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Old 10-29-2018, 09:03 AM
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Arrow Eye on Extremism - October 29, 2018

Eye on Extremism
October 29, 2018

Eye on Extremism - October 29, 2018

The Washington Post:

Suspect In Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting Charged With 29 Counts In Deaths Of 11 People

“A man armed with a semiautomatic assault-style rifle stormed the Tree of Life synagogue here Saturday and shot worshipers during Shabbat services, killing 11 and wounding six in the deadliest attack on Jews in the history of the United States. The mass shooting targeted members of a synagogue that is an anchor of Pittsburgh’s large and close-knit Jewish community, a massacre that authorities immediately labeled a hate crime as they investigated the suspect’s history of anti-Semitic online screeds. Law enforcement officials identified the alleged shooter as Robert D. Bowers, 46, a Pittsburgh resident who the FBI said was not previously known to law enforcement. He was charged with 29 counts of federal crimes of violence and firearms offenses, federal prosecutors said late Saturday. A man with that name had posted anti-Semitic statements on social media before the shooting, expressing anger that a nonprofit Jewish organization in the neighborhood has helped refugees settle in the United States. In what appeared to be his final social media post hours before the attack, the man wrote: “I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.”

Associated Press: Dozens Dead In Eastern Syria After Clashes With Islamic State

“Islamic State militants killed at least 40 Syrian fighters backed by the United States, captured several alive and regained areas they lost earlier this month in eastern Syria near the Iraqi border in some of the most intense fighting in weeks, a war monitor and an agency linked to the extremist group reported on Saturday. Members of the Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, have been on the offensive since early September under the cover of airstrikes by the American-led coalition to capture the last pocket held by the Islamic State in Syria. Friday’s fighting lasted until the early hours of Saturday began when Islamic State militants, taking advantage of a sandstorm, launched a counteroffensive against the Syrian Democratic Forces in the eastern province of Deir el-Zour that borders Iraq, activists said. Colonel Sean Ryan, spokesman for the American-led coalition, said they have no confirmation of exact figures “as both sides are taking casualties.” He called it a “difficult fight.” “The sandstorm allowed an ISIS counterattack, which was surprising given the conditions, but now the air is clear and the Coalition will continue to increase air and fire support to assist our partners,” Col. Ryan said using a the acronym to refer to the extremist group. Rami Abdurrahman who heads the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that since Friday, Islamic State militants have killed more than 60 fighters from the Syrian Defense Forces, wounded others and captured at least 20.”

The Wall Street Journal: As Israel Targets Iran In Syria, U.S. Officials Warn Of Reprisals

“Israel has been conducting an aggressive military campaign across Syria against Iran-backed militia groups, an effort that has been encouraged by the White House but aroused the concern of many U.S. military officials. While the White House has applauded Israel’s assertiveness against Iran inside Syria, the military officials say they fear it could backfire if Iran’s belief that the U.S. is behind many of the strikes prompts Iran-backed groups to attack American troops in Syria or Iraq. “It’s a growing concern for us,” said a senior military official. Israel has struck about 200 targets in Syria over the past 18 months, Israeli officials disclosed recently, both to block weapons shipments from Iran to Lebanese group Hezbollah and to prevent Iran from establishing a permanent military presence inside Syria. The targets included shipments of advanced weapons, military bases and infrastructure, the officials said. The Pentagon said Israel is working on its own. “Israeli operations are independent,” said Cmdr. Sean Robertson, a Pentagon spokesman, in response to questions about the issue. “However, we support Israel’s inherent right to self-defense against imminent threats.”

The Wall Street Journal: Officials Find Bomb-Making Supplies Inside Suspect’s Van

“The van belonging to the Florida man suspected in a wave of mail bombs targeting prominent Democrats contained materials used to construct the explosive devices, law-enforcement officials said. Investigators searching a white van belonging to Cesar Altieri Sayoc, a 56-year-old former exotic dancer who has been charged with sending more than a dozen bombs through the mail, found soldering equipment, which is typically used to join pieces of metal together, law-enforcement officials said. Other materials, such as stamps, a printer and paper, were also found in the van, the officials said. Mr. Sayoc, a fervent supporter of President Trump, was arrested Friday in the mail bombs sent to Democrats around the country, including former President Barack Obama, former Vice President Joe Biden, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and billionaire liberal philanthropist George Soros.”

The Guardian: Facebook, Listen To Your Users And Stop Hosting Hatred

“If you read a newspaper or looked at a billboard this year you probably noticed a giant advert from Facebook saying “we’re sorry”. If you missed them don’t worry! The social media giant just received huge fines for letting Cambridge Analytica harvest users’ data, among other things. So my guess is the ads will make an appearance again. The reality is a company as rich as Facebook doesn’t care about a £500,000 fine. They do care what users’ think, but as I learned recently they don’t really want to listen to what they have to say. Last month Rebecca Riley was catching the train home and eating a bag of crisps. She looked up and noticed a man filming her with his phone, and not very subtly. Rebecca did what any self-respecting crisp eater would do and asked the man to stop filming her. He briefly paused the video but when she looked back up he had his phone pointing at her again. This isn’t some weird fetish – Rebecca was being filmed by someone who has a problem with women eating on public transport, someone who may well have beena member of the Women Who Eat on Tubes Facebook group.”

The New York Times: On Gab, An Extremist-Friendly Site, Pittsburgh Shooting Suspect Aired His Hatred In Full

“Early Saturday, moments before the police say he barged into a Pittsburgh synagogue and opened fire, Robert Bowers’s anti-Semitic rage finally boiled over as he posted one last message online. But he did not turn to Facebook or Twitter. Instead, the man accused of killing 11 people went to Gab, a two-year-old social network that bills itself as a “free speech” alternative to those platforms, and that has become a haven for white nationalists, neo-Nazis and other extremists. There, he posted a signoff to his followers. “I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered,” Mr. Bowers wrote. “Screw your optics, I’m going in.” The shooting in Pittsburgh came on the heels of another violent episode involving social media extremism. Cesar Sayoc Jr., the suspect in the pipe bomb mailing campaign, had a history of posting hateful and violent messages on Facebook and Twitter that were laced with misinformation and conspiracy theories.”

