Paris for Tours.
DaytimeItaly declares war on England and France.

June 11, 1940
MorningThe French city of Reims falls to German forces.
DaytimeItalian aircraft attack French bases in Africa.
DaytimeChurchill flies to France where he meets with the French Supreme War Council in Briare.
DaytimeThe French demand Britain send more fighters to France. Dowding refuses saying that victory will come over the skies of Britain.
DaytimeChurchill obtained promises from French Navy Admiral Darlan that the Navy would not fall into German hands.
DaytimeParis, France, is declared an open city.
NightFrom bases in the Channel Island, 32 R.A.F. Whitely bombers attack the Italian city of Turin and bomb the Fiat factories.

June 12, 1940

June 13, 1940
DaytimeU.S. President Roosevelt signs $1.3 billion defense spending bill.
DaytimeFrench Premier Paul Reynaud publicly broadcasts an appeal for American intervention.
DaytimeSpain's Generalissimo Franco changes Spain's status from neutral to nonbelligerent.

June 14, 1940
MorningGerman troops enter Paris. General von Studnitz leads the 87th Infantry Division in a victory march through the city.
MorningIn Brest, France, British General Brooke orders Canadian forces to withdraw from France.
DaytimeSpain sends a 3,000-man force to occupy the former international city of Tangier, a port of Morocco.

June 15, 1940
MorningIn convoy HX-48, German submarine U-38 torpedoes and sinks Canadian merchant ship Erik Boye near Land's End.
DaytimeThe Maginot Line is attacked and broken at Saarbrucken and Colmar

June 16, 1940
MorningFrench Premier Reynaud, whose government was in exile, resigns.
DaytimeBritish battleship Revenge arrives in Halifax, Canada, with 40 million Pounds Sterling in gold, for safekeeping.
DaytimeGermany forms its first specialized night-fighter plane unit.
DaytimeMarshal Henri Pétain takes over the government of France.

June 17, 1940
MorningFrance requests an armistice with Germany.
EveningChurchill decides de Gaulle should be recognized as speaking for France, not Marshal Pétain.
NightBritish Bomber Command launches 138 aircraft on Germany, primarily on oil targets. Only one plane does not return.

June 18, 1940
MorningIn Canada, Prime Minister Mackenzie King introduces the National Resources Mobilization Act in the House of Commons.
MorningGermany threatens action if Swedish railways don't permit transport of German troops and supplies to Norway.
DaytimeSweden receives notice from Britain indicating that Britain might have to make peace with Germany.
DaytimeChurchill speaks to Parliament: “What General Weygand called the Battle of France is over. The Battle of Britain is about to begin.”
DaytimeFrench General de Gaulle becomes the leader of "Free France". He refuses to acknowledge Vichy France as a government.
DaytimeRussian forces invade the Baltic States.
EveningThe Swedish government agrees to allow German troops to pass from Sweden to Norway, via Swedish railways.
EveningGeneral de Gaulle broadcasts on BBC radio, appealing to French soldiers to join him and fight on for France.
NightRAF bombers attack Bremen and Hamburg.

June 19, 1940
Night30 British Blenheim bombers raid German airfields at Rouen and Amiens. All aircraft return.

June 20, 1940
DaytimeItaly launches an offensive on the Alpine front in the south of France.
DaytimeThe British Air Ministry sends a directive to Bomber Command, instructing it to focus attacks on German aircraft.
Night47 British Blenheim bombers raid German airfields at Rouen and Schipol. All aircraft return.

June 21, 1940

June 22, 1940
DaytimeFrance formally surrenders to Germany.
EveningEngland, with 25 squadrons of fighters against a much larger Luftwaffe, now stands completely alone against Nazism.


GermanyFranceUKBelgianDutchTotal Allies
Total Divisions :1361041522 11 152
Total 1st Class Divisions :76 69 10 10 4 93
Total 2nd Class Divisions :26 11 512 730
Motorized Infantry Divisions :710
Tank Divisions :10
Airborne Divisions :1
All Tanks :2438 3254 640 270 40 4204
Artillery Pieces :7378107001280133865613974
Combat Aircraft :33693562124610271 4981

Note: The Allies out-numbered the Germans in light and medium tanks by a ratio of about 2:1, although the German light tanks were considered superior to the Allies, while the Allied medium tanks were considered superior to the Germans. Germany possessed no heavy tanks at this time, while the Allies had several hundred.


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