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Old 09-07-2002, 10:39 AM
Senior Member

Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 10,970
Post The War Of Words


?VILIFY, ISOLATE and DESTROY? are three words that are the mainstay of ?George the Second?s? campaign against Saddam Hussein! For that matter, any war that has ever been fought, utilizes this same strategy to initiate action against a perceived enemy! And what, pray tell, is an enemy if not an entity with a contrary way of conducting big

This is probably an over simplification, and granted many more elements come into play when one is considering the most tragic of all human activities [WARFARE]! But war does, after all, have a way of extracting a nation [or a financial faction there-in] from political and/or economic discomfort. ?The cost of such activity, however, seldom [initially] enters the picture, and only emerges as an extremely painful afterthought!?

Very few people would not agree that Saddam Hussein has to be eliminated from the picture. ?I had, however, thought this to be the whole idea back in 1991!?? Then as now [or in any time frame for that matter], a potential enemy has to be made to appear as being less than human. We do this to them, and likewise, they do it to us! ?It is, after all, far easier to destroy someone who is perceived to be a world-class monster!?

?Well, Saddam needs no help in displaying what he really is!? The Beast of Baghdad is renowned for his atrocities, both against the Kurds, and his neighbors. As a matter of fact, even those in country [Iraq] who dared to speak-out or oppose Hussein, relative or not, have been snuffed out in a heartbeat. Of course, we too have had our Frank Olsens, Secretary Forrestalls, and Vince Fosters, but let?s get real - Hussein?s agenda [like Hitler?s some six plus decades earlier] knows no moral limitations!

This unfortunately, is the curse of absolute power and ego, and even the United States has trekked this path on a few occasions. [Ref: Slavery, the Trail of Tears, the WWI Bonus Marchers, Experimentation upon our own- 1937-?, etc.] And no one can deny that most wars are fought over assets, be they oil, control, power alone, revenge, or even a pecker match between world leaders, especially at the UN!! No matter what the catalyst of conflict, however, a blood-bath is usually begun with a ?War of [threatening] Words? and rarely through the reverberations of absolute ?Truth!? [opinion]

As it was the first time around [1991], the Brits and U.S. have embraced in their [rightful] condemnation of Iraq. We [truthfully] claim that Hussein has all but violated each and every term of his initial surrender pact, and a surrender it was!

?So what the hell else is new?? This [Saddam?s treachery] was a fore-drawn conclusion even before the ink was dry on his initial capitulation, eleven years ago! The liar [Hussein], like most purely-political types, sees no shame in being anything but truthful. ?No one, after all, ever said that politics was a totally honorable profession, save for the politician himself?? And this affliction is nearly pandemic in scope, as most of our ?So-Called Allies? share in this ?Tell Them What Ever They Want [or hunger] TO HEAR? agenda! As usual, our leadership is attempting to convince the world that ours is the righteous course, and actually, so it is, be it 11 years and many gallons of blood, late in coming!

It was also brought out that satellite photos clearly display that ?Two-Faced Saddam? is
playing for time to develop CBR potential, which of course would place him in a far loftier
bargaining position, would it not!? Just prior to the our last spate with Castro [Cuba], we also produced such photographic evidence of enemy intent, if you can recall? And that nearly led to World War III. Of course, back then it was a ?Genuine Case of National Security?, as Cuba and those Red Missiles, were perched but 90 or so miles off of our southern coast!

Now, I don?t really give a tinker?s damn about this ?Dick Chenny? fellow as I have little use for the man [opinion]. But he has said that ?Further Inspections? were out of then question, and in this respect, I feel that he is right on target, as inspections have accomplished little, save for finding that which we were meant to discover!

History does, after all, tell us that most people knew little about our Atomic experiments
[Manhattan Project], save for those few unwitting American civilians who were injected with radioactive elements, some time before we gifted Hiroshima with Little Boy!? Likewise, I am more than sure that Saddam Hussein? is attempting to keep his little ?Mass Destruction Projects? equally secret!

?The bottom line here is again obvious - Hussein has got to go the way of the dodo bird!? He, like Hitler in the mid to late 30?s, is a danger to mankind and a power-hungry maniac! Again, however, this job should have been done completely the first time around in ?Desert Storm!? Our troops, equipment, tactics, reasoning and right to act, were unquestionable. It was ?NOT? our gallant combatants who failed, but rather our politicians and world agenda that pulled us up short of the mark!

Love may well be wonderful the second time around, but war, be it against Great Britain [1776 and 1812], Germany [1917 and 1941], or Iraq [1991 and 2002], is never a cake-walk. Just ask the guys and gals who dodge the lead, and not those political types who sat safely behind their armor-plated desks, many thousands of miles away from the
scene of action!

Again, Hussein has to be eliminated, but this should have been accomplished over 4000 sunsets ago!!

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