United States
Haaretz: Within Hours, Muslim Groups Raise Thousands For Pittsburgh Synagogue Victims

“A crowdfunding campaign started by two Muslim groups, Celebrate Mercy and MPower Change, has reportedly raised more than $40,000 for the victims of the shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue on Saturday. The campaign on LaunchGood, a Muslim-focused crowdfunding site, reached its $25,000 goal in just a few hours and is continuing to receive donations. “The Muslim-American community extends its hands to help the shooting victims, whether it is the injured victims or the Jewish families who have lost loved ones,” the crowdfunding site says. “We wish to respond to evil with good, as our faith instructs us, and send a powerful message of compassion through action.” The groups say they are partnering with the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh to distribute the funds.”

The Washington Post: As Worship Began, A Gunman Brought Evil To A Pittsburgh Sanctuary

“Keith Murray knew there was a gunman in the building, but he didn’t know where. Police still had not located the attacker when Murray, a physician who wears full body armor so he can go into active-shooter situations with the Pittsburgh SWAT team, entered a lower door of Tree of Life synagogue. That a high-powered weapon was being used became obvious immediately. The team of officers he was with found two terrified congregants hiding in an anteroom off the sanctuary and rushed them outside. They discovered an elderly woman who had been shot in the arm and was in shock. With officers fanning off to search the upper floors, Murray stabilized her wound quickly, and she was led away. The first four dead they saw were in the pews, shot where they had been sitting at the start of a service. As Murray’s team advanced, they found empty magazines from the gunman’s rifle, dropped on the floor as the shooter apparently reloaded. Spent bullet casings formed a trail, and the officers began working slowly toward the stairs, and then up.”

FiveThirtyEight: Only 6 Percent Of U.S. Terrorists Act Alone, But They Are Prolific

“Cesar Altieri Sayoc, a 56-year-old Florida man, was arrested Friday in connection with this week’s mail bombs sent to critics of President Trump. Notably, he’s the only person who has been charged. If that remains true, this will be regarded as a case of lone-wolf terrorism — a type of attack that has increasingly concerned law enforcement agencies since the 1990s. As of 2015, lone wolves accounted for 6 percent of all terrorists in the U.S. — but they were responsible for 25 percent of all U.S. terrorist attacks. That’s according to a report by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), the organization that manages the Global Terrorism Database. Historically, lone wolves have been able to avoid arrest for longer periods of time than terrorists who act in groups. Lone-wolf terrorists are also the more deadly terrorists, according to a 2017 study published in the journal Terrorism and Political Violence. That’s largely because we have strong counterterrorism law enforcement operations that make it difficult for group terrorism to operate effectively. Lone wolves tend to be more educated and more socially isolated than other kinds of terrorists.”

The Washington Post: Mail Bomb Suspect Made Numerous References On Facebook To Russian Associates And Echoed Pro-Kremlin Views

“A Facebook account apparently belonging to the man charged with sending pipe bombs to prominent Democrats this week included references to Russian associates and propaganda links that echo Kremlin views on the Syrian civil war, alongside ramblings about soccer, women and U.S. politics. Cesar Sayoc, 56, a vocal supporter of President Trump who was arrested in Florida on Friday and charged with multiple federal crimes, apparently spoke of “my Russian brothers” on several occasions on a Facebook page in 2015. The meaning of the references to Russians is not clear, nor is it clear how Sayoc came to view and share propaganda sympathetic to Russian actions in Syria. Facebook removed the account from public view after news spread of Sayoc’s arrest. But The Washington Post obtained hundreds of public posts from 2015 and 2016 from Columbia University social media researcher Jonathan Albright, who downloaded them Friday before Facebook removed the information. The Facebook account reviewed by the Post carried the name “Cesar Altieri,” the first and middle names of Sayoc, and features posts including words, pictures and videos, along with copious news links. The posts include many selfies and other pictures featuring him at various locations around Florida, both alone and with what appear to be friends.”

The Washington Post: Pittsburgh Shooting Comes Amid Rise In Hate Crimes, Growing Anxiety About Right-Wing Extremism

“The Pittsburgh synagogue shooting that left 11 people dead Saturday has renewed calls for the federal government to update its laws to put the kind of violence targeting minorities, religious groups and the public in the same category as terrorists inspired by overseas groups. A 2017 report by the Government Accountability Office found that since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, far-right violent extremists were responsible for 106 killings in the United States, while Islamist-inspired violent extremists had killed 119. The GAO found that while the number of deaths were roughly similar, the number of incidents were not; far-right extremists committed almost three times as many attacks — 62, compared with 23 by Islamist extremists. “We have one of the most diversified threat matrices that we’ve had in a decade, but the most ascendant is the far right wing,” said Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University at San Bernardino. Right-wing extremists commit more attacks, he said, but when Islamist militants act, “their attacks tend to be more lethal.” [‘I just want to kill Jews:’ Documents detail the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre and name the dead] In the two-and-a-half years leading up to and then in the aftermath of last year’s violent white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Levin said he was able to identify more white-supremacist mega-rallies — defined as 100 or more people gathering in public — than there had been in all of at least the past decade.”

The Washington Post: At Syria Summit, Leaders Produce Few Answers To The Endgame Question

“The leaders of Russia, Turkey, France and Germany met here Saturday to seek an end to Syria’s long war, a process over which Moscow wields considerable influence. But while each country stressed its commitment to ending the seven-year conflict, the summit appeared to produce few concrete results — underscoring the challenges of reaching a formula for peace amid rival factions, extremist groups and Western reluctance to re-engage with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. At a closing news conference, participants reiterated years-long calls for a political, not military, solution. Describing the discussions as “fruitful and sincere,” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said all four participants agreed to support a United Nations-backed push to form a new constitutional committee for Syria by year’s end. “There will be no real, sustainable, credible return of the refugees if the political process is not initiated,” French President Emmanuel Macron said. A final statement from the leaders called for “an inclusive, Syrian-led and Syrian-owned political process,” and the convening of a committee by the end of the year to work on constitutional reform as a prelude to U.N.-backed free and fair elections.”

Asharq Al-Awsat: ISIS Leaves Behind A Thousand Children With 100 Accents

“On a small hill in the flat brushlands of northeastern Syria lies the Roj camp for displaced people. With its white tents and red soil, it looks much like the scores of other refugee settlements in the region. Shut away in a corner, however, behind a chain-link fence and under supervision by female Kurdish militia guards, are some inhabitants who are very different, The Sunday Times reported. They are the women and children of the “caliphate”: ISIS brides who came from across the world to live under a so-called “Islamic state.” It did not go so well. Kurdish officials say they are holding at least 500 women and 1,200 children from 44 nationalities in three camps across northeast Syria. Most of the women’s native countries are unwilling to take them back. The Kurds do not want to keep them. According to the report, as ISIS imploded, these women and children were thrown into the strange limbo of camp life, waiting among displaced Syrians for their fate.”

