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Old 07-29-2004, 02:11 PM
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Default The EQUAL BLAME Game

by N.R. Filidei
(commentary for discussion on - July 29, 2004)

One couldn't help but noticing how many of both past or present Ruling Elite on The 9/11 Commission sort-of excused (by not emphasizing truths) the ACTUAL reasons why: "9/11" was so easily perpetrated by America's fanatically hating enemies and/or murderously Islamic dictated or just plain unconscionable terrorists.

After all, wasn't/isn't the reason for so MANY Intelligence Oversight Committees meeting over MANY years, mainly to insure that such abysmal failures in intelligence causing great loss of American Lives,...just never occur? I used to think so.

Thusly, for The Commission to self/clique-servingly/excusingly play: "The EQUAL BLAME Game" after America's worst and most lethal intelligence failure in history, was/is truly quite politically deceiving. In that context, I personally find The 9/11 Commission's conclusions about as believable and just, as the final outcome of The O.J. Trial.

Then too, stating that both Bush and Clinton Administrations were of: "EQUAL BLAME" for America's worst intelligence failing ever, besides being absurd...even defies logic. President Bush and Administration on-the-job only about 8 months prior to: "9/11", certainly didn't have near enough time to correct and rectify what the 8 year Clinton, Kennedy and Kerry Party unfortunately did to America, when in office.

Rebuilding a greatly downsized Military and quite purposefully decimated and/or politically-corrected or foreign-appeasing Intelligence Agencies in short order,...just wasn't/isn't a quick or easy task. That The Democrats deceptively called such military downsizings and intelligence gathering decimations: "Downsizing government by 250,000 jobs",...still doesn't make it any easier for Republicans fixing such lethally consequential sabotages.

Some key Military Personnel forced retiring will never return. Also, many key Agents left-out-on-a-limb in foreign lands to just wither away and die (both literally and figuratively),...most definitely CANNOT RETURN.

Truly a National Shame, which The Commission apparently shoved-under-the-rug,...naturally so as not to offend any fellow politicians.

Still, and in fairness to both Bush and Clinton Administrations, no administrations oversee or dictate how Intelligence Agencies are run,...since such most certainly must be a political (probably even Constitutional) NO-NO. Think that The Vietnam Era Johnson Administration might have been one of the exceptions to The Rule? Regardless, believe that what's alluded to has something to do with that old: "Checks and Balances" business.

Usually only U.S. Senators or U.S. Congressmen politically appointed to Intelligence Oversight Committees (which are never ending) are tasked with seeing that America's Intelligence Agencies are 100% capable and functioning at 100% reliability, if at all physically possible. "9/11" shows quite graphically what happens when politicians don't take their Oversight Jobs (oaths also) seriously.

Regardless, and mismanagement of both The U.S. Military and U.S. Intelligence Agencies by The Clinton, Kennedy and Kerry Party aside,...all voters must realize that main culprits for: "9/11" are all the fanatically murderous Islamic Terrorists, intent on killing as many men, women and children as such sickos can.

However, and when it comes to America's quite deadly Intelligence failings prior to: "9/11", no one can blame any sicko terrorists for that. All finger pointing MUST GO DIRECTLY TOWARDS all U.S. Senators and U.S. Congressmen on any and all Intelligence Oversight Committees doing their jobs (APPARENTLY NOT VERY WELL),...during The Clinton, politics above all else, not interested in military or foreign matters, saxaphone and tittlelating years.

Whatever Commissioners. If wanting to play: "The EQUAL BLAME Game", future do such more honestly and where actually warranted.

The End

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Old 07-29-2004, 03:30 PM
Seascamp Seascamp is offline
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Well put Neil,

You bet, that dog don?t hunt and has about as much credibility as the Warren Commission or the charade put on to investigate the Waco tragedy. That was a CYA event all the way and I?d say that the Clinton Administration had a lot more ass to cover than the Bush Administration but the negotiated settlement was a 50-50 deal. In the interim, the real perps jumped slick and that just makes me ill to think about. Some say that the Directors of the FBI and CIA at the time are the most responsible perps but I don?t buy in to that 100%. How about the supposed ?Senators? that were trying to gut and filet those organizations all the time and doing everything possible to ham string-cripple them. What about a Justice Department driving legal wedges between the two organizations on some stupid whim or sperm of the moment insanity? All we got was, ?It was ?them? that done it?. Well ?them? are incompetent jerk weeds and should be hung, drawn and quartered, and tomorrow is late. Whoever the hell ?them? is, eh.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 07-30-2004, 12:22 PM
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Default Thanks Scamp.

Always glad knowing that there are also others speaking-out out there and not taken-in by all political oneupsmanship bull, such as is so common and prevailing here in so purposefully divided: "Weirdsville USA". Though, it's unfortunate that such isn't permitted in The Mainstream Media, and that Conservative Republicans Leaders, Congressmen and Senators permitted access to such, must remain so damn: "Civil" against flat-out liars,...even while under fire. The Public deserves better and/or truths for a change.

Still my Friend, you must admit it even stranger during this recent political carnival and/or political deceit abounding for: "Recapturing The White House", in that those screaming and screeching the loudest about so many Intelligence Capabilities & Operatives lost over the years and American Lives lost (American Jobs lost also),...are the very same Congressmen and Senators that pretty-much encouraged all these abysmal losses in the first place, by dictating such asinine and self-destructive policies be adhered to.

Hey Scamp. Maybe what's needed here in America is a new Citizenry Oversight Committee, for better protecting all Americans?

Nah,...that'll never work. After all, if Intelligence Oversight Committees previously decimated our Intelligence Community, and The Department of Labor quite similarly sat around with their collective fingers up their a$$, while jobs in millions were LOST (actually by policies encouraged leaving) to the four corners of the earth,...don't believe that any additional Committee or Beaurocracy can help: "We The (Schnooks)".