France 24: World Leaders Call For 'Syrian-Led And Syrian-Owned Political Process' At Summit In Turkey

“The leaders of Turkey, Russia, France and Germany said at a summit on Saturday that Syrians must lead efforts to make peace in their war-torn country, a challenge that was highlighted by the absence of any Syrian groups from the Istanbul talks. Meeting in an Ottoman-era mansion, the leaders set aside divisions over Syrian President Bashar Assad to agree on broad goals, including the eventual, voluntary return of millions of refugees who fled a conflict that has lasted more than seven years and killed over 400,000 people. "There will be no real, sustainable, credible return of the refugees if the political process is not initiated," French President Emmanuel Macron said. German Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed "preconditions" for the return of refugees, which must be closely coordinated with the U.N. refugee agency. "From our point of view, it is necessary that there be assurances that there will not be persecution or arrests, that certain fundamental humanitarian conditions are fulfilled that a certain humanitarian infrastructure is there," she said.”

The Telegraph: 'Jihadi' NHS Doctor Who Went To Syria Refused Return To The UK

“Britain is refusing the return of an NHS doctor detained in Syria for alleged links to Isil, whose identity the Telegraph can today reveal, amid fears it would be too hard to successfully prosecute him in the UK. Muhammad Saqib Raza, 40 from Leicester, was captured by the UK’s allies, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), four months ago attempting to smuggle himself out the country. Raza, who was accused of trying to “radicalise” colleagues before he travelled to Syria in 2016, told the SDF that he was not a fighter with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) but worked as a medic in areas under the group’s control.”

AFP: IS Repels US-Backed Forces From East Syria Holdout: Monitor

“The Islamic State group has ousted a US-backed coalition of Kurdish and Arab forces from its holdout in eastern Syria, killing dozens of fighters, a monitoring group said Sunday. A Syrian Democratic Forces commander, asking not to be named, confirmed the SDF retreat from the Hajin pocket near the Iraqi border seven weeks into an offensive. The SDF, who are backed by air strikes of the US-led coalition, launched its campaign to retake the IS holdout on September 10. But they have faced a fierce fightback from the jihadists, including under the cover of sandstorms, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says. "In counterattacks since Friday to Sunday dawn, IS has taken back all positions to which the SDF had advanced inside the Hajin pocket," the monitoring group's chief Rami Abdel Rahman said. The Observatory reported 72 SDF fighters killed, as IS took advantage of the storm that hampered coalition air cover and dispatched suicide bombers as part of their fightback.”

Rudaw: UPDATE: 68 SDF Fighters Killed In ISIS Attack: Monitor

“ISIS militants killed 68 members of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Hajin, eastern Syria overnight on Friday, a war monitor reported Saturday. It initially reported 41 killed. “The death toll has increased due to the discovery of new victims on the front line and the existence of 100 wounded,” Rami Abdel Rahman, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights chief, told AFP. Sean Ryan, spokesman for the US-led coalition, told AFP “at this time, numbers cannot be confirmed as both sides are taking casualties as this difficult fight... continues”. “[A] sandstorm allowed an ISIS counterattack, which was surprising given the conditions, but now the air is clear, the coalition will continue to increase air and fire support to assist our partners,” he added. The jihadist group reportedly launched a wave of suicide bombings overnight as part of a counter-attack against the US-backed SDF, which is attempting to dislodge ISIS from its last holdout near the Iraqi border. According to a statement posted on Telegram, ISIS attacked the village of Sousa and detonated a car bomb in Al-Baghuza to the south, the Observatory reports. The attack is a further setback for the SDF in eastern Syria, which reportedly suffered losses in Hajin on Wednesday. According to the Observatory, ISIS captured 10 SDF fighters, seized two American Hummer vehicles, and radio communications equipment on Wednesday. “Ten fighters at least of the SDF were captured by the organization,” the monitor said, claiming the fate of six others is unknown.”

Press TV: Damascus Government Will Not Allow Idlib To Turn Into Terrorist Stronghold: Envoy

“Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations Bashar al-Ja'afari says the incumbent Damascus government will not allow foreign-sponsored Takfiri terrorists to turn the embattled northwestern province of Idlib into a new haven for themselves. Under a deal reached following a meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi on September 17, all militants in a demilitarized zone, which surrounds Idlib and also parts of the adjacent provinces of Aleppo and Hama, were supposed to pull out heavy arms by October 17, and Takfiri groups had to withdraw by October 15. The National Front for the Liberation of Syria is the main Turkish-backed militant alliance in the Idlib region, but the Takfiri Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) terrorist group, which is a coalition of different factions of terror outfits, largely composed of the Jabhat Fateh al-Sham Takfiri terrorist group, holds a large part of the province and the zone. The HTS, which is said to be in control of some 60 percent of Idlib province, has yet to announce its stance on the buffer zone deal. It is estimated that between 10,000 and 15,000 members of different factions of armed groups, which Syria, Russia and Turkey consider terrorists, are active in the volatile province, which is home to around three million inhabitants. Russia believes that a buffer zone would help stop attacks from Idlib-based militants on Syrian army positions and Russia's military bases in the flashpoint region.”

Reuters: Trump’s Iran Sanctions Resolve Faces Test From Oil-Thirsty China, India

“Shortly after U.S. President Donald Trump announced in May he would reimpose sanctions on Iran, the State Department began telling countries around the world the clock was ticking for them to cut oil purchases from the Islamic Republic to zero. The strategy is meant to cripple Iran’s oil-dependent economy and force Tehran to quash not only its nuclear ambitions, but this time, its ballistic missile program and its influence in Syria. With just days to go before renewed sanctions take effect Nov. 5, the reality is setting in: three of Iran’s top five customers – India, China, and Turkey - are resisting Washington’s call to end purchases outright, arguing there are not sufficient supplies worldwide to replace them, according to sources familiar with the matter. That pressure, along with worries of a damaging oil price spike, is putting the Trump administration’s hard line to the test and raising the possibility of bilateral deals to allow some buying to continue, according to the sources. The tension has split the administration into two camps, one led by National Security Adviser John Bolton, who wants the toughest possible approach, and another by State Department officials keen to balance sanctions against preventing an oil price spike that could damage the U.S. and its allies, according to a source briefed by administration officials on the matter. The global price of oil peaked just below $87 a barrel this month, a four-year high. Because of that concern, the source said, the administration is considering limited waivers for some Iranian customers until Russia and Saudi Arabia add additional supply next year, while limiting what Tehran can do with the proceeds in the meantime.”

Jerusalem Post: Iran’s Dangerous Game In Gaza

“The rocket fire overnight from Gaza may have been directed from Tehran or Iranian forces in Syria, according to Israel’s assessment. An IDF statement said that Palestinian Islamic Jihad launched rockets “under the encouragement of the terror-exporting Iranian regime,” and IDF spokesman Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis said the rocket fire was conducted with “clear guidance from Iran” and the Iranian regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Quds Force in Syria. This is a serious allegation and means that what appeared to be several salvos of rocket fire have hands guiding them across the region. Iran’s policy in the Gaza Strip has been developing over the last two decades. A paper released last year from the Institute for National Security Studies, by Sima Shine and Anna Catran, noted the close relations that Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have with Iran. “For years this backing has taken primarily the form of military aid,” it said. That included actual weapons and know-how for things like improving the range of rockets. This is important because Iran has also been accused of building rocket factories in Syria and Lebanon and sending precision-guided equipment to Hezbollah in Lebanon. It is part of a wider Iranian strategy in which Iran’s tentacles reach toward Israel on three fronts, in the Golan, on the northern Lebanese border and in Gaza.

The National: Iran The Driver Of Regional Instability Says Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al Jubeir

“The primary actor for instability in the Middle East over the past 50 years has been Iran and the behaviour and actions of the Iranian state ever since, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al Jubeir said on Saturday as he opened his speech at the Manama Dialogue in Bahrain. Speaking at the security forum, the Saudi foreign minister opened by painting a bleak modern history of the region pointing to conflicts and war in the past five decades that led to the rise of terror groups and civil conflict. “The only difference is that the conflicts today are driven by regional actors bent on changing the regional order rather than outside powers trying to dominate the Middle East," Mr Al Jubeir said. This has led to the Middle East facing two competing visions: one of light and one of darkness. “One is what we stand for in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries and the other is what Iran stands for,” he said. Against a dark future that seeks to spread sectarianism, encourage terrorism and seeks to dominate and destabilise other countries, he said that there is an alternative. “There’s a focus on economic growth and diversification, there’s a focus on innovation, technology, efficiency. There’s a focus on youth and empowering women, there’s a focus on creating transparent accountable efficient governments that can provide a better future for our citizens,” he said. “So we are going through a challenging period in the Middle East but it is not more challenging than what we went through 30, 40 or 50 years ago,” he said. “The challenges we face are surmountable and we will - with wise leadership, perseverance and a pragmatic proportional and rational approach - overcome them as we have overcome past problems.”

Iraqi News: Five Islamic State Members Killed, Arrested, Southwest Of Kirkuk

“Three Islamic State members were killed, while two others were arrested, southwest of Kirkuk, Iraqi forces announced on Saturday. In a statement, Iraqi Federal Police commander, Lt. Gen. Shaker Jawdat said “troops set up an ambush on one of the roads that Islamic State members use.” Confrontations broke out, according to the statement. Three militants were killed, while explosives and weapons were seized in al-Atshana village in al-Rashad region. In related news, the Security Media Center said two militants were arrested in southwest of the province. “Federal Police managed to arrest two militants in Kirkuk,” it said. “One of the militants is involved in terrorism charges, while the other used to work within the group in the so-called Kirkuk State.” Both were referred to judiciary for investigations. Thousands of Islamic State militants as well as Iraqi civilians were killed since the government campaign, backed by paramilitary troops and the coalition was launched in October 2016. In December, the Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi announced gaining control on all the territories that were captured by Islamic State, since 2014. However, Security reports indicate that the militant group still poses threat against stability in the country. The group still has dormant cells, through which it carries out attacks, across Iraq like it used to do before 2014.”

Asharq Al-Awsat: ISIS Executes Civilians Over Cooperation With Iraqi Army

“Five civilians were executed after being kidnapped by ISIS on Thursday in Baaj town, west of Mosul, a source from the Iraqi army said on Friday. Speaking to BasNews website, Col. Thamer Abdullah said “ISIS members executed five civilians after being previously abducted.” Abdullah said the civilians were executed for gathering information about the militant group and cooperating with the Iraqi army in the west of Mosul, adding that the bodies of the victims were transferred to the health department in Baaj. The ISIS terrorist group continues to launch sporadic attacks across Iraq against troops. Security reports indicate that the militant group still threatens stability in the country, especially with sleeper cells through which it carries out attacks across the country. According to casualty figures recorded by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), a total of 75 Iraqi civilians were killed and another 179 injured in acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict in Iraq in September 2018. The figures include ordinary citizens and others considered civilian at the time of death or injury, such as police in non-combat functions, civil defense, personal security teams, facilities protection police and fire department personnel. Baghdad was the worst affected Governorate, with 101 civilian casualties (31 killed, 70 injured), followed by Anbar (15 killed and 37 injured) and Salahadin (09 killed and 38 injured). In December, Iraq announced gaining control on all the territories that were captured by ISIS since 2014.”

Kurdistan 24: Turkey’s Attack On Kurdish Forces In Syria Aids Islamic State: Statement

“Turkey’s continued attacks on the People’s Protection Units (YPG) who are working to repel the Islamic State (IS) in Syria aid the terrorist organization indirectly, the Kurdish group said on Sunday. The comment came after Turkish armed forces shelled YPG positions east of the Euphrates River in Syrian Kurdistan (Rojava), with state media Anadolu claiming the attack was “within the scope of self-defense.” Turkey “tries to disrupt the peace and stability in our region,” with its continued military provocations in the de facto Rojava-led areas, a YPG said in a statement. On Friday, Turkish President Turkish President Recep Tayyipwwz Erdogan underlined his government’s “final warning” against groups Ankara perceives to be a threat to the country’s territorial integrity. “We affirm once again that there” were no attacks “conducted from our side against the borders of” Turkey. The Turkish bombardment targeted “the villages of Zormikhar, Charikhli, Siftek, and Ashme, all of them located west of [Kobani], with tank, mortars, and howitzer fire,” the YPG continued. Turkish forces attacking the YPG as it continues to occupy the front lines in the fight against IS indirectly helps the terrorist organization, the group highlighted. Ankara has long complained that the Kurdish YPG is an extension of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). The US, along with Turkey, considers the PKK a terrorist organization, but Washington sees the YPG as a distinct and different entity. The Turkish army currently occupies a large portion of northwestern Syria, including the previously self-ruling town of Afrin which it invaded earlier this year in a bloody campaign that saw hundreds of civilians killed and some 160,000 people uprooted from their lands.”