Besides, recent history pretty-much proves that political commitees ONLY worry about their clique and how The Committee is perceived, and political beaurocracies ONLY worry about their clique and how The Beaurocracy is perceived. Not much of anything else, such as American Citizens and American Intelligence Operatives Lives LOST, even American Jobs LOST.

Maybe when enough of ALL ALLUDED TO ARE LOST,...such problems will be more so rightfully rectified and much less meaninglessly politicized and/or ignored? Hey,...who knows? Can't believe that all politicians are unconscionable and self/clique-serving ABOVE ALL ELSE, as Clintons, Kennedy and Kerry-like creatures?

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Old 08-01-2004, 04:46 PM
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Default Scamp...

The Head of America's Homeland Security, Mr. Ridge was quite sobering this morning, since one of the latest terrorist prime targets announced is only about 14 miles away (re. Prudential Ins. Co. of Newark).

Still it is quite reassuring that apparently all our intelligence agencies are no longer in competition with each other (as previously), and are working full-throttle and in concert together for America's Security, never before in history. Too bad INS doesn't also get with The Program.

Thusly, that brings me to wondering why-the-hell one of The 9/11 Commission's suggestions was having all of America's Intelligence Agencies under the control of A NEW and one central and controlling command beaurocracy? Isn't such what The Homeland Security Department and/or what The Bush Administration already instituted as quickly as was physically possible after the devastating 9/11 Sneak Attack, already doing?

Granted any additional new large beaurocracy (even though already having the identical) would produce many NEW well paying jobs, as are needed in America. Still, and even from a typically patronising political standpoint,...don't believe that The American Taxpayer would appreciate so many reduntantly unnecessary NEW jobs for The Public Sector?

Besides, believe that the NEW well paying jobs are ACTUALLY NEEDED in The Private Sector, not The Public Sector anyway. In The Private Sector, THE TAXPAYERS generate and make more money, which is good for America. Whereas, any NEW well paying jobs for only The Public Sector,...simply costs THE TAXPAYERS MORE, while simultaneously making LESS (re. additional taxes to pay for such NEW jobs). Thats good for governments, and bad for The People.

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Old 08-04-2004, 08:47 PM
firemedic firemedic is offline
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Neil and Scamp, you're right on the money there. Isn't interesting how they all (republican and denmocrat) forgot to include themselves in the blame game. CYA to the max! And for that very reason, nothing much will change other than rearranging the chairs on the deck!
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Old 08-05-2004, 08:08 AM
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Default Neil and all,

At first look this seems to be yet another band-aid and the ever-growing band-aid ball but I think I see some curious flags going up the halyards as in ?Oh shit?. My take is that the FBI and CIA, et al, have discovered they speak the same language, have similar goals and objectives and, contrary to prevailing myth, have discovered that their counterpart organizations aren?t necessarily cannibals bent on having them over for lunch, maybe. Maybe a step in the right direction, eh.

With this introduction of strangers in a strange land, I think what has occurred it there has been some comparing of notes and perhaps reality has occurred. Imagine that, reality, new experience and great idea I think. My take is that the infamous ?dots? that have been hollered about have been sequestered in two or more vacuum sealed vaults and once compared in context and time, have revealed that we have a couple of decades worth of ?dots? that told the 9/11 saga in it?s entirety, thus ?Oh shit?. With the vacuum-sealed vaults there has been impenetrable armor steel institutional protection plates that regulated and determined what would go ?up town? and what wouldn?t, so on and so forth. Realistically, can we expect the CIA or FBI to fix that all by them selves? I?m not optimistic that they can overcome their intrinsic bias and protectionism without a lot of pushing and the application of a long green high velocity willow switch on their asses.
The addition of some sort of coordinator role is both good news and bad news. The good news is that there has been a probable discovery of a treasure trove of intel available once an bit of synergism and common cause is on the plate. The bad news is probably that it?s been discovered that the various intel groups involved haven?t entirely lost their intrinsic institutional fear of mutual cannibalism and are making three funny tracks in the sand, as in foot and ass dragging. Plus I?d bet a ton of Lollypops that it has been discovered that there is no common data base protocol or equipment to automate information sharing and facilitate/coordinate mutual activities. That alone is most likely a Mt. Everest sized ?Oh shit?.
On the surface this may appear to fall in the venue of Homeland Security but there are obviously some reasons ?why not?. Mayhaps it?s the Senate random why not generators screwing around again. Perhaps Dashl has woken up from his nap and has his "why not" stick stirring shit again. But I see that TJ is for this deal so there has to be a weasel in the woodpile where the implementation of this new organization yields a defense/security disadvantage of some kind, I?ll bet on that as well. This horse needs a long look in the mouth for that reason alone, if no other.

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail, yes I would, I really would.
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Old 08-05-2004, 01:46 PM
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Default Scamp...

Regarding: "A new coordinating" organization and head,...don't we already have such and/or what's called The Department of Homeland Security?

If only believing half (quite wisely) of what's reported, my understanding is that all Intelligence & Law Enforcement Agencies (The INS excluded) and nationwide Law Enforcement, are sharing needed enemy intelligence and necessary information much better than ever before in history,...due mostly since under the auspices of the new Department of Homeland Security.

For me, I see no point whatsoever for any beaurocratic redundancy. If Homeland Security is handling the task,...leave it alone. If Homeland Security isn't up to the coordinating task,...get rid of same and start-up a new Agency coordinating Department.

Besides, why confuse the issue by duplicating what we basically already have? Makes little sense to me to increase beaurocrats, when it's actually additional agents, officers and TRUSTWORTHY translators that are desperately needed, INSTEAD.

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