Deutsche Welle: Afghans Vote In Kandahar Election Delayed By Taliban Violence

“Legislative elections took place on Saturday in Afghanistan's southern Kandahar province after voting was delayed by a week following an attack by the Taliban. Long queues formed outside polling centers in the deeply conservative provincial capital amid tight security following the killing of a powerful police chief and a local intelligence chief on October 18. The Kandahar governor's office tweeted that polling centers in the province had opened at 7 a.m. local time (0230 UTC) and assured people that serious security measures were in place to ensure the safety of voters. Election and security officials faced pressure to avoid a repeat of last weekend's debacle that saw polling throughout the rest of the country disrupted by violence and technical issues. The Independent Election Commission (IEC) was forced to extend voting by a day when election material failed to arrive at scores of polling stations. Authorities restricted the use of cars and motorbikes during voting hours and as voting centers closed on Saturday, there were no reports of violence. A new biometric identification system introduced to stem fraud allegations instead created massive confusion and caused delays lasting hours, frustrating voters and challenging the credibility of the polls. The Taliban also conducted a series of rocket and bomb attacks across the country during last weekend's polls that left 50 people dead. Similar technical issues were already evident in Kandahar earlier on Saturday, and many polling sites in the city remained closed despite assurances from IEC deputy spokeswoman Kobra Rezaei on Friday that "we are absolutely ready.”

Xinhua: Taliban-Linked Suicide Attack Kills 6, Wounds 12 In Eastern Afghanistan

“At least six people have been confirmed dead and 12 others injured as a suicide car bomb hit Maidan Shar, the capital of eastern Wardak province 35 km west of Kabul on Saturday, provincial government spokesman Abdul Rahman Mangal said. "The terrorists organized a suicide car bomb next to the repairing center of police vehicles at around 08:00 a.m. local time today, leaving six people dead and injuring 12 others," Mangal told Xinhua, but refused to identify the victims and provide more details, saying investigation is underway. However, Taliban militants have claimed responsibility for the bloody bombing. Zabihullah Majahid, who claims to speak for the Taliban outfit, told media that "a suicide bomber targeted a military base in Maidan Shar city at 09:00 a.m. local time, killing and injuring dozens of soldiers and officers" besides destroying a huge number of military vehicles. However, Mangal termed Majahid's claim as mere propaganda, saying only six people were killed and 12 others injured in the suicide bombing that occurred at around 08:00 a.m. local time. According to Mangal, the terrorist riding an explosive-laden car was attempting to take it inside the compound of the repairing center of police vehicles but he was identified and ordered to stop. Then he blew himself up near the compound. Taliban militants have intensified activities since April, mostly in the shape of roadside and suicide bombings. Afghan observers said the Taliban would do its best to gain more grounds and consolidate positions before Winter.”

News18: Pakistan Most Dangerous Country, Poses 3 Times More Terror Risk Than Syria: Report

“Pakistan remains to be a breeding ground of terrorism with the country registering the highest number of terrorist bases and safe havens, reveals a report. Identifying Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) as the outfit which continues to pose the maximum threat to international security, it said that Pakistan poses three times the terror risk to humanity than Syria. According to news agency ANI, the facts were published in a report titled "Humanity at Risk - Global Terror Threat Indicant (GTTI)" by Oxford University and Strategic Foresight Group (SFG). It terms Pakistan a supporter of global terrorism and a country which is responsible for three times the terror risk to humanity that Syria poses. The survey states that while the Afghan Taliban and the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) pose the maximum threat to international security, Pakistan is placed on top of the list of countries with the highest number of terrorist bases and safe havens. "If we look at the most dangerous terrorist groups, based on hard facts and statistics, we find that Pakistan hosts or aids majority of them. Also, there are a significant number of groups based in Afghanistan, which operate with the support of Pakistan," the report says. The over 80-page report, which has been prepared to discuss security challenges in the next decade, presents an analytical framework for policymakers to tackle terrorism. "The rise of competitive extremism of all shades, misuse of weapons of mass destruction and economic disruptions can undermine human progress or even survival in the period from now until 2030. They are all interlinked with terrorism," the report said.”

Middle East Monitor: Houthis Abduct 20 Journalists In Yemen, Says UN Official

“The Houthi group yesterday kidnapped 20 journalists and media workers in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, a UN official said. “Houthi militias kidnapped 20 journalists and media workers during their participation in an anti-hate speech and incitement to violence in the Yemeni media event,” the spokesperson of Yemen’s National Commission of Inquiry, affiliated to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Ishraq Al-Maqtary, told th eAnadolu Agency. Among the abducted journalists, Al-Maqtary explained, were the former chief of the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate Abdul-Bari Tahir, Ashraf Al-Rayfi, Adel Abdulmoghni, Mohammed Shamsan, Moin Al-Najri,, Fatima Al-Aghbari, Zakaria Al-Husami and Mohammed Al-Gilani The Houthi group has not responded to Al-Maqtary’s statements. Impoverished Yemen has remained in a state of civil war since 2014, when Houthi rebels overran much of the country, including the capital Sana’a. In 2015, Saudi Arabia and its Arab allies launched a massive air campaign aimed at reversing Houthi military gains and shoring up Yemen’s embattled government. According to UN officials, more than 10,000 people have been killed in the war, while more than 11 per cent of the country’s population has been displaced.”

Al Arabiya: Dozens Of Houthis Killed In Training Camp In Yemen’s Sanaa

“Dozens of members of the pro-Iranian Houthi militias were killed and others injured in the Arab coalition air strikes which targeted a training camp for the militias in the northwestern suburb of the capital, Sanaa. Local sources confirmed that the fighter jets of the coalition backing legitimacy in Yemen, launched six raids targeting a training camp in al-Shaab area in the directorate of Hamdan, northwest of the capital. On Wednesday, reports revealed that the coup militias tightened their security and monitoring measures against officials and ministers in the coup government in Sanaa, fearing they might break away and flee to areas under the control of the Yemeni legitimate government. The Houthi militias staged a wide campaign of arrests involving officers of the former Republican Guard.”

Khaleej Times: Houthis Bomb Al Manther, Yemen With Ballistic Missile

“Houthi militias have used an Iranian-made ballistic missile to bomb the area of Al Manther in Hodeidah, Yemen. The bombing was a direct response to locals rejecting the presence of militias in the area, and is a grave violation of international humanitarian law. This latest crime by the Houthi militias confirm their extreme hostility towards the Yemeni people, who have not been spared the aggression and continue to be used as a mean by the Houthis to achieve their criminal goals. The indiscriminate shelling has instilled fear and panic among locals. The latest targeting of innocent civilians proves that Iran continues to support the militias by supplying them with smuggled weapons, in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2216, which bans the supply of arms to the group, a matter which continues to threaten security and stability in the region.”

Arab News: US Sanctions On Hezbollah Embarrass Lebanon

“The new sanctions signed by US President Donald Trump against Hezbollah were no surprise for the people of Lebanon, but they are being imposed when Lebanon has been suffering from a government vacuum for five months. Economist Louis Hobeika told Arab News: “Lebanon was expecting these sanctions, yet the country’s officials did not preempt it by forming a government to deal with this matter.” “There is neither a government nor an active diplomacy — as if Lebanon was nonexistent,” he said. Hobeika said: “The sanctions have not been clarified, nor has the Lebanese Embassy in Washington sought to find out their details and explain them to us. Do they include everyone who has business relations with Hezbollah? Will they affect everyone who appears on Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV?” Hobeika said that Lebanon as a whole will be affected by the sanctions.”

Associated Press: Rival Palestinian Groups Clash In Lebanon Refugee Camp

“Lebanon's state-run National News Agency says sporadic clashes have resumed in a Palestinian refugee camp in the country's south shortly after rival groups reached a truce brokered by the militant Hezbollah group. Palestinian officials said the clashes at the Miyeh ou Miyeh camp broke out Thursday afternoon between members of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah group and those of the Hezbollah-backed Ansarallah, leaving three fighters dead and five wounded, including two Lebanese soldiers. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media. Fatah and Ansarallah officials met Friday at a Hezbollah office in Beirut and agreed to abide by a cease-fire. The fighting near the southern city of Sidon came a week after similar clashes between the two groups wounded six people.”

Middle East
Asharq Al-Awsat: ‘Hezbollah’ Insists On Giving Cabinet Seats To Its Members

“Most of the obstacles hindering the formation of the government have been resolved, except for one "knot" which shall be tackled by Prime minister-designate Saad Hariri once he returns from Jordan before he presents the full formation of the government to Lebanese President Michel Aoun. Meanwhile, reliable Lebanese sources revealed that ‘Hezbollah’ will have three ministers of its members, despite US pressures. Hariri confirmed on Saturday that the cabinet will be formed in the coming days. His announcement followed meeting parliamentary speaker Nabih Berri at Ain al-Tineh. He added that there remains a small obstacle in the way of forming a government but will be resolved once he is back from Jordan. "Everyone has sacrificed for the sake of the country and with the aim to form a national unity government that includes all parties," Hariri continued. He intensified consultations on Friday in which he met caretaker Information Minister Melhem Riachy following meetings with caretaker Finance Minister Ali Hasan Khalil, caretaker Public Works and Transportation Minister Youssef Fenianos and MP Wael Abou Faour.”

Egypt Today: Libya Boycotts Shooting Championship In Doha For Terrorism Support

“The Shooting Libyan Federation announced on Oct. 24 that it will boycott the 14th Arab Shooting Championship set to be held in Doha from November 15 - 24 due to the Qatari regime's support of terrorism in Libya. "The game of shooting in Libya has been suffering for more than four years of compelling circumstances because of the deterioration of the security and economic situation as a result of the ongoing war, which was supported and funded by Qatar," Adel Quraish, head of the Shooting Libyan Federation, said in a letter to the head of the Arab Shooting Federation. In the message, Quraish said that there is "irrefutable evidence" that Qatar supported terrorism in Libya, adding that Doha authorities are using sports to distract attention from its terrorist practices. Quraish said that the Libyan Federation is fully aware that the boycott violates the Olympic Charter, announcing that the federation holds full responsibility for the decision. "Our posts are not more expensive than the souls of our sons. How could we participate in a sports forum, while the [wounds] of our sons are bleeding, and our homeland's wound has not yet healed?" The message read.”

Dallas News: After Obama's Failure In Libya, The Risk Is High Of ISIS Establishing A Caliphate

“There is a significant risk that Libya will become the new caliphate, the long sought Islamic State. Since President Barack Obama's war in 2011, the Arab Spring that killed Col. Moammar Gadhafi, Libya's brutal and erratic ruler, chaos in Libya has increased. Libya has become a safe haven for leaders of ISIS fleeing ineluctable defeat by American forces in Iraq and Syria. What is coming is unimaginably worse than Gadhafi. The decline of Libya, the 16th largest country on the planet, worries the Pentagon. In March, Gen. Thomas D. Waldhauser, head of the Africa Command, stated in Congressional testimony that "we are heavily involved in the counterterrorism piece" in Libya. The Africa Command acknowledges four airstrikes against ISIS bases in Libya, but credible reports put the actual number at twice that. America's intervention in Libya in 2011, under the auspices of NATO, was only partially successful. No analyst views events in Libya in the last six years as anything but a great disaster. "We came, we saw, he died," joked Secretary Hillary Clinton of Gadhafi's murder. Yet killing Gadhafi came at a high price when it became clear no one had the courage to replace him. American television was soon airing footage of young, healthy Libyans being sold in outdoor markets for labor like slaves. The problem wasn't getting rid of Gadhafi, but rather that there was no second act. Neither the U.S. nor Europeans were willing to help find competent leadership. Getting accurate information about Tripoli, Libya's capital, has been getting harder since 2011.”

Agence France Presse: Boko Haram Jihadists Attack Military Base In NE Nigeria

“Boko Haram jihadists launched a large assault on a military base in Nigeria's remote northeast region and killed one soldier, defence officials said Sunday. The attack on 145 Battalion in Gashigar, Borno State, began on Saturday and continued into early Sunday morning, said Nigerian air force spokesman Ibikunle Daramola. "BHTs (Boko Haram terrorists) in 13 gun trucks...advanced towards the camp from two different directions," Daramola said in a statement. Nigerian troops supported by helicopters "forced the Boko Haram terrorists to retreat from the camp," Daramola said. "One soldier was killed in action while four others were wounded," said the Nigerian army in a statement posted on its official Twitter account. Intensified attacks The army repelled an assault on Gashigar in September by jihadists in trucks mounted with anti-aircraft guns. There have been at least nine military base attacks since July, mostly in the northern part of Borno state, near the shores of Lake Chad. Boko Haram has in recent months intensified attacks on military bases in Borno and nearby Yobe state, undermining repeated claims by the military that they have the upper hand. Scores of soldiers have been killed, injured or missing in attacks but the military has repeatedly denied or played down losses to the jihadists. More than 27 000 people have been killed in northeast Nigeria since the Boko Haram insurgency began in 2009, while nearly two million others remain homeless.”

CGTN: US Airstrike In Somalia Kills Two Al-Shabaab Militants

“The U.S. Africa Command launched an airstrike on Thursday near the Somali town of Kunyo Barrow, targeting al-Shabaab militants. According to AFRICOM, the airstrike killed two militants and destroyed one of their vehicles. The force said the attack did not kill or injure any civilians. “This precision airstrike was conducted in support of the Federal Government of Somalia as it continues to degrade al-Shabaab. Airstrikes reduce al-Shabaab’s ability to plot future attacks, disrupt its leadership networks, and degrade its freedom of maneuver within the region,” AFRICOM said in a statement. The force in its statement said the militant group was taking advantage of safe havens in southern and central Somalia to plan attacks on civilians, steal humanitarian aid and extort the locals. Al-Shabaab has waged an insurgency in Somalia for over a decade now, aiming to topple the government and instill an extreme sharia-based system of governance. The war has killed tens of thousands and displaced millions, also crippling government projects. In its statement, the US AFRICOM said it would “continue to work with its partners to transfer the responsibility for long-term security in Somalia from the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) to the Federal Government of Somalia and its Member States.”

Daily Beast: ISIS Is Alive In Africa. Its Specialty: Murdering Women Who Are Trying To Save Lives

“When Abu Musab al-Barnawi announced in 2016 that he had taken over the infamous Boko Haram organization in the name of the so-called Islamic State, his first message as the group’s leader was clear and concise: On his watch, it would be targeting Western charity organizations. He claimed they “strongly seek to Christianize the society.” As such, he said, they “exploit the condition of those who are displaced under the raging war, providing them with food and shelter and then Christianizing their children.” What al-Barnawi didn't say then was that the Islamic State West Africa Province, or ISWAP as he wants Boko Haram to be known, was going to target women working for these charities by abducting them, demanding ransom for their release, and executing them when the group’s demands were not met. As a result, over the last few weeks and days we have seen a tragedy unfold that was set in motion almost eight months ago.”

United Kingdom
The Week: 80 ISIS Jihadi Brides On Way Back To UK: Report

“Around 80 women suspected to be members of an all-female Islamic State terror cell are believed to be on their way back to the UK, many with children, after being detained in Syria following the collapse of the dreaded terror group. Two sisters from east London, a white convert daughter of a former British Army paratrooper and an IT graduate whose mother works in the state-funded National Health Service (NHS) are part of the alleged cell, which is linked to some of the world's most infamous terrorists, according to an investigation by The Sunday Times. "The vast majority of those returning to Britain from Syria are women and children," an unnamed UK security service official was quoted as saying. "The more concerning cases particularly the men have not been returning. But we will speak to everyone because they may have been involved in terrorist activity," the official said. One of the women has reportedly told relatives in Britain that as many as 80 British women and children expect to return imminently, while others will be home by the end of the year. She said she recently had her British passport handed back and that British officials had issued her child with new travel documents. She also expects to be DNA-tested to prove she is the child's mother. The disclosure comes as Britain and other European governments face growing pressure to repatriate the jihadi brides from detention camps in northern Syria controlled by Kurdish forces.”

The Times: Hate Preacher Anjem Choudary Must Go On Anti-Extremism Course

“The convicted hate preacher Anjem Choudary is among extremists and Islamic State fighters to undergo Britain’s first compulsory deradicalisation programme, The Times has learnt. When Choudary, 51, was released from prison on October 19, halfway through his sentence for supporting Isis, he was ordered to attend the desistance and disengagement programme (DDP) as part of his probation. The course requires him to receive mentoring and theological “advice” and is the government’s latest attempt to combat the heightened terrorism threat. Convicted extremists are being freed from prison at a rate of one a week and more than 40 per cent of those found guilty of terrorism offences in the past decade will be eligible for release by the end of the year.”

Birminghamlive: From Punk Rocker To Most Wanted ISIS Member - The Untold Story Of Sally Jones

“Sally Jones began her deadly trajectory as one of the world’s most wanted terrorists after making her way to Syria in 2013. The former punk rocker’s life took on a sinister new turn when she met Brummie cyber-hacker Junaid Hussain in a chatroom, the start of an online romance which resulted in her travelling to an ISIS-controlled region to marry him. Jones has been profiled and tracked on Twitter by the US-based Counter Extremism Project, who have previously spoken to the Birmingham Mail about Hussain's poisonous legacy. The project lists her on its Global Extremism Registry as a “U.N-designated recruiter and propagandist for ISIS.”

Deutsche Welle: More Than 120 Anti-'Islamic State' Fighters Returned To Germany Since 2013

“In response to a parliamentary questionnaire submitted by the Left party, German security authorities have said they know of 124 people who have returned to Germany after fighting in Syria and Iraq. They were part of at least 249 people to have traveled from Germany to both countries to fight against the terrorist group "Islamic State" (IS). Twenty-one of of those who embarked on the journey since 2013 were killed. According to Germany's Interior Ministry, the people in question are German, Turkish, Turkish-German and Syrian citizens. The ministry noted that it had no information, however, about individuals who may have joined the Kurdish Peshmerga in Iraq. Ulla Jelpke, one of the Left party politicians who submitted the questionnaire, was highly critical of government investigations into alleged linked between those who had returned and terrorist organizations. She recently vented that criticism to the German newspaper Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: "The fact that IS has been pushed back is thanks, in great part, to Kurdish YPG ground troops and their volunteer supporters. To investigate them for being members of a terrorist organization upon return is just grotesque." Turkey, a German ally, accuses the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) in Syria of being allied with the Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK) in Turkey, a group both countries label as a terrorist organization.”

Associated Press: Russia Says It Busted Up An Islamic State Group Sleeper Cell

“Russia's top domestic security agency says it has busted up a sleeper cell of the Islamic State group that plotted terror attacks in the Russian capital. The Federal Security Service (FSB) says it has arrested six suspected members of the IS cell in the Moscow region. It added that they have received orders from citizens of Central Asian nations in Syria. The agency said Friday the suspects plotted terror attacks in Moscow with self-made explosives and firearms. FSB said automatic weapons and plans for attacks were found during a search. The Russian government and military have waged a campaign in support of Syrian President Bashar Assad since 2015, while thousands of Russian citizens and people from other ex-Soviet nations have traveled to Syria to join IS.”

BBC News : Facebook Finds More Fake Accounts From Iran

“Facebook has uncovered and removed dozens of pages, accounts and groups linked to Iran that the firm says coordinated "inauthentic behaviour", targeting people in the US and UK. The affected posts focused on divisive topics such as race relations, opposition to President Donald Trump and immigration, it said. The social network revealed that it uncovered the activity a week ago. "We can't say for sure who is responsible," it said in a blog post. It added that it had so far found no ties to the Iranian government but that its investigation was ongoing. The company said it had identified 82 pages, groups and accounts that were coordinating inauthentic behaviour on Facebook and Instagram in violation of the platform's policies. Only two advertisements were connected to the effort, it said. While the earliest signs of the activity date to June 2016, Facebook said much of the activity occurred over the last year. Researchers at the Atlantic Council, which reviewed the behaviour, said many of the accounts masqueraded as American liberals. Unlike a batch of Iranian propaganda Facebook identified in August, these messages appeared more varied, with anti-Israel and anti-Saudi Arabia commentary mixed in, it said. "This evolution of tactics from previous more blatant pro-Iranian messaging suggests the operation had learned from earlier takedowns," the council said.”

The Telegraph: How Pipe Bomb Suspect Cesar Sayoc's Social Media Posts Show His Rapid Descent Into Extremism

“Often in cases of radicalisation, people ask: how could this have been spotted before it began? In the case of Cesar Sayoc, who is accused of sending letter bombs to 12 prominent critics of Donald Trump, the question is how anyone missed it. Details continue to emerge about Sayoc, a 56-year-old former bodybuilder, male stripper and dancer who lived in a van plastered with pro-Trump stickers and showered in an LA Fitness gym. But among the most telling are his social media posts, which were rapidly downloaded and analysed by digital forensics experts after his arrest was announced on Friday.”

Combating Terrorism
Arab Youm: Jordan: Conference Titled "Extremism And Terrorism And Their Impacts On Comprehensive Development" Kicks Off

“An international conference titled "Extremism and Terrorism and their Impacts on Comprehensive Development" kicked off at the Aqaba University of Technology in Jordan. Addressing the event, Brigadier-General Fakhri Bani Doumi, Representative of the General Security Directorate and Chief of the Southern District, noted that the General Security Directorate, which is a major component of the Jordanian social structure, is eager to strengthen its partnership with all sectors and institutions in order to enhance security and development. Brigadier-General Doumi hailed the efforts of the Aqaba University of Technology to counter extremism and combat terrorism. To this end, the university holds diverse practical scientific forums and activities, he added. The Jordanian security official highlighted the role of the educational institutions in promoting the culture of dialogue and acceptance of others' opinions.”

Muslim Brotherhood
Almesryoon: Egypt: Websites Of Muslim Brotherhood And Salafists Banned

“Makram Mohammed Ahmed, President of the Supreme Council of Media Regulation, announced that the council will no longer issue permits for Internet websites that have ties to the banned Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists. Licenses will be granted to professional websites, only, and not to websites that incite and advocate terrorism and extremism, Egypt's chief media regulator emphasized. "No Salafist or Muslim Brotherhood-associated Internet portal will obtain a permit as long as I'm here," Ahmed declared. He went on to say that the Muslim Brotherhood group claims that the Supreme Council of Media Regulation aims to restrict {the freedom of} expression, even though it’s a purely professional body. The blacklisted Islamist movement spreads such rumors in its attempt to impede regulation of the media, Egypt's chief media regulator explained.”

Alsharq Times: Muslim Brotherhood Investments In Hesse, Germany Exposed

“Informed sources have reported that the German security agencies, as a result of stringent surveillance activity, managed to uncover a Muslim Brotherhood business plot to move the economic headquarters of the Islamist group from Munich to the state of Hesse in eastern Germany. The fact that Hesse contains major financial and business centers {theoretically} enables the Muslim Brotherhood to conduct money-laundering activities {more freely}, the sources added. According to the German security reports, Muslim Brotherhood figures recently purchased several lots in Hesse and set up diversified investments there.”

Sahafah Net: Houthi Rebels Target Merchants' Money Via "Digital Currency"

“Official sources in Sana'a have unveiled the newest malicious plan by the Houthi rebels to rob money from merchants and citizens and to empty the available liquidity in the markets by means of an "electronic currency" project. Mahdi Al-Mashat, head of the so-called Yemen's Supreme Political Council, urged the Ministry of Finance, the Central Bank and the Ministries of Communications, Commerce and Industry, to expedite the {electronic} application for e-Riyal financial transactions, which was proposed by military leaders as a solution for the cash-flow crisis. Sana'a's citizens in general and traders in particular expressed fears concerning the Houthi insurgents' "e-Riyal" initiative, because there are no guarantees to protect their money. These residents don't trust the Houthis enough to hand over their cash savings in exchange for the {supposed} electronic currency, which could later turn out to be fake.”

O Almighty Lord God, who neither slumberest nor sleepest; Protect and assist, we beseech thee, all those who at home or abroad, by land, by sea, or in the air, are serving this country, that they, being armed with thy defence, may be preserved evermore in all perils; and being filled with wisdom and girded with strength, may do their duty to thy honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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